Diana Cooper

Turtle - Archangel Animal Oracle

TURTLE- Archangel Animal Oracle, Diana Cooper

Be joyful and trusting.

Where are you shutting down, closing off, or putting up walls to protect yourself?

It’s understandable to want to protect yourself from unhealthy situations or circumstances that are distressing you; however, when you shut down and close yourself off, you also keep out the good.

Instead of putting up walls, align with Spirit, and surround yourself with light.

“You can call in love, prosperity, happiness, joy, and all manner of good things, but be sure to visualize others and the whole planet receiving this stream of bounty with you. Trust that the universe loves you and that everything will work out for the highest good. The rich and generous universe is ready to bring you plenty, so value who you truly are…”

*This week’s deck is the Archangel Animal Oracle Cards (affiliate link) by Diana Cooper.

Llama - Archangel Animal Oracle

Daily Divination- July 31, 2022
Set clear boundaries & enforce them.

Today, even if it feels counterintuitive, or you are “fearful” of repercussions, do your best to be true to yourself. Not with ego, but with your highest good in mind, ask yourself, what am I willing to allow and where do I draw the line?

“This is a card of pure love. It suggests your heart is warm and open, so you may let others impose on your good nature or drain you. Decide what is acceptable for you, then it is important to set clear boundaries. As we are all energetically entwined it may be enough for you to define these boundaries mentally. However, your guidance is to be prepared to enforce them tactfully if necessary. Then you will find it easier to follow your heart and be loyal, caring and patient with your loved ones and those in need. “

You are loved and supported.

*This week’s deck is the Archangel Animal Oracle Cards (affiliate link) by Diana Cooper.

RAVEN - Archangel Animal Oracle

Daily Divination - July 30, 2022
Prepare for Change

Why does a single Raven appear to you? To bring your attention to change, to prepare you for something potentially unexpected...so that you are not caught off guard.

Today, this is your single Raven.

Don’t go into fear; just be alert and aware.

“Be positive and wholesome. Examine your intentions and make clear ones for everyone’s good, including your own. A pure vision sets your journey to enlightenment and ascension. The raven suggests that you have skills and talents that will enable you to bypass obstacles in a clever and different way. It also warns you to be prepared for sudden change or a transition into something unexpected and new. You have all the support and help you need for the transition ahead.”

*This week’s deck is the Archangel Animal Oracle Cards (affiliate link) by Diana Cooper.

Kingfisher - Archangel Animal Oracle

Daily Divination - July 29, 2022

Be patient and focused.

“Kingfishers carry pure unconditional love in their auras and spread it wherever they go.”

What does your heart desire? Now is the time to set your sights on what it is your heart truly wants and is for your highest and best good. Focus on that and then wait...not with inaction, but with patience and clarity of mind and heart.

Set your intention like the Kingfisher does, and patiently wait as you draw your desires to you with a clear mind, clear heart, and clear action.

*This week’s deck is the Archangel Animal Oracle by Diana Cooper (affiliate link).

Butterfly - Archangel Animal Oracle

Daily Divination - July 28, 2022

Archangel Preminilek

“Be ready to transform with wisdom.”

Butterflies have always been an amazing example of how great change and complete transformation is possible. They are also messengers of the Angels.

Now is a time for profound transformation. You are ready to emerge from your cocoon, but do not rush the process of spreading your wings and flying off.

Enjoy a time of relaxation admiring your new colors, your new wings. Fully integrate the lessons and wisdom gained through the transformation, deciding how you want these changes to appear in your life.

“See the world through eyes of expectation and do everything with a new joy and lightness.”

*This week’s deck is the Archangel Animal Oracle by Diana Cooper (affiliate link).

Bear - Archangel Animal Oracle

Daily Divination - July 27, 2022

Archangel Uriel and Jophiel

“Use power with wisdom.”

We all have power and strength, but it is not always the wisest choice to use it for the sake of display or control.

Bear is here to remind us to use the wisdom we have within. It may not be the time to push forward, forcing things with brute strength, just because we can. There is a time for action and a time for hibernation… and both require the power and wisdom that come from within.

Use your heart to bypass your ego-mind and connect with the wisdom of the ages… the source, the light, the love of the universe. Through this connection, you will know how and when to use your power without controlling all aspects of the outcome.

*This week’s deck is the Archangel Animal Oracle by Diana Cooper (affiliate link).

Rat - Archangel Animal Oracle

Daily Divination - July 26, 2022
Archangel Gabriel and Zadkiel

“Be true to yourself and the Universe will reward you.”

“The rat card reminds you that when you are acting with the best and noblest intentions you may still be misunderstood.” That also means that you may also misunderstand.

We can not always know what other’s motivations or intents are, just as they cannot always know ours. That is why it is important to be true to our hearts, be true to our souls.

When we go within and stay true to that, releasing judgment and ego, things flow more smoothly. Raise your vibration and your frequency to allow the Universe to work on your behalf with ease and grace.

*This week’s deck is the Archangel Animal Oracle by Diana Cooper (affiliate link).

