Shamanic Healing Oracle

SACRED SPACE - Shamanic Healing Oracle

SACRED SPACE - Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas

Daily Divination - Friday, May 14th, 2021


Where is your sacred space… do you have one?

It need not be an entire room or anything grand… just a small space (even a shelf will do) where you can keep your most magical and personal items. You can even choose a tree outside to be your sacred space.

It does not need to be all candles, crystals and incense… though an unlit candle can represent the element of fire - the fire of creation or purification.

Let this place be where you can come daily - even for only a few moments to center yourself into your heart, ground yourself into Mother Earth and calm your soul. Breathe, breathe and breathe again - taking in the energy of your space. See it radiate with the light of source…

This space is yours - it will change and transform as you do.

*This week’s deck is the Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas (affiliate link).

INTEGRATION - Shamanic Healing Oracle

INTEGRATION - Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas

Daily Divination - Thursday, May 13th, 2021


We have transformed, balanced, released, and gone within this week… and most of it associated with nature. Now is the time for integration.

“One of the challenges is remembering who we are. We are bombarded every day in every way with messages on who we should be, what we should do, what we should wear, how we should live… this can drown out who we really are meant to be; who we have grown into lifetime after lifetime.”

Take some quiet time this week to just be… be with yourself to develop and trust your relationship with your inner self - your true self, your highest self.

*This week’s deck is the Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas (affiliate link).

ANCIENT WISDOM - Shamanic Healing Oracle

ANCIENT WISDOM - Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas

Daily Divination - Wednesday, May 12th, 2021


Nature - the trees, plants, earth, animals - everything carries ancient wisdom. “When you tap into the ancient wisdom of the natural world, you find peace within yourself.” Again this week, we are being given the message to get outside and listen to nature - she has a lot to tell you.

As with the trees, you carry ancient wisdom in your soul - rings and rings for years and years of past life experiences. Trees just want to be trees, they are not trying to be boulders. You are being asked “to come to peace with who you are and what you have to offer the situation.”

Take time to listen, to nature and your own ancient wisdom…

*This week’s deck is the Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas (affiliate link).

EMOTIONAL RELEASE - Shamanic Healing Oracle

EMOTIONAL RELEASE - Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas

Daily Divination - Tuesday, May 11th, 2021


What are you holding back? What are you afraid to feel, experience, release?

“Trying so hard to be strong, pushing down emotions such as fear, anger, betrayal, sadness, only forces them to grow and become stronger.”

If you do not find a way to release them, you will turn into a ticking time bomb. Voice your feelings - even if only to your self… Journal, create, dance. “Find a way that you can safely feel your most feared emotions. Feel them and then let them go.”

Being able to regularly release your feelings is so healing to your body, mind and soul.

*This week’s deck is the Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas (affiliate link).

MASCULINE ENERGY - Shamanic Healing Oracle

MASCULINE ENERGY - Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas

Daily Divination - Monday, May 10th, 2021


🎶Here comes the sun (doo doo doo doo)
Here comes the sun, and I say
It's all right 🎶

Yes, the sun represents the masculine energy and the moon, the feminine. It is a perfect balance… yin and yang. Typically this card is a message of GO GO GO, get things done energy, which it may mean for some.

However, on this day, for most it is a reminder of balance; a reminder to take time to enjoy and absorb the magnificent life-force energy of the sun. For without it, nothing on this earth could survive - and that includes you.

Your body needs the sun, your mind needs the sun, your heart needs the sun, and your soul needs the sun. BALANCE… that is the key to it all!

EARTH is also crying for our help with balance as well… we must all do our part to balance nature, take care of the worlds animals, plants, resources - so we can all co-exist in the glorious environment that supports us all - for without one, we all suffer.

*This week’s deck is the Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas (affiliate link).

TRANSFORMATION - Shamanic Healing Oracle

TRANSFORMATION - Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas

Daily Divination - Sunday, May 09th, 2021


A beautiful card and message on this Sunday…

Today is a day of rebirth. Shedding the old to rise in glory in your truth. There is new growth, new experiences, new life all a round you. EMBRACE it, see the light in it and show gratitude.

You may perceive your transformation as slow, but “Nothing happens that is not supposed to. They are a path to wholeness.”

Break free from your hibernation, from your fear, from your chrysalis… for today you FLY!

*This week’s deck is the Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas (affiliate link).

SLOW BUT STEADY - Shamanic Healing Oracle

SLOW BUT STEADY - Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas

Daily Divination - Saturday, May 08th, 2021


“When you try to speed up a life experience, a relationship or even a project, you circumvent necessary experiences or lessons along the way that will contribute to a perfect outcome. Know that wherever you are in this situation, it’s the perfect place for you to be.”

The perfect place can still be uncomfortable and cause you anxiety, so ask yourself… Why am I in such a rush? Could my being in a rush be adding stressful energy to the situation, and actually contributing to the perceived slow down?

