
Learn about the Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is located at the center of your chest. You may have heard the term “heart-centered” before, which refers to this energy center,

If you put your hands together, as if in prayer, and bring them to your chest, that is just about where your heart chakra is located. The color of this chakra is green. Sometimes people also reference the color pink for this chakra as well.

Why pink? Pink is the color of Unconditional Love and many Intuitives sense this “color” here, even though it is not technically an official color or vibrational match for this Chakra.

This energy center houses so much more than love…

Your sense of empathy, compassion, nurturing, connection, and forgiveness is tied to this Chakra. 

The Heart Chakra is said to be a bridge between the three physical (or earthly) chakras (root, sacral, and solar plexus) and the three spiritual chakras (throat, third eye, and crown).

The Heart is the bridge connecting body and spirit.

How do you know if your heart chakra is in alignment?

When someone’s heart chakra is excessively open, they might be characterized as overly dramatic or emotional. They also may show up as:

  • jealous,

  • demanding,

  • co-dependent,

  • unable to keep healthy boundaries with others,

  • wrapped up in other people’s drama,

  • unable to say no,

  • caught in a martyr type syndrome, or

  • people-pleasers.

Click here to download your FREE Solar Plexus Chakra Mantra TODAY!

When a person’s Heart Chakra is blocked, they may seem closed off, cynical, or downright mean. Other characteristics can be:

  • bitter,

  • someone who hold grudges,

  • antisocial,

  • withdrawn,

  • overly shy,

  • critical and cold,

  • depressed and lonely,

  • they may fear intimacy,

  • be passive-aggressive,

  • selfish and self-involved.

The misalignment in this chakra can be subtle or more substantial, resulting in more extreme behaviors. Misalignment falls on a spectrum, and if someone tells you that your heart chakra is “blocked’, it does not necessarily mean you possess the worst of these qualities. 

Are you ready to care for & nurture your Heart Chakra? 

Like the other chakras, you can balance the heart chakra through meditation, crystals, food, essential oils, and affirmations.

Here are some other suggestions to balance the heart chakra:

  • Forgive someone

  • Get out in nature

  • Perform random acts of kindness

I particularly love that last one…

Try performing a random act of kindness every day for a week.

Hmmm… sounds like we need to have another challenge - what do you think?

AUTHOR:  Kim Galliher is a Freelance Writer from Las Vegas. She helps coaches, solopreneurs,
and small businesses by catapulting them into the success they only dreamed about.