
#OracleMonday - April 25, 2022


The card you chose has an individual message for you, but there is a clear story/message through all 3 cards for the collective.

Once you have chosen which card is calling to you, you can read your MESSAGE below๐Ÿ‘‡

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ: LISTEN TO YOUR TRUE FEELINGS

How are you feeling right now? Is that really how YOU feel, or do you think you may also be feeling other peopleโ€™s feelingsโ€ฆ or being pulled along with the chaos that is all around us?

In times like these it is important to feel our feelings, process them so we can move through them and not get stuck or dwell. It is OK to be scared, it is OK to be anxious, it is OK to be sadโ€ฆ it is OK to be whatever you are feeling.

As you go within to listen to your heart, really tap into what it is that you fear, are anxious about, are sad aboutโ€ฆ journal it out if that is helpful. When we ignore or do not get to the bottom of our feelings, they can simmer beneath the surface and grow and growโ€ฆ until they blow. Meditation, journaling, grounding, or talking with trusted friends can release the pressure cooker and allow us to deal with the feelings with a fresh perspective.

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ: WATER

โ€œDrink more water, and eat foods with water in them, such as fresh fruits and vegetables.โ€

Not surprisingly, the always supportive Unicorns are reaffirming our need to TAKE CARE OF OURSELVES. We need to strengthen our immune systems and boost our energy levels with WATER, fruits, and vegetables. You know, all the things we should have been doing all along, but now it feels so much more important. Try to stay away from (or reduce) sugar and processed foods and be amazed at how your body feels and respondsโ€ฆ and you may find that you feel happier as well.

Water is such a purifierโ€ฆ drink loads of it to flush out your system and revitalize you. Take warm, soothing baths (or swim if you can safely - not breaking quarantine) to purify your external body. Even walking by bodies of water (again, safely) can bring calm and revitalizing energy to your spirit.

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ‘: TRUE

It is hard sometimes to know the truth from false beliefs. We have told ourselves the same things for so long, it feels like the truthโ€ฆ but it is not.

FEAR can be tainting everyoneโ€™s perception right now, but if you go within and listen to your heart, you can feel the truth. However, it is important to remember that what is true for you, may not be true for others, so always show compassion with no judgment.

This card is also indicating for some, that it is time to accept the truth - the truth you have known for a long time - about a person or situation. During this time of distancing & reboot, you will no longer be allowed to avoid itโ€ฆ embrace it, move through it, heal it, and discover what is next.

Let us know if your message resonated with you. If it did not right now, your message may reveal itself later - through the image, a song, a feeling.

If you would like a more detailed personal reading, check out our 3-card email readings here: https://www.oursightyourlight.com/intuitive-guidance-tarot-oracle-card-readings

This weekโ€™s deck is the Magical Unicorns Oracle (affiliate link).

#OracleMonday - April 18, 2022


The card you chose has an individual message for you, but there is a clear story/message through all 3 cards for the collective.

Once you have chosen which card is calling to you, you can read your MESSAGE below๐Ÿ‘‡

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ: INTIMACY

โ€œYour vulnerability is the key to your growing spiritually.โ€

Have you opened yourself up lately?

The message of this oracle is DO IT! Open yourself up, be vulnerable, show the real you. โ€œExpect nothing and be open to receiving everything.โ€

Now is the time for you to show up โ€œin new ways, to meet the world and your loved ones.โ€ That means being present, being honest, listening, givingโ€ฆ and receiving.

โ€œYou are ready to be seen and received more than ever before.โ€

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ: THE ANCIENT ONES

โ€œWe see you, beloved. We honor your growth. We honor your light.โ€

You may have taken a leap in your personal growth and feel like your whole world should be changingโ€ฆ and it is not. Fear not.

The changes you are making, the healing you are doing, the transformation to your soul is reverberating back to your ancestors - as we are all always connected. They are here supporting you and guiding you.

You are laying the groundwork, and your physical reality will begin to transform as wellโ€ฆ all in divine timing.

Listen to your heart for you carry the wisdom and lessons of your ancestors.

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ‘: COMING TOGETHER

โ€œYou are going to be moved by love.โ€

People may be coming together in a loving relationship, ideas may be coming together for a business or creative enterprise, circumstances may be coming together to launch you in a different directionโ€ฆ regardless of what it is, the energy is fueled by love.

Remember that your light remains your own and does not need to be engulfed by this destiny. Energies swirl around and combine beautifully, with the cores remaining separate. Stay true to your heart and know that this coming together may be brief or long, but there is no need to try to figure it out or make it something it is not.

