
Learn about the Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra is referred to in Sanskrit as Sahasrara, meaning thousand-fold. Like a fully expanded lotus flower - the Crown Chakra is an expansive energy center - fully open - upward and outward. This powerhouse energy center connects you to universal energy and transcendence.

Why should you care if my Chakras are open? 

In your natural state, your chakras are balanced, which means that your physical body, your mental body, and your higher self are all in alignment. When your chakras are balanced and aligned, you feel well.

In this place of alignment, you have the opportunity to move into higher states of consciousness and peace. Some who are deeply in tune with their energetic being may experience a surge, otherwise known as “kundalini energy”. This is a very special energy that begins at the base of your spine and travels through your energy centers to your crown. This energy travels bi-directionally - from the bottom up (Mother Earth's energy) and the top-down (Energy from Source).

When you are aligned, your Crown is expanded, and this Kundalini energy is flowing, this can translate into that state of bliss we sometimes hear about but often struggle to achieve. It is peaceful yet powerful energy, that can make life seem effortless. The more you begin to open and keep the other chakras balanced, the more you will begin to connect with this beautiful feeling and way of life.

 So, let's learn a bit more specifically about the Crown Chakra.

This chakra governs your perceptions and beliefs. It influences how you see the world and how you see yourself in the world.

Meditating and practicing gratitude help you open and align this chakra. Both of these practices help you in so many ways. They can remind you of all the good things in your world big and small, thus keeping your vibration high and your monkey mind quiet. Your mind can stand in the way between you and your connection to Source. Learn to become grateful for everything - good and bad, and watch your connection to Spirit soar.

Unbalanced Crown Chakra

  • Disconnected from your purpose

  • Discontentment with life

  • Taking others for granted

  • Feeling Fear and or anxiety and even anger

  • Struggling to control others and outcomes. Trying to be in control of every part of your life inevitably leads to suffering and anguish - this is a symptom of forgetting the power of Source and the Universe… as if you have to do it all on your own…

  • Self-centeredness. Having my way is the only way mentality.

Some physical challenges of a closed crown chakra may manifest as dementia, headaches, insomnia, depression, stroke, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson's, Epstein-Barr virus, and more.

A Balanced Crown Chakra

  • Deep Spiritual Connection

  • Sense of being blessed and taken care of

  • Having a sense of oneness with others and Mother Nature

  • Healthy nervous system

When this chakra is fully open, it can allow you to transcend limitations, limiting beliefs, and help you to open your intuition. A balanced Crown Chakra allows you to enjoy clarity, greater intuition, and wisdom. You are able to trust in what you receive in your Divine downloads, knowing the difference between inspired guidance and your ego-controlled mind. 

Are you ready to care for & nurture your Crown Chakra?

Like the other chakras, you can balance the throat chakra through meditation, crystals, food, essential oils, and affirmations. Here are some other suggestions to balance the throat chakra:​

  • ​Daily Yoga & Meditation

  • Focus on Gratitude - Gratitude and love meditations focused on connecting with Source and your breathing. Sufi meditation is good for mindful connection and breathing techniques as well.

Remember that when your chakras are balanced and in their natural state, you will begin to feel more confidence, bliss, energy, and guided connection so you can begin to improve every area of your life.