Take some time today to enjoy exactly where you are. Celebrate how far you have come, and release worry about where you are headed. There may be glory in the days ahead… ALL IN PERFECT DIVINE TIMING…

*This week’s deck is the Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas (affiliate link).

Integration - Shamanic Healing Oracle

INTEGRATION: Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas

Daily Divination - Thursday, July 23, 2020


We, as a society, are GO GO GO… Crap happens - good and bad - and we keep our head down and keep on moving. We rarely take the time to INTEGRATE and remember who we are!

“We are bombarded every day in every way with messages on who we should be, what we should do, what we should wear, how we should live.”

It is time to stop listening to those messages. It is time to be quiet, integrate all we have experienced and know from this life and past, and LISTEN to our hearts so we can REMEMBER our soul.

We are here for a reason and with a purpose. They do not need to be grand plans or life-changing missions. It is living in each moment with presence. It is experiencing life and living with love and compassion. It is living in your truth - whatever it may be at that time. It is changing, growing and expanding.

All of this requires quiet. All of this requires going within. All of this requires integration.

Take some time and ALLOW things to integrate so you can hear your heart more clearly.

*This week’s deck is the Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas (affiliate link).

Self Love - Shamanic Healing Oracle

SELF LOVE: Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas

Daily Divination - Wednesday, July 22, 2020


Why is self-love so difficult? We give everyone else the benefit of the doubt, but not ourselves.

“To love oneself is to accept imperfection, embrace learning and battle through the all-consuming fires of self-doubt in order to find the energetic balance inside each of us.”

Listen to how you speak/think to yourself. Negative self-talk and self-judgments “have no place in a whole, healthy relationship that is vital to have with yourself. It’s only when you find your love for yourself that you can sincerely offer love to others.”

*This week’s deck is the Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas (affiliate link).

Letting Go - Shamanic Healing Oracle

LETTING GO: Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas

Daily Divination - Tuesday, July 21, 2020


Letting go is a daunting task for many as they equate it with and judge it as “giving up.”

What we do not realize is that “what’s at stake is not just the relationship or situation, it’s the attachment we had for it: the hopes, the dreams, the expectations. Many relationships end long past their natural ending point. One or both people hung on, hoping things would change. They invested so much time because without the person, or job, or relationship, their future loomed up as one big blank screen.”

The same goes for ideas and false beliefs… they become ingrained and feel like a part of us, so how can we let go of who we thought we were… leaving that blank slate.

However, by letting go, we create space for light… for the things that resonate with who we are and where we are headed.

*This week’s deck is the Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas (affiliate link).

Grounding - Shamanic Healing Oracle

GROUNDING: Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas

Daily Divination - Monday, July 20, 2020


Oddly, with today’s technology, being too “connected” has led to us being disconnected from ourselves, Earth, and each other. This disconnection exacerbates fear, anxiety, doubt, judgment and even anger.

This card is a call for you to reconnect with your heart. When things start to spin around in your reality, take a moment and breathe. The Earth is here for us, of course, for all the practical reasons - for us to live on, but it is also here to support us and ground us into our being, our oneness with everything on earth and the universe.

Step outside and literally put your feet or hands on the ground, hug a tree (or just place your hands on one)… take deep breaths and exhale and allow the energy to flow down to Mother Earth. She can take it all - everything you’ve got! When you are ready, take an enormous breath and feel Gaia’s/Earth’s energy flow up through you, giving you strength.

You will find that even doing this for only a few moments can bring you back into your body, back into your heart space so you can manage whatever situation you are dealing with from a place of love and inner truth.

*This week’s deck is the Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas (affiliate link).

Discernment - Shamanic Healing Oracle

DISCERNMENT: Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas

Daily Divination - Sunday, July 19, 2020


“As spiritual, physical, and energetic beings, we oftentimes blur the lines between our energy, the energy of the situation, and the energy of another person. When we take on other people’s energy and label it as our own, we start to judge.”

Instead of judging an emotion, then justifying it, then making excuses… just feel it. Allow the energy to flow through you and see where you feel it in your body. Notice what triggered it. This brings you information and trust in your body and your intuition. Nothing is bad or good, just information.

It is time for you to release judgment and “stop looking outside yourself for answers. Instead, sit with it and listen to what your body is telling you.” This is true discernment.

*This week’s deck is the Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas (affiliate link).

Perception - Shamanic Healing Oracle

PERCEPTION: Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas

Daily Divination - Saturday, July 18, 2020


Have you noticed how different people’s perceptions of the exact same situation can vary wildly?

Perception and perspective are sometimes used interchangeably. However, perception is how you interpret, your understanding, or the meaning you assign, to a given situation, person, or object (which is created by our beliefs)… and in turn, lead to our perspectives, or point of view.

Nature, and energy, seek balance… and perhaps, “a slight shift in perception is all that’s needed.” Can you step outside of the drama of your current situation, look at it from a different perspective and maybe even consider how someone else’s beliefs may have led them to an alternate perception.

A shift is required now and that shift begins with you.

*This week’s deck is the Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas (affiliate link).