Just embrace it, enjoy it and know it is part of your path.

Let us know if your message resonated with you. If it did not right now, your message may reveal itself later - through the image, a song, a feeling.

If you would like a more detailed personal reading, check out our 3-card email readings here: https://www.oursightyourlight.com/intuitive-guidance-tarot-oracle-card-readings

Journey of Love Oracle Cards by Alana Fairchild (affiliate link).

#OracleMonday - April 11, 2022


The card you chose has an individual message for you, but there is a clear story/message through all 3 cards for the collective.

Once you have chosen which card is calling to you, you can read your MESSAGE below๐Ÿ‘‡

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ: LOOKING DEEPER

โ€œDeep within me is a majestic radiance.โ€

We evidently have no choice in this worldwide situation but to go within and reflect. We all certainly have the time now.

There is so much within you, and the world needs you to discover that now. There is so much going on in the situations around you, truth that you have been avoiding, that you must accept now.

โ€œIf you go beneath the surface, you may find hidden gems of truth, light, or abundance. By exploring hidden crevices in your soul, you will begin to uncover even more profound levels of the vast majesty within yourself.โ€

Time to uncover the truthโ€ฆ time to uncover your soul.

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ: REVEALING RADIANCE

โ€œMy light illuminates the world.โ€

OK - here we go with the music againโ€ฆ

โ€This Little Light Of Mine, I'm gonna let it shine,

Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.โ€

We are all being called to reveal our radianceโ€ฆ โ€œEven if youโ€™ve been feeling lackluster lately, know that thereโ€™s a vibrant, shimmering light radiating within you.โ€

Take this time to go within and discover your light - your passion, your heart, your soul. The world needs you - YOU need you. You can no longer hide - the universe will not allow it, so embrace who you are and SHINE!

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ‘: CULTIVATING PROSPERITY

โ€œThe abundance of the Universe is pouring into my life!โ€

This may be hard to believe as it is so easy to fall into feelings of lack and restriction as we are being called to stay home.

This is typically a card to take action towards our dreams, but what if we think of our action at this time as one of fertilizing the soilโ€ฆ fertilizing our bodies, our minds, and our souls. As we take the time to nourish all aspects of ourselves, our true selves, our passions, and our hearts are allowed to shine.

This light will expand your dreams, will illuminate your path, and guide you in the direction of all the prosperity (not just financial, all abundance) that is flowing towards you now.

Let us know if your message resonated with you. If it did not right now, your message may reveal itself later - through the image, a song, a feeling.

If you would like a more detailed personal reading, check out our 3-card email readings here: https://www.oursightyourlight.com/intuitive-guidance-tarot-oracle-card-readings

This weekโ€™s deck is the Gateway Oracle by Denise Linn (affiliate link).

#OracleMonday - April 04, 2022


The card you chose has an individual message for you, but there is a clear story/message through all 3 cards for the collective.

Once you have chosen which card is calling to you, you can read your MESSAGE below๐Ÿ‘‡

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ: FEED YOUR SPIRIT

โ€œJust as you must feed your body, you must also feed your spirit. It makes you stronger, energized, and more powerful. Most people are unaware of what feeds their spirit, but even if they know, they neglect to follow through.

Donโ€™t be guilty of this. Feeding your spirit comes from choosing experiences that empower you and help you feel more authentic, spontaneous, and joyfully alive. Your spiritโ€™s food is personalโ€ฆ

Only you know what your spirit hungers forโ€ฆfor example...going to the beach, cooking, singing...think about your spiritโ€™s diet.

The more you feed it, the stronger it becomes. And when your spirit is strong, your vibes are loud and clear. Donโ€™t be a psychic anorexic. Feed your spirit every day.โ€

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ: LAUGH

Donโ€™t take life so seriously! My aunt once told me the story of how she was so depressed and asked for a sign. She then had an image of her higher self come to her as a child jumping up and down on the couch! This gave my aunt the notion to not take life so seriously and to lighten up!

โ€œLaugh at your circumstances- no matter how upsetting or serious they may appear!โ€

According to Sonia, laughter opens your heart and connects you with a higher vibration. It can clear your aura and rebalance your chakras, clearing away anything that could intercept you from connecting to higher channels such as your Guides and angels. Laughter is also an excellent form of healing.

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ‘: FAKE IT TIL YOU MAKE IT

Sometimes negative thoughts become automatic, and you make them your persona. โ€œIโ€™m so ugly; Iโ€™m not worthy; Iโ€™m unlovable.โ€ Thereโ€™s a trick of the brain to reverse this thought process, faking it till you make it!

