
Byron Katie

I found freedom in the woods...

I found freedom in the woods...

As I walked up the stairs to enter the healing space, I was a little unsure about what I was about to experience. I felt resistance in me...why? I know enough to know that when I feel resistance, it means that my internal sonar is sounding off. That sonar is like an alarm, warning me that I need to look more deeply at what is happening, or about to 'go down.'

Why Am I Telling You This Story?

Why Am I Telling You This Story?

It was the final night alone in the woods, and I had an appointment at the outdoor sauna. I had no idea what to expect, except that I had a private appointment in this beautiful outdoor wooden structure. When I arrived, it was starting to get dark. I was greeted by two women who walked me through the process of taking care of the sauna... This was not exactly what I had expected. I didn't realize I was going to be completely alone!

Outdoor Sauna - Scared, dark, and alone in the woods

Outdoor Sauna - Scared, dark, and alone in the woods

It was the final night alone in the woods, and I had an appointment at the outdoor sauna. I had no idea what to expect, except that I had a private appointment in this beautiful outdoor wooden structure. When I arrived, it was starting to get dark. I was greeted by two women who walked me through the process of taking care of the sauna... This was not exactly what I had expected. I didn't realize I was going to be completely alone!

I floated down a river, and found the "real me"...

I floated down a river, and found the "real me"...

After that first night ALONE IN THE WOODS, I could never have imagined how I would find the ‘real me’ while floating down a river in Maine. When is the last time you sang? I don't mean in your shower or in your car where no one else could hear you. I mean, when is the last time you sang with another human being, proclaiming joy through a melody? It's been a long time since I sang with anyone over the age of four, but last month, I sang with Jen as we floated down a gentle river in Maine. That canoe ride changed my life forever.

I Went Alone To the Woods... and everything changed

I Went Alone To the Woods... and everything changed

I went alone to the woods, and everything changed. Well, when I say that everything changed, I mean everything about my inner perspective changed. My outer life, for all intents and purposes, is still mostly the same...so far. But my heart, well, it’s clearer, beating stronger, and feeling lighter than it has in a very long time…