

You Can't Hurry Love

You Can't Hurry Love

Looking for love in today’s world is not as easy or fun as it may seem. Wondering if you will ever find Mr. Right, if you’re pretty enough, cute enough, young enough, strong enough, sexy enough… All the ridiculous doubts. But when I feel my knees knocking… when my courage is wavering… “When I feel my strength, it's almost gone," the wisdom of the Supremes plays in my mind: “You can't hurry love, you just have to wait, you got to trust, give it time, no matter how long it takes." No matter how long it takes!!! WHAT!?!…

Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love

A year ago, my son came home from a fair with a goldfish in a bag. My first response was "Oh, noooooo, you know you are not allowed to bring home carni-fish or stray animals.” But he did... and there began my relationship with Tony, our goldfish - a reminder of the importance of unconditional love, and how one can transform when given unconditional love.

Love, Trust, and Transformation

Love, Trust, and Transformation

When you first meet someone, they trigger everything magical within you. That’s how the early stages of love begin. Should you be brave enough to reveal the real you, then this new love… if it’s real love, will trigger the bullshit within you that needs to resolve and heal. This is the time when lovers run. I know, I’ve run.