Essentially, you tell yourself in the mirror positive things, even if you donโ€™t believe it. Itโ€™s hard, I know, but eventually, your brain will automatically think good thoughts. Itโ€™s how your brain chemistry works!

And guess what? Your body listens. Youโ€™ll become brighter, and even glow more when you tell yourself lovable things. Itโ€™s like talking to your plants. Plants flourish more when you speak kindly to them. You are sending yourself a loving vibration that becomes you. You grow and thrive. So repeat after me, โ€œI am beautiful; I am worthy; I am lovable!โ€ This, in turn, raises your vibration! Do this every day!

Let us know if your message resonated with you. If it did not right now, your message may reveal itself later - through the image, a song, a feeling.

If you would like a more detailed personal reading, check out our 3-card email readings here: https://www.oursightyourlight.com/intuitive-guidance-tarot-oracle-card-readings

This weekโ€™s deck is the Trust Your Vibes Oracle Cards by Sonia Choquette (affiliate link).

#OracleMonday - March 28, 2022


The card you chose has an individual message for you, but there is a clear story/message through all 3 cards for the collective.

Once you have chosen which card is calling to you, you can read your MESSAGE below๐Ÿ‘‡

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ: THE WORLD

The World Card is all about completion and accomplishment. What does this powerful energy mean for you? What has finally come to fruition for you?

I hear this โ€œconclusionโ€ can be an energetic completion as wellโ€ฆ

For example:

The World Card can signify the end of a very long work year, and today may be the first day of a well-earned vacation.

Or, this could be about some pattern youโ€™ve committed to changing... do you finally feel you're really ready to move on from it?? I say YES YOU ARE because that is what the World Card is here to say.

Or perhaps some relationship or commitment is ending... its okay, this card signifies that the end is purposeful... There is nothing left to learn from this situation.

Whatever the case, know that this signals the end of a cycle, and heralds in the opportunity for something new, something even better.

The World Card also is symbolic for travel, so if you are traveling this weekend, know that the energy of this card states, โ€œFull Steam Aheadโ€!

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ: KING OF SWORDS

This card is about being in your personal power, in touch with your analytical side and intrinsic inner authority. If this card is speaking to your energy, then own your ability to lead with fairness and authority. Someone needs to be in charge, so this card is the green light to feel confident that you have what it takes to be a fair and good leader.

Sometimes this card instead represents a powerful and serious man in your life; He is fair, he is intelligent, he is in a position of authority... but he can also come off a little cold and a little bossy.

Or perhaps you are surrounded by loved ones this week, and a male figure from your family is visiting. Whatever the case, its okay to allow this authoritative figure to be themselves and act with authority.

In fact, sometimes it's nice to let someone else run the show for a time. If this is the case for you, donโ€™t feel slighted or intimidated, instead, step back and enjoy the freedom to be in a less demanding position, at least for the moment.

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ‘: NINE OF WANDS

This is a card that says, โ€œI made it. It wasnโ€™t easy, I may be bruised, bandaged, and need some time to recover, but I survived.โ€

The energy of the Nine of Wands could be experienced merely as a sensation of relief from the Holiday week coming to a close, or it could be the end of some troubled situation youโ€™ve been dealing with, and you made it through okay.

Many times when I see the Death card followed by the Nine of Wands, it signifies, whatever ended...a situation, a relationship, a perspective or understanding, there was some lesson learned in the process. The Nine of Wands then signifies that, although what we went through may not have been easy, we are still standing.

If your ending was more troubling than just the end of the holiday party, this card tells you that the Divine is assuring you... everything is okay. You Got this.

Let us know if your message resonated with you. If it did not right now, your message may reveal itself later - through the image, a song, a feeling.

If you would like a more detailed personal reading, check out our 3-card email readings here: https://www.oursightyourlight.com/intuitive-guidance-tarot-oracle-card-readings

This weekโ€™s deck is the Radiant Rider Waite Tarot (affiliate link).

#OracleMonday - March 21, 2022


The card you chose has an individual message for you, but there is a clear story/message through all 3 cards for the collective.

Once you have chosen which card is calling to you, you can read your MESSAGE below๐Ÿ‘‡

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ: SPIRIT OF CHALLENGE

This card urgesโ€ฆ no demands, that you move forward.

