
5 Tantric Gateways to Embodiment

I have always been sensitive and feel things more deeply. Most of us start out that way, although we unfortunately live in a society where we are taught to not fully express our emotions and even suppress them. Instead of allowing tears to flow, we tend to bottle them up and store them inside of us. In the long run, these emotions create sickness within our five bodies - Physical Body, Emotional Body, Energetic Body, Mental Body, and Spiritual Body.

Over time, the depth of pain, hurt, and trauma may seem overwhelming and relentless, but we have to keep turning inwards. Each time we face ourselves by gently bringing our awareness to the pain, we begin to transform it. If we choose not to, we may be avoiding it, but the pain doesn’t just go away.

This is about being honest with ourselves to come into our true power. Our power lies in our emotions, in our transparency and commitment to our own awakening.

Do you have an emotion that you are unsure about how to move through? Anger, Sadness, Frustration, Anxiety….

I know that when I experience these emotions, by using the practice I share below, I have found that I can alchemize these emotions into gold (freedom and joy).

The 5 gateways that I want to share with you allow you to feel your body, become aware of your body, and become really present with the NOW instead of focusing on the past or the future. I will guide you through the practice itself, which you can use at any given moment, anywhere you might be, and whenever needed.

Remember, emotions are just energy in motion. They are bodily sensations that are here to bring your awareness to what is wanting to move through you and be expressed. Since most of us live with suppressed emotions, we must learn how to move and express them.

Releasing any trauma stored in the body enables us to feel more relaxed in our bodies, be more present, and have less tension, which for me, equals freedom and joy.

sound, movement, flow

5 Tantric Gateways

Using Your Breath

Close your eyes and become conscious of your breath.

Allow your breath to expand your belly on your inhalation and on the exhalation, allow your body to completely relax.

Allowing Sound

Adding a sigh on the exhale helps you to drop out of your mind and back into your body. It helps to release any anxiety.

Sound is something else that we have learned to suppress, but it is such a key to opening up and releasing the stuck energy.

Free Movement

Notice how a certain sensation (emotion or energy) wants to move through your body. Allow this sensation to take on a life of its own and to move you.

Maybe this looks like dancing, stretching, shaking. How does your body want to move? What does this sensation need in order to unwind?

tender touch, third eye, release

A Tender Touch

Touching your body where this sensation is stored is key to embodiment. Be aware and add a tender touch to any place that you might be needing to connect with or where you feel emotion stuck.

Presence & Awareness

Bring your full awareness to the moment that you are in, this present moment here and now, to the sensation within your body, to the stuck emotion, to the sensation moving through your body.

Bring your full focus and attention to your breath and where you are touching. Your presence to this very moment is so powerful and healing. Be here now. Give yourself your loving presence, compassion, and attention.


You can bring this practice into any given moment. The more that you are aware and present with what is arising in your ‘bodies’ and the more you create space to feel and embody what is arising, the easier it is going to be to move through them. This means that is will become easier and easier to feel more freedom, and with freedom comes joy and love.

I love these 5 gateways because they are simple and yet powerful. They are the basis for most of my teachings, and for all of my self practices for embodying my true self.

You see, underneath all of our emotions is where the treasure is found - the gold that brings us to our truest self and desires. We no longer have to feel ashamed of our emotions. We no longer have to stuff them down. We can relearn how to have compassion for ourselves and how to embody how we feel. There is a lot of gold here. This path of embodiment has many treasures to be found.

My Shamanic Feminine Embodiment Sessions can help further detox yourself of old limiting self-perceptions so that you can step into the next version of you!

Tamar Gail - Shamanic Priestess & Teacher of Feminine Embodiment

AUTHOR: Tamar Gail is an OSYL Shamanic Priestess & Teacher of Feminine Embodiment. She uses her studies in Sacred Female Yoga, Shamanic Healing, Tantra, Coaching, Women’s Healing Arts & Feminine Mysteries to help you awaken and integrate the gifts and powers that you already embody. Together you can unravel the beauty and wisdom already within you. She is here to guide you to living a life aligned with your highest potential.

Find out more about Leanne and her services HERE.