
Health & Wellness

Healing our Matriarchal Lines: The Mother Wound

Healing our Matriarchal Lines: The Mother Wound

‘The Mother Wound’ - the pain of being a woman, which is passed down through generations of women living in Patriarchal cultures. Though it has been coined the mother wound, this should not imply that it is our mother’s fault. The wound was the result of survival mechanisms required to live in the patriarchal culture. Do you recognize any of the common coping mechanisms?

Valerian Tea for a Good Night's Sleep

Valerian Tea for a Good Night's Sleep

Unable to fall asleep at night due to overactive mind? Valerian to the rescue! After working with the herb for a whole month, mostly drinking it at night, my mind was not all over the place. I found myself more focused during the day, and in the morning was not feeling groggy. Drink Valerian tea to induce a great nights sleep quickly…

Are you Living your Best Life?

Are you Living your Best Life?

Living a better life does NOT have to be hard or arduous. It doesn’t have to take years as it did for me, and you definitely don’t have to go live in a cave and have some out of body experience to finally find happiness. In fact, all you need to do to start is two things…

You Can't Hurry Love

You Can't Hurry Love

Looking for love in today’s world is not as easy or fun as it may seem. Wondering if you will ever find Mr. Right, if you’re pretty enough, cute enough, young enough, strong enough, sexy enough… All the ridiculous doubts. But when I feel my knees knocking… when my courage is wavering… “When I feel my strength, it's almost gone," the wisdom of the Supremes plays in my mind: “You can't hurry love, you just have to wait, you got to trust, give it time, no matter how long it takes." No matter how long it takes!!! WHAT!?!…

How to Use your Past to Create your Ultimate Success Story

How to Use your Past to Create your Ultimate Success Story

Did you know that you can use your past to create your ultimate success story? What has happened to you that scared you, that you are ashamed of, that might carry a stigma with it, that was embarrassing for you? Too many of us think that we have to run away from our past, especially if that past is associated with a trauma. But what if I told you that every event, every trauma, has value. That everything we experience, everything… is a gift.

Perception is Powerful - Shifting it is Divine

Perception is Powerful - Shifting it is Divine

Have you ever been in a dilemma or crisis, and just as you were thinking there was no way out or around the problem, something shifted for you? An idea popped into your head, and you suddenly came up with a solution, or at the very least, a possible new direction you could move in? The shift you experienced was most likely in your perception. Suddenly you were able to see something or someone in a new light or a new way…

Flowering the Heart Activation

Flowering the Heart Activation

We are beautiful beings singing unique Divine songs that balance us at the heart center. From an awakened space, we can connect and receive with ease and grace. With consciousness, we are not attached, but witnessing the other and ourselves in total bliss, always. Today my goal is to help you reside in a greater awakening of your consciousness and connection to the All that Is, as we flower your heart.

Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love

A year ago, my son came home from a fair with a goldfish in a bag. My first response was "Oh, noooooo, you know you are not allowed to bring home carni-fish or stray animals.” But he did... and there began my relationship with Tony, our goldfish - a reminder of the importance of unconditional love, and how one can transform when given unconditional love.