Cat - Archangel Animal Oracle

Daily Divination - July 25, 2022

Be relaxed and independent.

"Domestic Cats watch over and protect the homes where they live, while big cats are watchers and protectors of the planet. They are all healers."

Cats always seem to be calm, relaxed, and mindful. The perfect meditators! This lets them hear clear messages from Spirit and when they show up in your life, its a reminder that "everything you need to know is already within you" - relax, listen for Spirit's guidance, follow your intuition and be centered and calm like our furry friends the cats."

One more note about Cats, they are very independent - and this goes with today's message - seek your answers from within, don't go looking for others to solve your problems...be courageous and independent like the Lion!

*This week’s deck is the Archangel Animal Oracle by Diana Cooper (affiliate link).

Earth Dragon - Dragon Oracle

Daily Divination - Thursday, November 04, 2021

Stay grounded.

“It is time to clear unwanted energies that are preventing your life from moving forward.” The dragons can clear these, but YOU must also let them go… anything that is no longer for your highest good.

Your intentions, words, and thoughts must all align to letting them go - otherwise, you may actually be the one who keeps calling them back in.

Stay grounded - get out in nature - and allow your vision to expand in this groundedness. What is the vision of your life… what are your intentions? Get clear, for you have an opportunity to utilize the New Moon energies tomorrow to plant those seeds of intention.

*This week’s deck is the Dragon Oracle Cards by Diana Cooper (affiliate link).

Silver Dragon - Dragon Oracle

Daily Divination - Wednesday, November 03, 2021

Look into your soul.

“You are ready to reveal yourself and be who you truly can be.”

Again, we are all being called to look within. The silver dragon exudes love, peace, balance, and calmness. Sit in this energy and listen. What are your heart and soul telling you?

Allow the shimmering silver of the dragon to reflect back to you the hidden aspects and higher possibilities.

This forced “time-out” in the world is an opportunity… one to discover what it is that is really important to you… what it is that you truly want… what it is that you want to focus your time and energy on.

LISTEN… journal… BE

*This week’s deck is the Dragon Oracle Cards by Diana Cooper (affiliate link).

Golden Christed Dragon - Dragon Oracle

Daily Divination - Tuesday, November 02, 2021


Expand your heart… allow it to open and receive the love of the Universe, the love from others, the love of self.

The Golden Christed dragon is here to “remind you that your heart is incredibly powerful and will pour pure love into the center of it in order to open it further. Be ready to accept this love and then to spread it to others.”

Take a moment and FEEL that love pouring in. Fill your heart space so that you can, in turn, send love to others.

Even if you do not feel strong enough or ready to send love, you can always look at situations through the eyes of love and compassion… begin with yourself.

*This week’s deck is the Dragon Oracle Cards by Diana Cooper (affiliate link).

Black Dragon from Saturn - Dragon Oracle

Daily Divination - Monday, November 01, 2021

Focus on your ultimate vision.

What is your ultimate vision… do you even know? Are you working diligently towards that vision?

Remember, what you focus on materializes. So, if you are focused on FEAR, LACK, ANGER… you will get more of that!

“A black dragon from Saturn has appeared to you now as it is time for you to address tasks with discipline and focus. Spiritual discipline is vital to ground the higher energies on your pathway.”

Focus all your thoughts, words, and energies towards your ultimate vision. This discipline can be even more powerful than actions. Sink into the awareness of what you are creating around you… make this a daily routine.

*This week’s deck is the Dragon Oracle Cards by Diana Cooper (affiliate link).

Water Dragon - Dragon Oracle

Daily Divination - Sunday, Octuber 31, 2021

Go with the flow.

We are facing so many challenges now, but our resistance to them is what is making things so much more difficult.

“The elemental water dragons bring you the message to flow around your challenges with loving intent.”

When we can stop trying to pound through all the obstacles in our way, and instead take a moment to go within, the solution becomes clear.

What can I learn from this obstacle or challenge? Is there an easier path I can take? Do I even still want what is on the other side of this challenge? Can I flow with ease around it… or just let it go?

Call upon the water dragons and look at the situation with love in your heart.

*This week’s deck is the Dragon Oracle Cards by Diana Cooper (affiliate link).

Royal Blue and Gold Dragon - Dragon Oracle

Daily Divination - Saturday, October 30th, 2021

Awaken to your own majesty.

For a long time now we have been called to stand in our truth and live authentically from our hearts. This call is only getting louder - can you hear it?

This does not need to be a grand statement or a complete transformation from who you have been. Standing in your truth means knowing you have power and wisdom within you - wisdom you can apply to make your life more joyful, more meaningful, and more fulfilling. It means being honest with yourself about your wants and desires.

The Royal Blue & Gold Dragon is “awakening you to who you truly are. It is enabling you to radiate your special light.” This dragon is always with you, but when you are in doubt, call on it to “breathe courage, support and dignity into you.”

*This week’s deck is the Dragon Oracle Cards by Diana Cooper (affiliate link).

