One Step At A Time - Magical Unicorns Oracle (Copy)

ONE STEP AT A TIME: Magical Unicorns Oracle, Doreen Virtue

Daily Divination - Saturday, December 5, 2020


“Lots of little steps make big dreams come true.”

Slow it down…

Take it easy…

We are being forced right now to focus on taking smaller steps…

Ask yourself this. “What is the one thing I can do right now, at this moment, to move forward?”

For some of you reading this, it is more likely NOT a time to move forward at all, but instead to just be, to heal, to process, to reflect.

You may feel that you are not making progress, but pausing and allowing is an invaluable and critical step on your path. Do not waste this moment, this opportunity to integrate a beautiful lesson, by living in fear with the “what-ifs” and future tripping about accomplishing the BIG dream.

This is your journey - right here, right now. This moment is a pivotal step of your path … that leads to the dream. Live it day by day, moment by moment, and ask your Highest Self what steps to take as everything unfolds.

*This week’s deck is the Magical Unicorns Oracle (affiliate link).