
Full Moon Invocation & Visualization

FREE Full Moon Meditation, mindfulness, full moon ritual

Full moons, new moons, blue moons, blood moons, wolf moon, worm moon, snow moon, pink moon, harvest moons, flower moon, haunted moons, moon river... oh my!

What do we need to do and when to get the most benefit of their powerful energies?

full moon ritual
  • Do you release things or set intentions?

  • Do you have to write them down, chant them, burn them, bury them, or float them away in a bottle?

  • Do you have to dance naked under the full moon... in bare feet... while chanting... playing drums and using singing bowls?

  • Do you have to meditate, set up crystal grids, and drink elixirs?

You can google your way into oblivion.

Many different cultures and spiritual modalities have ceremonies, superstitions, rituals, and procedures to follow. So which ones work; which ones should you do?

Spiritually speaking… do them all, do some, or do none!

Do what works for YOU, do what resonates with YOU, do what feels good to YOU.  

Spirit, Divine Source, God, Goddess Moon, or whatever ENERGIES you are calling to, do not care WHEN, WHAT, or HOW you do it.

It only matters that you do it honestly, with integrity and intention - while truly listening to your HEART and your SOUL.

It does not matter whether you are under the night sky, basking in the moon’s rays, or not - The moon’s energy is always there for us all to tap into.

Let Go & Set New Intentions

Full moons, regardless of what type it is or what culture or modality you want to follow, are always a great time to RELEASE what is no longer serving you.  Time to LET IT GO!

Once you release and let it go, you make room for what you DO want in your life to find its way to you. So, be honest with yourself, and get crystal clear on what you want. You must FEEL what it will be like when you have it.

Take some time to contemplate and create your lists of what to let go of and what to manifest.

Full Moon Invocation

Then, create a beautiful image of a full moon in your mind’s eye and walk through this guided visualization/meditation. Just download the recording and use it to call upon the energy of the moon to transmute and release the old while adding oomph to your own manifestation powers!!

Sign up below to receive the audio and written version of this guided meditation so you can sit back, relax, feel and visualize.

Here is a list of all the things you may want to release…

  • I RELEASE... fear & doubt

  • I RELEASE... anger & resentment

  • I RELEASE... the judgment of myself & others

    I RELEASE... that which is not mine

  • I RELEASE... limiting beliefs

  • I RELEASE... all obstacles to my path

  • I RELEASE... those relationships that no longer serve my highest good

  • I RELEASE... all feelings of unworthiness

  • I RELEASE... attachment to outcomes

  • I RELEASE all that which is no longer in alignment with my Highest Self for the greater good.

Now think about what you do want to experience in your life! Set your intentions... 
for JOY, for LOVE, for PEACE...whatever your heart truly desires.

Be sure that you state your intentions out loud or in your mind, as if they are already here - FEEL THEM as if they already exist - feeling it is what makes it real.

  • All that I am, I love.

  • All is well in my world

  • I am open to receive the abundance that is all around me.

  • I AM joyful

  • I AM happy in my most important relationships

  • I AM safe and secure

  • I HAVE all the financial abundance I want and need

Speak from your heart, from the deepest part of your soul. Speak with love and light.

POP UP FULL- MOON copy.jpg

Don’t forget!

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Be sure to download the audio and full written version of this Full Moon Invocation - Just subscribe below and check your email!

Sending you love, light & powerful moon vibe healing.