โ€œI challenge you to look at your life and to change it. I challenge you to forge ahead on your path in spite of opposition. I challenge you again to look at tasks that seem insurmountable and to accept the risks you face in trying to accomplish them. I demand the highest degree of perseverance and determination you can muster.โ€

The Spirit of Challenge is with you, supporting you and reminding you that you have done the work to get here, and it is time to move forward. These things you are procrastinating about or stalling to change will be easier than you expect with all the support of the Universe, your guides, angels, and ancestors. Call upon them, and this Spirit of Challenge to guide you through this time as you forge ahead into the light.

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ: HUNTER OF DREAMS

What is it that you dream ofโ€ฆ what are your goals, your ultimate visions of what you want in your life? Do you even have a dream? Maybe it is time to revisit that which you think you have been striving for.

Now are the harder questionsโ€ฆ Do these dreams match what your subconscious is showing you in your sleeping state? Do they match where your thoughts take you daily?

Your subconscious has a way of revealing things that you still need to deal with, resolve, or heal. It also has a way of revealing your TRUTH, past wisdom and bring you clarity.

The Hunter of Dreams is asking you to look at what you are hunting forโ€ฆ is it truly for your highest good and is it really what you want? Take time to observe the patterns that continue to repeat themselves, the thoughts that roll around in your conscious and subconscious.

โ€œThe Hunter of Dreams strides along beside us to open up the doors of perception, perhaps revealing answers to problems, unveiling mystical truths, or enabling important realizations.โ€

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ‘: ANCESTOR OF KNOWING

โ€œMy clear vision offers you an illuminating perspective in all directions.โ€

You have deep inner wisdom that has been shrouded by fear, illusion, and false beliefs. During this eclipse season, that veil can be lifted and released.

What is it that you are afraid to look at? What truth is there that you are denying?

The Ancestor of Knowing is here to give you a different perspective. Look at yourself, the people or situations in your life through eyes of love and compassion, and you will be better able to โ€œseeโ€ the truth of it allโ€ฆ what things will support you and help you grow, and what no longer serve you.

Do not feel bad knowing this truth. You can still love & accept someone or something, while letting them go with compassion and grace. It is time to know your own TRUTHโ€ฆ that which is in your heart and soul, and follow it.

Let us know if your message resonated with you. If it did not right now, your message may reveal itself later - through the image, a song, a feeling.

If you would like a more detailed personal reading, check out our 3-card email readings here: https://www.oursightyourlight.com/intuitive-guidance-tarot-oracle-card-readings

This weekโ€™s deck is the Shamanโ€™s Oracle by John Matthews (affiliate link).

#OracleMonday - March 14, 2022


The card you chose has an individual message for you, but there is a clear story/message through all 3 cards for the collective.

Once you have chosen which card is calling to you, you can read your MESSAGE below๐Ÿ‘‡

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ: COMMUNITY

โ€œSupport is all around you, even if you are not consciously aware of it.โ€

It has been difficult to feel โ€œcommunityโ€ in the most common sense of the word amidst all this social distancing. However, we have been in the most connected phase of civilization - sometimes to our detriment - with phones, zoom video calls, google meets, etc. Have you reached out to friends and family? Have you connected with neighbors and coworkers?

Have you asked for help?

This card is encouraging you to reach outโ€ฆ it is also letting you know that you can find community in nature, you can find support and guidance from your guides, angels and soul family.

Reach out to all forms of support and ask for assistance - they are all only a thought away.

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ: PLEASURE

โ€œSavor your lifeโ€ฆ each and every part of it.โ€


Make the effort to slow down today and find pleasure, even if it is just taking joy in the simple moments.

There is beauty all around youโ€ฆ if you choose to breathe it in.

You will find that on every path, no matter how hard and challenging, there is light, joy, and pleasure.

Seek it, and you will find itโ€ฆ OR CREATE IT!

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ‘: BLESSINGS

โ€œRefreshing, replenishing energy is filling your life.โ€

You are protected, you are safeโ€ฆ do you see the messages and signs all around you? With all that is going on, the flowers are still blooming and the birds are still singingโ€ฆ can you?

There are so many blessings coming into your life IF you are open to seeing themโ€ฆ IF your heart is open to receiving them.

You see, Spirit is sending you messages all the time, but if you stay in a lack mindset, you may miss them. Know that your path is divinely guided and allow the universal energy of love and gratitude to fill your heart, allowing all the blessings to flow.

Let us know if your message resonated with you. If it did not right now, your message may reveal itself later - through the image, a song, a feeling.

If you would like a more detailed personal reading, check out our 3-card email readings here: https://www.oursightyourlight.com/intuitive-guidance-tarot-oracle-card-readings

This weekโ€™s deck is the Sacred Destiny Oracle by Denise Linn (affiliate link).

