
Turtle - Archangel Animal Oracle

TURTLE- Archangel Animal Oracle, Diana Cooper

Be joyful and trusting.

Where are you shutting down, closing off, or putting up walls to protect yourself?

It’s understandable to want to protect yourself from unhealthy situations or circumstances that are distressing you; however, when you shut down and close yourself off, you also keep out the good.

Instead of putting up walls, align with Spirit, and surround yourself with light.

“You can call in love, prosperity, happiness, joy, and all manner of good things, but be sure to visualize others and the whole planet receiving this stream of bounty with you. Trust that the universe loves you and that everything will work out for the highest good. The rich and generous universe is ready to bring you plenty, so value who you truly are…”

*This week’s deck is the Archangel Animal Oracle Cards (affiliate link) by Diana Cooper.

Llama - Archangel Animal Oracle

Daily Divination- July 31, 2022
Set clear boundaries & enforce them.

Today, even if it feels counterintuitive, or you are “fearful” of repercussions, do your best to be true to yourself. Not with ego, but with your highest good in mind, ask yourself, what am I willing to allow and where do I draw the line?

“This is a card of pure love. It suggests your heart is warm and open, so you may let others impose on your good nature or drain you. Decide what is acceptable for you, then it is important to set clear boundaries. As we are all energetically entwined it may be enough for you to define these boundaries mentally. However, your guidance is to be prepared to enforce them tactfully if necessary. Then you will find it easier to follow your heart and be loyal, caring and patient with your loved ones and those in need. “

You are loved and supported.

*This week’s deck is the Archangel Animal Oracle Cards (affiliate link) by Diana Cooper.

RAVEN - Archangel Animal Oracle

Daily Divination - July 30, 2022
Prepare for Change

Why does a single Raven appear to you? To bring your attention to change, to prepare you for something potentially that you are not caught off guard.

Today, this is your single Raven.

Don’t go into fear; just be alert and aware.

“Be positive and wholesome. Examine your intentions and make clear ones for everyone’s good, including your own. A pure vision sets your journey to enlightenment and ascension. The raven suggests that you have skills and talents that will enable you to bypass obstacles in a clever and different way. It also warns you to be prepared for sudden change or a transition into something unexpected and new. You have all the support and help you need for the transition ahead.”

*This week’s deck is the Archangel Animal Oracle Cards (affiliate link) by Diana Cooper.

RAVEN - Thursday, January 14, 2021 - Archangel Animal Oracle

RAVEN- Archangel Animal Oracle, Diana Cooper

Prepare for Change

Daily DIvination: Thursday, January 14, 2021

Why does a single Raven appear to you? To bring your attention to change, to prepare you for something potentially that you are not caught off guard.

Today, this is your single Raven.

Don’t go into fear; just be alert and aware.

“Be positive and wholesome. Examine your intentions and make clear ones for everyone’s good, including your own. A pure vision sets your journey to enlightenment and ascension. The raven suggests that you have skills and talents that will enable you to bypass obstacles in a clever and different way. It also warns you to be prepared for sudden change or a transition into something unexpected and new. You have all the support and help you need for the transition ahead.”

*This week’s deck is the Archangel Animal Oracle Cards (affiliate link) by Diana Cooper.

Daily Divination - Wednesday, June 19, 2019

PROTECTED BY ANGELS: Sacred Traveler Oracle by Denise Linn

You are cherished by the angels.

“Simply be open and you will feel their presence.”

There are many times we cannot see the road ahead… or the road ahead looks like something we did not sign up for nor want. It is in these times that we must have faith.

There is a sacred plan for your life, influenced of course by free will…. but regardless of where you are on your path, you have angels, guides and guardians supporting you and guiding you along the way. Look for the synchronicities and signs.

All you need to know now is that “you are going in the right direction and everything is unfolding exactly as it should be.”

*This week’s deck is the Sacred Traveler Oracle Cards by Denise Linn (affiliate link).

Daily Divination - Friday, April 12, 2019

GIRAFFE - Archangel Animal Oracle, Diana Cooper

Aspire to higher knowledge & wisdom.

Giraffes remind us to view life from a “Higher” closer to the Divine.

However you may be viewing your current circumstances, you are asked to consider a new perspective or vantage point. Ask questions; why might this situation be happening, why might this person be behaving this way, what is beyond what I am seeing or experiencing on the surface? Seeing every situation from the Divine Lens will offer you the clarity and knowing you need to be free from any negativity or suffering you may be experiencing as a result of single-mindedness or misunderstandings.

