
Astrology & Numerology

The New Moon

The New Moon

Each New Moon is a chance to begin again. Each month, every 28 days, we are given a fresh cycle to begin anew. Twelve, sometimes 13 times a year, a New Moon occurs. These initiate larger cycles within the context of our lives. How can we optimize this fresh start, this NEW MOON energy?

Rising Sign: What is its significance in our Natal Chart?

 Rising Sign: What is its significance in our Natal Chart?

What exactly is a Rising Sign (also known as the Ascendant) and why would it garner so much attention as to be mentioned in the same phrase as a Sun sign?  And, what significance does it have on your life? Because it is the literal starting point of our entire chart.  It is the eastern-most point on our chart at the moment of our birth.  Thus the Rising Sign determines where every single planet falls in our chart…

What's my Moon Sign... and what does it say about me?

What's my Moon Sign... and what does it say about me?

What’s my moon sign and what does it say about me? Many of us are familiar with our Sun sign. We will occasionally read our horoscope in newspapers, magazines or online. However, there is much more to our own personal horoscope. Each planet, from the Moon to Pluto, is in a particular sign and house at the moment of our birth. Together, these comprise our astrological chart. The Moon is our emotional interior, our feelings, how we interpret and digest stimulus on the deepest level.  Only when we are very, very at ease, do we show our Moon and relate to others with it.

October Astrological Forecast: Put your cards on the table!

October Astrological Forecast: Put your cards on the table!

October Astrology Forecast: Libra Libra Libra… the beginning of fall heralds in the ♎️Libra season. ♎️Libra is known for peace, negotiation, art, and beauty. It strives for balance, equality, and reconciliation between differences. But this sign of order is lesser-known for ruling open adversaries. ♎️Libra represents opposing views and those who hold them. Hmmmmm….

September Astrological Forecast: Know-how meets And-how!

September Astrological Forecast: Know-how meets And-how!

A remarkably quieter month cosmically, September’s low key energy keeps us grounded. September is humble and relatively drama-free, but please don’t mistake the softer spoken sign of ♍️Virgo for a pushover......used well, the planetary alignments from September 1st to the 🌕Full Moon on the 13th are nothing short of miraculous.

July Astrological Forecast - An invitation to Dignity & Decency

July Astrological Forecast - An invitation to Dignity & Decency

Are you ready for change? With 2 eclipses, 2 new moons and Mercury Retrograde, you may have no choice! The intense cosmic activity asks us as individuals and as a nation, where is our compassion these days? Are we acting in the most nurturing way possible for all involved? July is a very active celestial month. Right out of the gate BOOM go the fireworks! We barely scratch the surface of this first full month of ⛱summer when on Tuesday, July 2nd , the 🌑New Moon occurs. Not just any old New Moon, July kick starts a fresh lunar cycle with a Solar Eclipse.

June Astrological Forecast - Crunch Time

June Astrological Forecast - Crunch Time

The third and final month of Spring continues to offer a great push forward. Take advantage of this full steam ahead energy before eclipse season and Mercury retrograde in July. Plant and tend to all relationships and endeavors you want to grow. June veritably drips with abundant opportunities to build the life you desire from the ground up. You really don’t have to look that hard; simply be open and open-minded to what is around and available to you.

May Astrological Forecast - Back to Basics

May Astrological Forecast - Back to Basics

April showers (or retrogrades), bring May flowers… RIGHT!?!?! May is rarely a quiet month. Gardeners and outdoor workers go into overdrive; weddings and graduations multiply like rabbits, endings leading to new beginnings abound. In recognition of this, the cosmos is accordingly calm this May, acknowledging that our plates are FULL. There is more than enough keeping us occupied without excess planetary tricks. BUT… there is still a lot going on…