Lens of Love - Sunday, December 27, 2020

LENS OF LOVE - Universe Has Your Back


Daily Divination - December 27, 2020

When I focus on my inner light…I see the World through the LENS OF LOVE

Spirit wants you to know that everything you need to experience joy, fulfillment, and happiness lies within you.

Joy is never found outside of you. When you look for happiness and contentment in others or in material possessions or accomplishments, we often find ourselves focusing on lack, sadness, and getting swept up in the drama.

When you instead focus that attention inward, into your heart & connect with your Soul, then your perspective starts to shift and you are more able to see the world with the eyes of love.

  • You can then see the situation with compassion.

  • You can then see through anger & disappointment and find the gift or the lesson.

  • You can then let go of your false and limiting beliefs and move forward.

Today Spirit is reminding you to breathe, go within, change your perspective, and see the people, situations, or drama around you through the lens of love.

*This week’s deck is the Universe Has Your Back Deck (affiliate link).