“When you receive this card of higher wisdom, it suggests that you look beyond the limitations of your current circumstances and situations. Continue to fulfill your daily commitments and responsibilities diligently, while you explore your life from a higher perspective. You may then see things very differently. Internal change inevitably follows, and this is automatically reflected in your world. Stand in your power as a point of light.”

*This week’s deck is the Archangel Animal Oracle Cards (affiliate link) by Diana Cooper.

Daily Divination - Thursday, April 11, 2019

RHINOCEROS- Archangel Animal Oracle, Diana Cooper

Be strong & courageous.

Yesterday you were asked to set and maintain clear boundaries, and today you are being asked to be strong and matter what adversity or turmoil you may be facing.

Be true to yourself.

“Your guidance is to move steadily on your path. Know that you are healing and connecting places and people wherever you go. People may not understand you, but you are developing fortitude, strength, and determination. These qualities will ultimately help you on your ascension journey.”

*This week’s deck is the Archangel Animal Oracle Cards (affiliate link) by Diana Cooper.

Daily Divination - Wednesday, April 10, 2019

LLAMA- Archangel Animal Oracle, Diana Cooper

Set clear boundaries & enforce them.

Today, even if it feels counterintuitive, or you are “fearful” of repercussions, do your best to be true to yourself. Not with ego, but with your highest good in mind, ask yourself, what am I willing to allow and where do I draw the line?

“This is a card of pure love. It suggests your heart is warm and open, so you may let others impose on your good nature or drain you. Decide what is acceptable for you, then it is important to set clear boundaries. As we are all energetically entwined it may be enough for you to define these boundaries mentally. However, your guidance is to be prepared to enforce them tactfully if necessary. Then you will find it easier to follow your heart and be loyal, caring and patient with your loved ones and those in need. “

You are loved and supported.

*This week’s deck is the Archangel Animal Oracle Cards (affiliate link) by Diana Cooper.

Daily Divination - Tuesday, April 9, 2019

TURTLE- Archangel Animal Oracle, Diana Cooper

Be joyful and trusting.

Where are you shutting down, closing off, or putting up walls to protect yourself? It’s understandable to want to protect yourself from unhealthy situations or circumstances that are distressing you; however, when you shut down and close yourself off, you also keep out the good.

Instead of putting up walls, align with Spirit and surround yourself with light.

“You can call in love, prosperity, happiness, joy, and all manner of good things, but be sure to visualize others and the whole planet receiving this stream of bounty with you. Trust that the universe loves you and that everything will work out for the highest good. The rich and generous universe is ready to bring you plenty, so value who you truly are…”

*This week’s deck is the Archangel Animal Oracle Cards (affiliate link) by Diana Cooper.

Daily Divination - Monday, April 8, 2019

WHALE- Archangel Animal Oracle, Diana Cooper


This is the card of Mastery…

This card is about breathing, meditating, and calmly coming into alignment with what is.

“Rise above worldly matters and spread love, light, hope, and inspiration to those around you.”

Today is all about understanding that you can’t control everything happening around you. You can’t stop the earthly energy of other people and situations from impacting your world, but you certainly have the choice to maintain your own composure, to tap into your innate grace, and to hold steady while the dust clears.

*This week’s deck is the Archangel Animal Oracle Cards (affiliate link) by Diana Cooper.

Daily Divination - Sunday, April 7, 2019

RAVEN- Archangel Animal Oracle, Diana Cooper

Prepare for Change

Why does a single Raven appear to you? To bring your attention to change, to prepare you for something potentially that you are not caught off guard.

Today, this is your single Raven.

Don’t go into fear; just be alert and aware.

“Be positive and wholesome. Examine your intentions and make clear ones for everyone’s good, including your own. A pure vision sets your journey to enlightenment and ascension. The raven suggests that you have skills and talents that will enable you to bypass obstacles in a clever and different way. It also warns you to be prepared for sudden change or a transition into something unexpected and new. You have all the support and help you need for the transition ahead.”

*This week’s deck is the Archangel Animal Oracle Cards (affiliate link) by Diana Cooper.

Daily Divination - Saturday, April 6, 2019

COW - Archangel Animal Oracle


The Balance of the Cow

“While cows are warm benevolent and nurturing, their partners, the bulls, are strong and protective. Together they offer a perfect balance of grounded feminine and masculine energy.”

Today you are guided to find the balance between your warm, nurturing side, and your strong, protective side.

“Examine your life and see how you can develop your feminine, giving, caring and benevolent characteristics in a sensible, stable and earthed way. Then stand in your power and demonstrate that you can be true to yourself.”

You are powerful; take back your power, but do it with a whole lot of grace…

*This week’s deck is the Archangel Animal Oracle Cards (affiliate link) by Diana Cooper.