#OracleMonday - March 07, 2022


The card you chose has an individual message for you, but there is a clear story/message through all 3 cards for the collective.

Once you have chosen which card is calling to you, you can read your MESSAGE below๐Ÿ‘‡

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ: Full moon in Aquarius

โ€œEvery Full Moon is a time to release and let go, but the addition of Aquarian energy to the mix triples that message. Aquarius is the opposite of clingy, and pulling this card suggests that you need to let go of someone or something.โ€

As we all know, letting go can be painful, but it clears the way for new things to come. Do not be afraid of change, and with Aquarius in this card, expect an unexpected change! It may not be exactly what you wanted, but it will be what you need. So donโ€™t let old paradigms hold you back.

Meditate on letting go or ask a practitioner to help guide you through! You can ask for the energy of the stars of the Aquarius sign to come and integrate into your quest of letting go of what no longer serves you. Imagine drawing this energy in and creating a shift in your perspective.

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ: Waxing Crescent Moon

Iโ€™m hearing, โ€œThis too shall pass.โ€

Whatever is going on in your life that is bogging you down, know that this dark time is not forever. Things happen for a reason in order for you to learn and grow. This card also reminds me of the Wheel of Fortune tarot card. The wheel is about to turn for you, and it will lead to a more positive time in your life. Know that the crescent moon is also the moonโ€™s first step towards fullness.

Tell yourself, โ€œI will not give up!โ€ Say this out loud looking in the mirror. Affirm to yourself that you are strong. You have a deep well of strength you are not even fully aware of, so dip your cup into this well and drink in the waters of bravery and fortitude. You got this.

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ‘: Disseminating Moon

โ€œThe disseminating Moon is the first Moon phase after the explosion of energy that comes with the Full Moon.โ€

Itโ€™s time to rest and integrate all knowledge gained from past experiences. Let this knowledge marinate into your system and settle into your brain so that you can fully appreciate and accept what life has been giving to you so far, be it good or bad.

Step back and look at your life from an outside perspective. Pat yourself on the back and tell yourself, good job. The old you has gotten you to where you are now, which is to the you that is present. This needs to be appreciated, or else you are losing out on acknowledging the greatness and the miracle that is you, and may find you are putting yourself down instead.

Give yourself a hug and tell yourself, thank you! : )

Let us know if your message resonated with you. If it did not right now, your message may reveal itself later - through the image, a song, a feeling.

If you would like a more detailed personal reading, check out our 3-card email readings here: https://www.oursightyourlight.com/intuitive-guidance-tarot-oracle-card-readings

This weekโ€™s deck is the Moonology Oracle by Yasmin Boland (affiliate link)

#OracleMonday - February 28, 2022


The card you chose has an individual message for you, but there is a clear story/message through all 3 cards for the collective.

Once you have chosen which card is calling to you, you can read your MESSAGE below๐Ÿ‘‡

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ: EPONA Wise Leadership

The Goddess of leadership and guidance walks with you today.

Not only are you capable of handling whatever comes your way, or whatever achievement youโ€™ve set your sights onโ€ฆ but you are also a role model for those around you.

One caution, being overzealous, pushy, or bossy is not in your best interest right now. You donโ€™t need to take on the WHOLE world all at onceโ€ฆ โ€œeven the best leaders know when to take a breakโ€ or chill out.

โ€œBeing true to who you are and placing integrity and humility equal to enthusiasm makes you a wise leader indeed, one that the goddess Epona is so proud of.โ€

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ: SOPHIA Divine Wisdom

Where are you allowing your attachments or โ€œwishfulโ€ thinking take the place of Divine messages?

Itโ€™s time to commit to a regular practice of connection to your Highest Selfโ€ฆ Be willing to hear the TRUTH and watch your destiny unfold.

โ€œHuman wisdom comes from personal experience, but divine wisdom is unknown to our life experience. When we asked for help, we are asking for guidance from a source greater than us - a greater unknowable mystery. When we receive it, it is often life-altering and affects us in ways beyond our comprehension. The gnostic goddess Sophia, who brought the material world into being, arrives to show you how fate and destiny operate in relationship to synchronicity. When you least expect it, opportunities in meetings spring up as if out of nowhere. Your life begins to work out, and you sense your alignment with a higher purpose and power. Trust you are divinely protected and directed. Practice the act of faith before results; this is an essential key in co-creating your world.โ€

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ‘: UZUME Humor

Even though you may have a spiritual mission or a deeper causeโ€ฆ

We are called to keep an open heart, a humorous heart, a heart open to receive the joy of laughter.

