Accept The Love - Monday, December 28, 2020

ACCEPT LOVE - Universe Has Your Back


Daily Divination - December 28, 2020

Are you feeling disconnected today? Do you feel like you are off your path? Are you feeling like maybe the Divine has forgotten about you?

… be guided back to the light!

You are not lost.

We all stray from our path, or what we think should be our path. We compare ourselves to others, we hold ourselves up to ridiculous standards. We fall into jealousy, gossip, and shame.

Spirit wants you to know is that all you need do is to ACCEPT THE LOVE OF THE UNIVERSE and you will be guided back. When we open our hearts and accept love, we realize our own capacity to give love - to ourselves and others.

Step into your light.

Know that any detours you may encounter along your path are purposeful and may contain lessons… have faith that you are being led exactly where you are meant to be, all in the perfect divine timing of your Soul’s plan.

*This week’s deck is the Universe Has Your Back Deck (affiliate link).