Daily Divination - Friday, April 26, 2019

SACRED SPACE - Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas


Where is your sacred space… do you have one?

It need not be an entire room or anything grand… just a small space (even a shelf will do) where you can keep your most magical and personal items. You can even choose a tree outside to be your sacred space.

It does not need to be all candles, crystals and incense… though an unlit candle can represent the element of fire - the fire of creation or purification.

Let this place be where you can come daily - even for only a few moments to center yourself into your heart, ground yourself into Mother Earth and calm your soul. Breathe, breathe and breathe again - taking in the energy of your space. See it radiate with the light of source…

This space is yours - it will change and transform as you do.

*This week’s deck is the Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas (affiliate link).

Daily Divination - Thursday, April 25, 2019

INTEGRATION - Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas


We have transformed, balanced, released, and gone within this week… and most of it associated with nature. Now is the time for integration.

“One of the challenges is remembering who we are. We are bombarded every day in every way with messages on who we should be, what we should do, what we should wear, how we should live… this can drown out who we really are meant to be; who we have grown into lifetime after lifetime.”

Take some quiet time this week to just be… be with yourself to develop and trust your relationship with your inner self - your true self, your highest self.

*This week’s deck is the Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas (affiliate link).

Daily Divination - Wednesday, April 24, 2019

ANCIENT WISDOM - Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas


Nature - the trees, plants, earth, animals - everything carries ancient wisdom. “When you tap into the ancient wisdom of the natural world, you find peace within yourself.” Again this week, we are being given the message to get outside and listen to nature - she has a lot to tell you.

As with the trees, you carry ancient wisdom in your soul - rings and rings for years and years of past life experiences. Trees just want to be trees, they are not trying to be boulders. You are being asked “to come to peace with who you are and what you have to offer the situation.”

Take time to listen, to nature and your own ancient wisdom…

*This week’s deck is the Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas (affiliate link).

Daily Divination - Tuesday, April 23, 2019

EMOTIONAL RELEASE - Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas


What are you holding back? What are you afraid to feel, experience, release?

“Trying so hard to be strong, pushing down emotions such as fear, anger, betrayal, sadness, only forces them to grow and become stronger.”

If you do not find a way to release them, you will turn into a ticking time bomb. Voice your feelings - even if only to your self… Journal, create, dance. “Find a way that you can safely feel your most feared emotions. Feel them and then let them go.”

Being able to regularly release your feelings is so healing to your body, mind and soul.

*This week’s deck is the Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas (affiliate link).

Daily Divination - Monday, April 22, 2019

MASCULINE ENERGY - Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas


🎶Here comes the sun (doo doo doo doo)
Here comes the sun, and I say
It's all right 🎶

What a beautiful card for Earth Day! Yes, the sun represents the masculine energy and the moon, the feminine. It is a perfect balance… yin and yang. Typically this card is a message of GO GO GO, get things done energy, which it may mean for some.

However, on this day, for most it is a reminder of balance; a reminder to take time to enjoy and absorb the magnificent life-force energy of the sun. For without it, nothing on this earth could survive - and that includes you.

Your body needs the sun, your mind needs the sun, your heart needs the sun, and your soul needs the sun. BALANCE… that is the key to it all!

On this World Earth Day, the EARTH is also crying for our help with balance as well… we must all do our part to balance nature, take care of the worlds animals, plants, resources - so we can all co-exist in the glorious environment that supports us all - for without one, we all suffer.

*This week’s deck is the Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas (affiliate link).

Daily Divination - Sunday, April 21, 2019

TRANSFORMATION - Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas


A beautiful card and message on this Easter, Spring, Passover Sunday…

Today is a day of rebirth. Shedding the old to rise in glory in your truth. There is new growth, new experiences, new life all a round you. EMBRACE it, see the light in it and show gratitude.

You may perceive your transformation as slow, but “Nothing happens that is not supposed to. They are a path to wholeness.”

Break free from your hibernation, from your fear, from your chrysalis… for today you FLY!

*This week’s deck is the Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas (affiliate link).

Daily Divination - Saturday, April 20, 2019

SLOW BUT STEADY - Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas


The significance of this card on Holy Saturday cannot be missed - regardless of whether you are religious. Today is the day that Jesus’ physical body lay in the tomb… there was grieving, there was the feeling of defeat and so many questions around “where do we go from here.” Today was a day of not knowing…

“When you try to speed up a life experience, a relationship or even a project, you circumvent necessary experiences or lessons along the way that will contribute to a perfect outcome. Know that wherever you are in this situation, it’s the perfect place for you to be.”

The perfect place can still be uncomfortable and cause you anxiety, so ask yourself… Why am I in such a rush? Could my being in a rush be adding stressful energy to the situation, and actually contributing to the perceived slow down?

Take some time today to enjoy exactly where you are. Celebrate how far you have come, and release worry about where you are headed. There may be glory in the days ahead… ALL IN PERFECT DIVINE TIMING…

*This week’s deck is the Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas (affiliate link).