
Working From Home Works Well - Tips for Productivity

I have worked from home for most of my adult life, and over the years, I have figured out some strategies that have really helped me be successful.

There are 3 main areas to focus on to help you be productive and keep your sanity.  


Do not change your routine. 

Get up every morning at the same time & and go to bed at the same time every night.
It is tempting to stay up late streaming shows or looking at FaceBook and then sleep in because you don't have a commute, but this messes with your body rhythms, brain, and health.

Get dressed to go to work.
Whether you decide to get fully dressed in a suit and makeup, or make it more casual, doesn't matter. But don't stay in your PJ's or sweats all day. Think of it like muscle memory; your routines tell your body and your mind that you are going to work.

Set a schedule.
Preferable the same schedule that you had when you went to work, although working in what your kids and partner need does come into play as well. But still, eat at the same time, exercise at the same time, go to work at the same time, etc.

Kids thrive on schedules. In times of uncertainty and falling out of control, keeping a schedule is one thing in our lives that we can control.

Have a designated workspace.
If you don't already have a home office, make one. This can be your guest room or a desk under a window. Again, you are signaling your body and brain that you are at work.

Beds are for sleeping and snuggling, not working. Your couch is for Netflix and relaxing, not working. The kitchen table is for eating. Your subconscious mind knows this and will struggle if you change it up too much, adding more confusion and stress.

Also, if you have a designated space for your work stuff, it is easier to keep it contained, and therefore, easier to find, which is less stressful. Think about what office supplies you will need too—printer, paper, stapler, etc.


It is easy, SO easy to get distracted while working at home. Reading the news and latest COVID-19 updates, working with the TV on, doing a load of laundry, or doing the dishes really quick… But it is important to stay focused and get your tasks and projects done. 

I love the Pomodoro technique.
You decide on a task - say checking emails, or even scrolling Facebook, and set a timer, usually 25 minutes. Then, you stick to the task until the timer goes off. This also builds in much-needed breaks.

There are several apps available. Set an alarm for 25 minutes, and do some research to find one you like

Use music.
I've noticed that when we are working, our brains start to wonder. That is why we end up eating or going down a rabbit hole. Music gives your mind something else to think about, which helps us stay focused and on task.

I use HemiSync music to keep me focused. It uses binaural beats to help keep your mind and body in sync. Put on headphones, tune out the rest of the world, and tune in to what you are working on.

There are also a lot of study music playlists and apps. This is music that is designed to keep you on task and keep your brain sharp. One reason it is used for studying is that it also helps with recall. When you study while listening to a song, and then play the same song when you take a test, you remember what you learned. 

Create a playlist.
Just like you have a playlist for exercise, create a playlist for work. Listening to the same songs will trigger your brain and remind it what you are doing. You can have a playlist for creative time, serious work time, email time, or whatever you need. It also helps you keep track of time spent because you know the order of the music. One of my favorite playlists is for cleaning my house. 


Stress is real, and is just as likely to happen at home, if not more so. 

Be aware of emotional eating and stress eating.
You have your entire refrigerator and pantry at your fingertips. Be mindful of what, where, and when you eat.  

If you no longer have a commute, use that time for something constructive.
Meditate, go for a walk or play with your kids in the back yard. If you have a habit of listening to a book or podcast on your commute, stick to it. Just make your commute a walk around the block. Get extra sleep if you have been sleep deprived.

Practice Mindfulness.
This is a wonderful time to tune in to your environment, your actions, and your emotions.

The reason we are all staying at home is to prevent disease. Don't let the stress of staying home compromise your immune system.

I am sure that some people will embrace staying in, and some might feel overwhelmed. Your attitude, as always, will make a huge difference. Embrace everything you do. Stay optimistic.

Do not live in fear, but rather live in an attitude of opportunity and compassion.

Leanne McClain - Hypnotherapist & Stress Coach, HeartMath Coach, Intuitive Guidance

AUTHOR: Leanne McClain is an OSYL Transformational Healer, Medical Intuitive, Hypnotherapist & Stress Coach utilizing HeartMath Coaching, Intuitive Stress Relief Guidance & Hypnotherapy for Relief from Stress, Trauma and Abuse. Her invitation to you, is to take a leap of faith and realize the divine light and love that you are, and heal. Her purpose is to help her clients find relief from the effects of abuse, trauma, or PTSD, and to help them see that it is possible to have a healthier, happier, and joyful existence.  

Find out more about Leanne and her services HERE.