
MAN HOLDING A COIN - Male Connection in Money, Health, or Value

MAN HOLDING A COIN - Energy Oracle Cards

Male Connection in Money, Health, or Value

My oh my… this could mean so many things.

This can mean a new love interest in a wealthy man or man from work… ooh, just in time to prepare for Valentine’s Day.

It is tax time, however, so it could also be a new financial advisor or healer to remove financial blocks.

Either way this person could be helpful and bring sage advice, BUT it is important that you tune into your own intuitive guidance and weigh the information you receive.

Remember that “greater success is on its way if you take control of your own finances and act.” Looks like today may be a good day to organize those tax receipts and get ready to roll financially into 2019.

*This week’s deck is the Energy Oracle Cards by Sandra Anne Taylor.

FINANCIAL CONSTRAINTS - Restrictions Concerning Money


Restrictions Concerning Money

“This is not a time of indulgence, so be aware of what’s really important and consciously choose your expenditures.”

This is the old… what you NEED vs. what you WANT. Take care of your needs now, but do not worry, as the safe door is open, so it is only a matter of time. Things will get better. Be conservative now and be grateful for all you have - for gratitude is the feeling of abundance, and creates abundance.

*This week’s deck is the Energy Oracle Cards by Sandra Anne Taylor.

Dove Spirit - Be Peace

Be peace.

Take a moment and just feel into the image. Can you feel it… peace and calm rising in your heart?

“With her peaceful cooing, the gentle Dove Spirit invites you to embrace the energy of peace and allow compassion to warm your heart. You always have the power to generate peace within you, and the appearance of the Dove Spirit is a reminder that today and every day is a good day to meditate, to quiet any turbulence within as you embody tranquility.”

Today, regardless of what is going on around you, you are being asked to BE at peace, to keep peace and be the peacemaker, if necessary. Do not step into situations you are not meant to be in, but if you must, be prepared to agree to disagree and walk away.

*This week’s deck is the Spirit Animal Oracle (affiliate link) by Colette Baron-Reid.

THE WYZARD - The Faery Forest Oracle

Rune King, Wise One, Counsellor

When the Wyzard is present it indicates that you are in alignment with your purpose and walking forward along your spiritual path...

You are beginning to live as you knew you could who you knew you could what you knew was possible...

“You are living your intuitive life outwardly in the world.”

Not everyone will “get” you, but that’s okay...just keep moving forward, Doing what you’re doing, and being who you are...

All is well in your world.

*This week’s deck is the The Faery Forest Oracle (affiliate link).

Unseelie Queen - Faery Forest Oracle

Daily Divination

Glamour, Opulence, Hubris

There is something or someone trying to dampen your spirit, to take away your self-esteem. Perhaps you feel beaten down or defeated.

Now is the time to hold steadfast to the knowing that you are good, your hopes and dreams are valid, and that perhaps you may need to consider leaving a toxic situation.

Whatever the case, dig deep, lean on your inner strength, and know that you are valuable, you are worthy, and that your spirit team is surrounding you with love and encouragement.

*This week’s deck is the Faery Forest Oracle by Lucy Cavendish (affiliate link).

The Faery Norn - The Faery Forest Oracle

The Faery Norn
planning, patience, cooperation

“There is clutter and some chaos about you. There is no blame in that, but your job now is to begin to tidy up your life - to shape it and make it into a form that is more contained, more organized, and somehow, for all this control, more free.”

This is a highly emotional week. You will be best served if you “pull it together.”

Take a walk in nature to clear and center your inner self.

Clean and organize your physical surroundings, so you feel balanced and aligned.

Be prepared for what is climaxing now at the full moon tomorrow.

Stay in grace and gratitude...

*This week’s deck is the The Faery Forest Oracle (affiliate link).

SHAPESHIFTER - The Faery Forest Oracle

Transformation, Primal wisdom, Instinct

This card is good news …

The Shapeshifter is here to tell us we CAN change; we can transform…

All the things you have not even dared to whisper aloud will soon become apparent to others - because you are TRANSFORMING.

This message is for you to get ready for change, get ready to be amazed at just what you can do when you give yourself a chance...when you dare yourself to go further.