"When the Japanese goddess of laughter and mirth, Uzume, enters your day, be playful and cultivate good-natured humor. Laughter is the best medicine and exceptionally healing at this time. Keep your focus on fun and positivity, and see the humor if you can. Life is not meant to be all work and no play, all focus and no release! Humor fosters resilience and lightheartedness, alleviates emotional pain, giving a much-needed break from the burdens and speed of life.

Now is the time for you to be silly, laugh more, even take up laughing yoga! Yes, the world is serious, and your dreams and desires are too, but the joyful Goddess Uzume reminds you to enjoy your life and have fun!"

Let us know if your message resonated with you. If it did not right now, your message may reveal itself later - through the image, a song, a feeling.

If you would like a more detailed personal reading, check out our 3-card email readings here: https://www.oursightyourlight.com/intuitive-guidance-tarot-oracle-card-readings

This weekโ€™s deck is the Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid. (affiliate link).

#OracleMonday - February 21, 2022


The card you chose has an individual message for you, but there is a clear story/message through all 3 cards for the collective.

Once you have chosen which card is calling to you, you can read your MESSAGE below๐Ÿ‘‡

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ:JUSTICE

Ahh, the Justice card...

Whether you like it or not, agree or not, Justice will be done today. If you are on the receiving end of justice, then breathe that in. If you are not, then take this opportunity to see what you could do differently next time, or how you can make amends.

โ€œThe Justice card represents justice, fairness, truth, and the law. You are being called to account for your actions and will be judged accordingly. If you have acted in alignment with your Higher Self and for the greater good of others, you have nothing to worry about. However, if you havenโ€™t, you will be called out and made to own up to your actions. If this has you shaking in your boots, know that the Justice card isnโ€™t as black and white as you may think. A level of compassion and understanding accompany Justice, and although you may have done something you regret, this card suggests that you will be treated fairly and without bias. Be ready to take responsibility for your actions and stand accountable for the ensuing consequences.โ€

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ: SIX OF CUPS

The six of cups often signify a moment when we are reflecting on the past, or perhaps on a time when life was easier. It's okay to go back in time and savor the moments, but don't attach to those thoughtsโ€ฆ Let those thoughts stay in the past and focus on the here and now, and on the new experiences, you can create going forward.

"The Six of Cups is a card that takes you back to the happy memories from your past, whether as a child, teenager or young adult. You may simply be revisiting those memories in your mind, or you may travel back to your childhood home or reconnect with your childhood friends. You could go to a high school reunion or reconnect with an old buddy. A teenage sweetheart or past lover may turn up again. These connections bring you a sense of joy and happiness as you reminisce over all the fun times you had together. Take this occasion to explore whether you still have a lot in common and if you wish to continue the relationship now."

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ‘: NINE OF WANDS

The nine of wands is a card of completion. Perhaps something difficult has come to an end, but here is the good news... You're still standing. Whatever the challenge, the battle, or the problem, just know that you have more inside of you than you think. Don't give up, no matter what the circumstances. The Universe is waiting to be the wind beneath your wings... just connect to Source and allow for yourself to be helped.

"This card may also come when you feel battered and bruised, having endured significant challenges and struggles along your path. Just when you think you are making progress, you suffer another setback. The Nine of Wands asks you to trust that this is merely a test of your 'grit' and resilience, and know that every time you overcome an obstacle, you are getting stronger. You have the inner resources necessary to overcome any difficulty you encounter, even though it may seem impossible at the time. See this Nine as an assurance that you will eventually prosper if you maintain your position. And, if you do not succeed at first, then try again.

Let us know if your message resonated with you. If it did not right now, your message may reveal itself later - through the image, a song, a feeling.

If you would like a more detailed personal reading, check out our 3-card email readings here: https://www.oursightyourlight.com/intuitive-guidance-tarot-oracle-card-readings

This weekโ€™s deck is the Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid. (affiliate link).

#OracleMonday - February 14, 2022


The card you chose has an individual message for you, but there is a clear story/message through all 3 cards for the collective.

Once you have chosen which card is calling to you, you can read your MESSAGE below๐Ÿ‘‡

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ: Detox Friendship

โ€œThe people in your life can influence your energy, your outlook, and your manifestation abilities.โ€

Did you know that your abundance flow is being affected by the people with whom you are spending time? Who came to mind when you read this? These are the people who are influencing and impacting your life.

