#OracleMonday - October 19, 2020

#OracleMonday, Spirit Animal Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid, Chameleon Spirit, Bobcat Spirit, Nightingale Spirit

Once you have chosen which card is calling to you, you can read your MESSAGE below👇


Before you look at the descriptions, look at the image - what is it saying to you, revealing to you? What does it make you feel?

(this feels like a POSITIVE MESSAGE today. I see STRENGTH in the horns - letting go of what no longer serves us. New moon energy of NEW BEGINNINGS...)
"Death is scary. Endings - whether they are planned or a surprise - are most often accompanied with a sense of anxiety, unease, or more strongly with denial and refusal to let go of the person, relationship, or situation that is ending.
Endings always signify beginnings. This card urges you to let go gracefully. Do not attach yourself to the emotions and the energy of what is ending. Feel it, experience it, and then let it go. A slight shift in perspective is sometimes all that is needed to experience this transition with grace and ease. Instead of thinking "oh no - I have to start all over!" shift your perspective slightly and think"Yay! I get to start all over!" This shift will raise your energetic vibrations and carry you through this time of change.
This may also signify the ending of a troublesome situation."

(this is always a sign for patience and faith for me. See the images - the beautiful lush vines, your plans & dreams, flowing underground... under the third eye of knowing...waiting to sprout in spring with the birds, at exactly the right time. Each year the birds KNOW when to return, the buds KNOW when to sprout and so to do your dreams and manifestations... in their own divine timing.)
"How often do you feel that you want things to change in your life NOW? Not two years from now, not even two months, but: Right. This. Instant! Seldom do we see the whole picture of why our lives are unfolding the way they are. We don't need to. What we need to do is surrender to the way things are right now. This doesn't mean to not take action when a situation is untenable. What it means is to let your life unfold before you so that you have access to all the information, all the lessons, and all the people you will need to go where you are headed.
Divine timing is at work in this situation. Try not to fight it. Instead, go within during meditation and ask the questions you want answers to: "Why not now?" "How can I best prepare myself?" "What lessons do I need to learn prior to the change I want to see?" You will get the answers." 

(divine timing AGAIN - but do you see the progress? Do you see the hydration and nurturing you receive walking through the rain? Do you see the lush growth on your path?)
"Don't rush the situation. More often than not divine timing and our timing are not the same!
When you try to speed up a life experience, a relationship, or even a project, you circumvent necessary experiences or lessons along the way that will contribute to a perfect outcome. Know that wherever you are in this situation, it's the perfect place for you to be. If this place is causing you anxiety - perfect. Now you can look within and ask yourself why. What are your fears surrounding this perceived delay in getting where you want to go? What is the worst that can happen? What is the best that can happen? What if we removed the words "best" and "worst" and just let things unfold at their own pace without attaching judgment?"

Shamanic Healing Oracle by Michelle A. Motuzas - https://amzn.to/32G5k34 (affiliate link)