Bear - Friday, January 15, 2021 Archangel Animal Oracle

BEAR - Use power with wisdom: Archangel Animal Oracle by Diana Cooper, Archangel Jophiel, Archangel Uriel

Daily Divination - Friday, January 15, 2021

Archangel Uriel and Jophiel

“Use power with wisdom.”

We all have power and strength, but it is not always the wisest choice to use it for the sake of display or control.

Bear is here to remind us to use the wisdom we have within. It may not be the time to push forward, forcing things with brute strength, just because we can. There is a time for action and a time for hibernation… and both require the power and wisdom that come from within.

Use your heart to bypass your ego-mind and connect with the wisdom of the ages… the source, the light, the love of the universe. Through this connection, you will know how and when to use your power without controlling all aspects of the outcome.

*This week’s deck is the Archangel Animal Oracle by Diana Cooper (affiliate link).

RAVEN - Thursday, January 14, 2021 - Archangel Animal Oracle

RAVEN- Archangel Animal Oracle, Diana Cooper

Prepare for Change

Daily DIvination: Thursday, January 14, 2021

Why does a single Raven appear to you? To bring your attention to change, to prepare you for something potentially unexpected...so that you are not caught off guard.

Today, this is your single Raven.

Don’t go into fear; just be alert and aware.

“Be positive and wholesome. Examine your intentions and make clear ones for everyone’s good, including your own. A pure vision sets your journey to enlightenment and ascension. The raven suggests that you have skills and talents that will enable you to bypass obstacles in a clever and different way. It also warns you to be prepared for sudden change or a transition into something unexpected and new. You have all the support and help you need for the transition ahead.”

*This week’s deck is the Archangel Animal Oracle Cards (affiliate link) by Diana Cooper.

Rhinoceros - Wednesday, January 13, 2021 - Archangel Animal Oracle

RHINOCEROS: Archangel Animal Oracle, Diana Cooper, Archangel Sandalphon, strength

Be strong and courageous
Archangel Sandalphon & Roquiel

Daily Divination - Wednesday, January 13, 2021

You are a healer.

The rhinoceros comes to you today with a message to keep going. You are helping people as you move on your path whether it is recognized or not.

Keep going, don’t give up. Tap into your spiritual support team for encouragement and guidance. When we feel disconnected, you are called to get quiet and ask for help

Ask for what your NEXT best step is, that’s all. Just one step, and then the rest will unfold - in Divine timing.

Also, today is the NEW MOON, and according to astrologers, it is quite a powerful one. Be sure to write your intentions down that you’d like to co-create with the Universe and plant them in the ground or send them away in a body of water (one with an outlet).

*This week’s deck is the Archangel Animal Oracle by Diana Cooper (affiliate link).

Dog - Monday, January 11, 2021 - Archangel Animal Oracle

DOG: Archangel Animal Oracle by Diana Cooper, Archangel Zariel

Daily Divination - Monday, January 11, 2021

Archangel Zariel

“Be disciplined in your home and community life.”

Dogs are wonderful companions for us - giving and receiving love as well as learning and teaching about discipline and loyalty. They also know how to have fun!

Where in your life do you need some discipline?

It is said that spiritual discipline is the foundation for true happiness and joy. Spiritual can mean many different things, including self-care or anything that nourishes your soul…

Do you have a regular practice to feed your soul? The Dog card wants you to know that when you have a consistent routine, practice, or ritual, you can more easily be “adaptable, courageous and develop a sense of adventure and fun.”

*This week’s deck is the Archangel Animal Oracle by Diana Cooper (affiliate link).

Butterfly - Sunday January 10, 2021 - Archangel Animal Oracle

BUTTERFLY: Archangel Animal Oracle by Diana Cooper, Archangel Preminilek

Daily Divination - Sunday, January 10, 2021

Archangel Preminilek

“Be ready to transform with wisdom.”

Butterflies have always been an amazing example of how great change and complete transformation is possible. They are also messengers of the Angels.

Now is a time for profound transformation. You are ready to emerge from your cocoon, but do not rush the process of spreading your wings and flying off.

Enjoy a time of relaxation admiring your new colors, your new wings. Fully integrate the lessons and wisdom gained through the transformation, deciding how you want these changes to appear in your life.

“See the world through eyes of expectation and do everything with a new joy and lightness.”

*This week’s deck is the Archangel Animal Oracle by Diana Cooper (affiliate link).

Kingfisher - Sat 1/9/2021 - Archangel Animal Oracle

KINGFISHER: Archangel Animal Oracle, Diana Cooper, patience, focus

Daily Divination - Saturday, January 9, 2021

Be patient and focused.

“Kingfishers carry pure unconditional love in their auras and spread it wherever they go.”

What does your heart desire? Now is the time to set your sights on what it is your heart truly wants and is for your highest and best good. Focus on that and then wait...not with inaction, but with patience and clarity of mind and heart.

Set your intention like the Kingfisher does, and patiently wait as you draw your desires to you with a clear mind, clear heart, and clear action.

*This week’s deck is the Archangel Animal Oracle by Diana Cooper (affiliate link).