This message is a sign for you to take an inventory of who you are allowing in your energetic and physical space. This also goes for your online relationships and social media connections.

You might not even have actual conflict with the person in question. Still, if you are experiencing โ€œinner turmoil,โ€ aka fighting with yourself, or having bad feelings or thoughts about someone, then perhaps itโ€™s time to take a break, get some support, or just put some distance between yourself and others.

When you release an unhealthy relationship, you make room in your heart and schedule to welcome new healthy relationships. Choose to be with people who are inspiring, generous, and supportive.

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ: Do the Work

This card is a loving reminder that it is not enough to just ask for, wish for, visualize, or even set intentions to receive what your heart is desiring. Whether you are wanting to receive money, a physical accomplishment, or even moving forward on your spiritual journey...you must do the work!

Doing the day to day tasks, the ones that may not always be so glamorous, are what will help you reach your desired goals, so... Get Chopping!

"Consistently working on your priorities will make them flourish like a lush flower garden. Today, take one action step in the direction of your inner guidance. Then take another action tomorrow, and another the next day, and you'll soon manifest support in ways that exceed your dreams."

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ‘: Visualize Abundance in all Forms

Have you ever heard of a vision board?

The purpose of a vision board is to help you co-create, with the power of the universe, all you'd like to experience in your life. Visualizing something in your mind's eye and then supporting it with an actual picture or an image of what you'd like to create can help bring that which was once a thought into your reality.

So, whatever it is that you're wanting more of or hoping to create in your life, get very clear on what it is that you want or would like to receive, assuming that it is for your highest and best good. Then spend time visualizing each day and support those visualizations with a board that will help bring those thought-forms into reality.

"Hold a steady vision of that which is beautiful, healthful, positive, and filled with blessings...and that is what you will experience."

Let us know if your message resonated with you. If it did not right now, your message may reveal itself later - through the image, a song, a feeling.

If you would like a more detailed personal reading, check out our 3-card email readings here: https://www.oursightyourlight.com/intuitive-guidance-tarot-oracle-card-readings

This weekโ€™s deck is the Angels of Abundance Oracle by Doreen Virtue & Grant Virtue (affiliate link).

#OracleMonday - February 07, 2022


The card you chose has an individual message for you, but there is a clear story/message through all 3 cards for the collective.

Once you have chosen which card is calling to you, you can read your MESSAGE below๐Ÿ‘‡

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ: FREE FROM JUDGMENT, FREE TO LOVE

โ€œImagine a world so infused with bliss, love, and wonder that you naturally and always feel as safe as a nourished, cherished baby in the arms of the universal mother.โ€

You are a nurturing soul, though it may be time for you to be willing to accept nurturing. โ€œStop, relax, center, and settle into your body to feel your connection with life itself.โ€

Be conscious of releasing judgment of others,  for as you do, you release judgment of yourselfโ€ฆ and vice versa. With no judgment, there is only loveโ€ฆ and LOVE is always the answer.

โ€œLife mothers us, with kindness, and sometimes when we need it to grow, through challenges as well.โ€ This may be one of those challenging times, so accept the lesson, accept the love.

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ: SEEING THE TRUE YOU

Would you even recognize her? Have you ever even seen her?

Many of us spend too long believing what others say about us or becoming what others need us to be. Along the way, we can lose ourselvesโ€ฆ or worse yet, realize we never even knew who we were in the first place.

There is no more time for that now. It is time to honor all that you are and all that you are becoming.

โ€œYou are to begin the art of direct perception. This is the ability to recognize yourself not only in the eyes of others, but from how you feel about yourself, how you experience yourself, and how you observe yourself (with compassion and kindness) from within.โ€

It is time for radical self-love and acceptanceโ€ฆ BEGIN NOW!

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ‘: IN THE WORLD, NOT OF THE WORLD

It is time to be more exposed, let go of control.

There are ideas you have outgrown โ€œabout productivity, time, control, and moneyโ€ฆ abundance, trust, and living with the fundamental belief that everything is going to turn out okay.โ€

You see, you are of this world, but there is so much more of you, that you have forgotten, that is not of this world. Release your focus on doing doing doingโ€ฆ earning earning earningโ€ฆ for you are forgetting to LIVE. Balance is the key!

โ€œWhen you live as you innately are, rather than how you have been conditioned to be, you will experience greater joy, freedom, and support.โ€

Let us know if your message resonated with you. If it did not right now, your message may reveal itself later - through the image, a song, a feeling.