Do not deny yourself this chance to develop and grow...

*This week’s deck is The Faery Forest Oracle (affiliate link).

THE GREEN MAN - The Faery Forest Oracle

Initiative, Fertilisation, Action

The green man indicates that now is a time of renewal, new beginnings, and new connections.

It is time for you to actively pursue the life you want to live!

This energy must have direction...not necessarily tamed, but pointed in the right direction to flow with ease and grace.

The catalyst for this comes from are in alignment with source, with your purpose.

All is well in your world.

*This week’s deck is the The Faery Forest Oracle (affiliate link).

THE GOLDEN UNICORN - The Faery Forest Oracle

Protector, Guardian, Champion

Today is a day to set intentions and plan for what you would like to experience instead of what you might have been experiencing. How wonderful that the Golden Unicorn is here to support you!

Everyone deserves to have another person in their life to whom they can turn for protection and care. When this card comes for you, the Golden Unicorn is showing you the path to a person, advisor, or mentor who will assist you through the challenges you are now facing.

When the Golden Unicorn appears, it is as a beacon of hope, for with the right guidance, what seems to be impossible can be achieved, and you will no longer feel so raw, vulnerable, and unable to go on.

If there is conflict or strife happening in your world, know that when this Unicorn is present, there is new protective energy about you, and it is safe for you to leave the current circumstances and create a new path.

This energy also sets the scene for good people to enter your life to help heal the pain of friendships that have fallen...

*This week’s deck is The Faery Forest Oracle (affiliate link).

FOCUS - Earth Magic Oracle


What a beautiful way to begin the week - Be sure to get outside and breathe in the air and dwell in the gratitude of the nature that surrounds you.

Quartz crystals, and in this card, amethyst, has been used for years in magic and healing - “they help focus the power of our life force, or Spirit. Where attention goes, power flows - and crystals magnify this power tenfold.”

Intention influences where our attention goes… so what are your intentions? Take time today to become crystal clear on what you want to co-create in this life. Be still, take a walk in Nature, bring along a crystal (if you have one) and see what clarity you receive.

*This week’s deck is the Earth Magic Oracle by Steven D. Farmer (affiliate link).

8 ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL RX - The Akashic Tarot


So what happened? Are you experiencing difficulties, raw emotion, a physical or emotional struggle? Why are you resisting healing?

Do your best today to get quiet and receive the healing love and light from the angels, especially from Archangel Raphael. He longs to bring his light and love to your life. Open your heart, ask for help, and let him in.

When you do, you may find your miracle awaits!!

*This week’s deck is the Akashic Tarot by Sharon Anne Klingler & Sandra Anne Taylor.

Need Help Hearing your Soul’s Voice? Check out how Laurie Elle can help you.

REFLECTION (RX) - The Akashic Tarot


Are lower energies taking over your experience?
Your connection to Source is interrupted…

This card is a simple and clear sign - reconnect to your Highest Self.

“It’s time to look within and understand the emotional storms that are influencing you - do they stem from lack or fear?”

Once you reconnect to Source, your light will turn back on.

All is well in your world.

*This week’s deck is the Akashic Tarot (affiliate link).

4 of Scrolls Karmic Trench RX - The Akashic Tarot

KARMIC TRENCH (reversed)

This is great news!! The karmic trench represents an unhealthy cycle that is repeating in your life, be it physical, emotional, or spiritual. So, when this card shows up reversed it means...Hooray! You finally see it for what it is, and you can stop digging the trench any deeper. In fact, you might just want to put the shovel down completely.

You now have all the resources you need to bring about lasting change - plant new seeds and get ready to harvest new life!

A word of warning...if you experienced a relationship break up or some other sudden change or loss...this is what was necessary to get you unstuck. Take a breath and give yourself some space to separate from any raw emotions. Do your best not to get caught up in the drama and find yourself pulled back down into a trench you no longer need to be in...

This week’s deck is the Akashic Tarot by Sharon Anne Klingler & Sandra Anne Taylor.

Up in the Air - The Akashic Tarot


I know you WANT TO KNOW what’s going to happen next, but here’s the thing…

There are just too many unknowns right now - things are still falling into place.

