
Freedom - Moving Beyond Addictive Behaviors

Freedom - Moving Beyond Addictive Behaviors

Do you ever wonder...Why? Why am I going through this again? I thought I already experienced this situation, feeling, emotion, argument, life lesson. Why can’t I be FREE from whatever cycle I am caught up in?? I recently had a moment of clarity about one of my own life cycles that has been “on repeat” for as long as I can remember...

Herbal Remedies to Fight Colds, Flu & Seasonal Affective Disorder

Herbal Remedies to Fight Colds, Flu & Seasonal Affective Disorder

Whether we’re dealing with illnesses such as cold or flu, or mood disorders such as SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), winter can bring many health challenges. Fortunately, as an Herbalist, I’ve learned of many herbs and simple, affordable recipes that can help prevent and relieve these symptoms.

Is the Clutter in Your Home Holding You Back in Life?

Is the Clutter in Your Home Holding You Back in Life?

Have you ever found yourself frantically tidying up your home before company arrives? If so, you’re not alone. If you walk into nearly any house, chances are that you’ll find an abundance of clutter. BUT did you know that this physical clutter blocks proper energy flow throughout our homes and creates a block within our lives?  

"Elderly" Mom? - A Lesson in Gratitude

"Elderly" Mom? - A Lesson in Gratitude

I’ll never forget reading the header on my pregnancy blood work report - “Elderly Multigravida.” Elderly? That’s ludicrous. I laugh now as I recall this, but remember thinking to myself, “If I’m so elderly, how did I get pregnant?” What I did not know at the time, was how many gifts being an "elderly" mom would bring me...

#OracleMonday March 5th, 2018 - Journey of Love Oracle

#OracleMonday March 5th, 2018 - Journey of Love Oracle

#OracleMonday features Journey of Love Oracle cards by Alana Fairchild. They bring powerful messages for the week along with maybe other hidden messages within the beautiful artwork of Rassouli.  Which ones spoke to you this week?