

The Universe is Calling - Are You Listening?

The Universe is Calling - Are You Listening?

One day, during a very somber time in my life, I came across a book that changed me forever. Once I read this book, everything I thought I knew about the world, and my relationships changed. In fact, the Universe knew I needed an adjustment, so to get my attention, it conveniently hit me over the head with the answers. How you might ask? Well…

Learn about the Sacral Chakra

Learn about the Sacral Chakra

The Sacral is our energy center where our personal passion for life is stored. In this center, all of our relationships, external to ourselves, are expressed. It's in this Chakra that all the passion a person has for life originates; passion for their career, their interests, the roles they play in life (mother, daughter, sister, friend, lover, employee, etc..), and the interpretation of love they receive from others - platonic or romantic.

This is the center where we experience balance or imbalance in sexual relationships, in how we express and receive love for our children or others, or in how we experience and express ourselves in our hobbies, interests, and career.

Learn about the Solar Plexus Chakr

Learn about the Solar Plexus Chakr

The Solar Plexus Chakra

The third chakra known as the Solar Plexus or in Sanskrit, Manipura (jeweled city, shining gem), projects your will and drive. It can sometimes show up as the spark that pushes you to reach the next level of something. It can also manifest as the sinking feeling in your gut when you make a “mistake”, tell a lie, or give away your right to choose or decide something for yourself..

The Solar Plexus is the home to your inner fire, your personal power, it represents your alignment with what your inner self knows is for your highest good. It is also where your ego lives.

  • How well do you know yourself?

  • How bad do you want something?

  • Can you discern between standing in your power and giving in to the EGO’s agenda?

The Solar Plexus is a vital source of power for all humans. It’s in this energy center that you will find your get up and go and drive to keep going or depending on the health of this power center, you may well be left with little or no incentive to do anything. You can feel on fire with and experience endless energy or be exhausted with digestion problems.

Learn about the Heart Chakra

Learn about the Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra

Just about everyone is aware of the heart chakra at the center of your chest or has heard the term “heart center.” If you put your hands together, as if in prayer, and bring them to your chest that is just about where your heart chakra is located. The color of this chakra is green, and it houses much more than love. Your sense of empathy, compassion, nurturing, connection, and forgiveness is tied to this Chakra.

Full Moon Invocation & Visualization

Full Moon Invocation & Visualization

Full moons, new moons, blue moons, blood moons, wolf moon, worm moon, snow moon, pink moon, harvest moons, flower moon, haunted moons, moon river... oh my! What do we need to do and when to get the most benefit of their powerful energies?

Do not Disturb - Meditating!

Do not Disturb - Meditating!

One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is peace. Doesn’t that sound wonderful? 

When you think of peace, do you picture yourself alone on a mountaintop with the wind blowing through your hair? Or perhaps lying on a beach somewhere breathing in and out to the beat of the ocean waves?  Find out how to quiet your mind and download this FREE Grounding Meditation.

I found freedom in the woods...

I found freedom in the woods...

As I walked up the stairs to enter the healing space, I was a little unsure about what I was about to experience. I felt resistance in me...why? I know enough to know that when I feel resistance, it means that my internal sonar is sounding off. That sonar is like an alarm, warning me that I need to look more deeply at what is happening, or about to 'go down.'

5 Easy Ways to become more Mindful and to Shift your Mindset

5 Easy Ways to become more Mindful and to Shift your Mindset

Discover 5 ways you can heal your negative relationship with food. Food has evolved historically and socially, and within us biologically and emotionally, from the primary source of nourishment and survival to one of convenience, community, comfort, abundance, and pleasure. It is not surprising that food has become such a problem for so many.