Please go within, connect, listen, but don’t be upset if you don’t hear much. This is a time for faith. You are held, you are protected. The Universe really does have your back.

All is well.

*This week’s deck is the Akashic Tarot by Sharon Anne Klingler & Sandra Anne Taylor.


CAUGHT IN THE RUINS (reversed) - Akashic Tarot

Ahhh...can you feel the relief?

Some dark and confining situation is FINALLY coming to an end.

You’ve discovered you can break free from self-imposed limits. Now you’ve escaped, and you’ve started to put the prison of the past - the false and limiting beliefs - behind you.

It’s time to move into that new field you planted...the one where the new opportunities and new life live!!

One thing to be mindful of - don’t be too overconfident right now...

This healthy energy is new, and the old was a powerful cycle that kept you slipping back under is still a possibility. Stay focused, humble, and true to yourself, and you’ll be fine.

*This week’s deck is the Akashic Tarot by Sharon Anne Klingler & Sandra Anne Taylor.

Summer Solstice - Earth Magic Oracle

Daily Divination


“Let the radiance of the sun inspire your inner radiance to shine forth. Release your concerns about what may happen in the future, and focus on appreciating everything you have that is good and right.”

The sun may have moved on from Leo, but that does not mean we cannot hang onto some of that summer, Leo energy and dance, sing, play, and celebrate. Release all your worries - even if only for a day - and let the love in your heart shine and ENJOY LIFE!

*This week’s deck is the Earth Magic Oracle by Steven D. Farmer (affiliate link).

Earth Magic Oracle - Breath


The trees give us an amazing supply of oxygen… you cannot help but take a deep breath when surrounded by these amazing, generous, awe inspiring and life-giving plants.

Your breathing is too shallow now… I can feel you, as it is a habit of mine as well. All too often, you may notice you are shallow breathing or even holding your breath. You are not even consciously aware you are doing it. This throws your body into flight or fight response physiologically, even when it is not necessary.

“So… breathe! Inhale deeply, regardless of your concerns, worries, or problems; then let it go. Next, allow yourself to breathe a little deeper and slower a few times. Remember that every breath you inhale is a gift, and every breath you exhale is a gift.”

*This week’s deck is the Earth Magic Oracle by Steven D. Farmer (affiliate link).

Reflection - Earth Magic Oracle


As we head into the weekend you are being asked to take time for reflection.

Look at the past months - what lessons have you learned, what have you accomplished, and what dreams and visions do you want to manifest in the coming months?

Regardless of what has happened, or how, “honor it with gratitude and forgiveness. Then let it go.”

In your reflection and stillness, allow your imagination and mind to wander to what could be… the possibilities are endless, as are your powers to co-create. However, “patience and stillness is called for here, for just as the Earth cycles have their own pace, so does this cycle.”

*This week’s deck is the Earth Magic Oracle by Steven D. Farmer (affiliate link).

Vulnerability - Earth Magic Oracle


Look at the stunning beauty in the openness of this meadow.

Can you be this open? Can you be this vulnerable?

You are being asked to be more open to your heart, to be vulnerable, and let your light shine.

Being vulnerable can be scary… but it can also be so beautiful. Showing your true self - all sides of her - is liberating, freeing, and will open you to the blossoming of your soul.

For when you are closed, the sunshine, the nourishment from the universe, cannot reach your inner light, your inner passions, the seed of your soul. You must be open to allow it to grow, thrive and shine.

*This week’s deck is the Earth Magic Oracle by Steven D. Farmer (affiliate link).

Waterfall - Earth Magic Oracle

Daily Divination


What if we could just go with the flow… wouldn’t life be effortless?

“You have come to the edge of your comfort zone and find yourself fighting to resist moving past that perceived precipice of who you are, how you can be, or what you can do. Spirit is asking you to step beyond the edge and allow yourself to do so with ease rather than struggle.”

The key is allowing and surrendering to the movement. You will find that in the movement is a natural flow, an ease and a grace… but you must take the first step.

*This week’s deck is the Earth Magic Oracle by Steven D. Farmer (affiliate link).