If you would like a more detailed personal reading, check out our 3-card email readings here: https://www.oursightyourlight.com/intuitive-guidance-tarot-oracle-card-readings

*This weekโ€™s deck is the Sacred Rebels Oracle by Alana Fairchild (affiliate link).

#OracleMonday - January 31, 2022


The card you chose has an individual message for you, but there is a clear story/message through all 3 cards for the collective.

Once you have chosen which card is calling to you, you can read your MESSAGE below๐Ÿ‘‡

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ: COHERENCE

Whether we are functioning as an individual, a community, or a group, the new energy is asking us to find balance between our thinking and our feelings.

We can no longer rely solely on our analytical mind, nor can we just have our feelings guide the way.

Every part of us has to come together in a harmonious, coherent state of being. Only then can we navigate these new energies to become multidimensional human beings that are in control of their reality.

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ: SOUL TIME

โ€œClose your eyes and contemplate for a moment your infinity as a soul. What is your soulโ€™s curriculum? What circumstances and experiences have you created for yourself so you can evolve toward your highest expression? Are you including the messages that come to you through dreams and your intuition? Keep a dream journal, so you donโ€™t miss a thing!โ€

It may be a good time to explore your past lives and see if you still carry trauma into this lifetime due to your previous lives. You may want to get an Akashic record reading or a clearing done by one of our soulful practitioners.

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ‘: HEALING

It is time to work on making you whole. This requires balancing our many aspects. โ€œOur physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional bodies have to work together, and this requires clear communication and awareness of all the information that our sensory system is providing us.โ€

It is time to evaluate your lifestyle and check-in with yourself. Are you happy with where you are? How is your health doing? Have you been making investments in your spiritual health?

This is why joining a community like โ€œOur Sight Your Lightโ€ is so valuable. They provide support and guidance to help heal and balance all aspects of oneโ€™s self in order to feel whole. Take time to really work on yourself and your needs.

Let us know if your message resonated with you. If it did not right now, your message may reveal itself later - through the image, a song, a feeling.

If you would like a more detailed personal reading, check out our 3-card email readings here: https://www.oursightyourlight.com/intuitive-guidance-tarot-oracle-card-readings

*This weekโ€™s deck is the Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle by LON (affiliate link).

#OracleMonday - January 24, 2022


The card you chose has an individual message for you, but there is a clear story/message through all 3 cards for the collective.

Once you have chosen which card is calling to you, you can read your MESSAGE below๐Ÿ‘‡

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ: CRYSTALS - Focus

Quartz crystals, and in this card, amethyst, has been used for years in magic and healing - โ€œthey help focus the power of our life force, or Spirit. Where attention goes, power flows - and crystals magnify this power tenfold.โ€

Intention influences where our attention goesโ€ฆ so what are your intentions? Take time today to become crystal clear on what you want to co-create in this life. Be still, take a walk in Nature, bring along a crystal (if you have one) and see what clarity you receive.

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ: DRAGONFLY - Emergence

โ€œYou are in an intense process of emergence into the next cycle of your life.โ€

At times, transformation can be a gradual processโ€ฆ other times you are thrust into change, whether you wish it or not. This may be one of those times, but the dragonfly and nature goddess bith ask that you embrace the change, โ€œsurrender to the flow and allow yourself to move gracefully into the next cycle of your life.โ€

Change is inevitable, and with all change, whether it is perceived as positive or negative, comes struggle. But through that struggle as you release the weight of the old, comes the gift of the newโ€ฆ the beauty of the unveiled, the limitless possibilities.

Embrace the new, the beauty, and the possibilities!

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ‘: MEADOW - Vulnerability

Look at the stunning beauty in the openness of this meadow.

Can you be this open? Can you be this vulnerable?

You are being asked to be more open to your heart, to be vulnerable, and let your light shine.

Being vulnerable can be scaryโ€ฆ but it can also be so beautiful. Showing your true self - all sides of her - is liberating, freeing, and will open you to the blossoming of your soul.

For when you are closed, the sunshine, the nourishment from the universe, cannot reach your inner light, your inner passions, the seed of your soul. You must be open to allow it to grow, thrive and shine.

Let us know if your message resonated with you. If it did not right now, your message may reveal itself later - through the image, a song, a feeling.

If you would like a more detailed personal reading, check out our 3-card email readings here: https://www.oursightyourlight.com/intuitive-guidance-tarot-oracle-card-readings

*This weekโ€™s deck is the Earth Magic Oracle by Steven D. Farmer (affiliate link).

#OracleMonday - January 17, 2022


The card you chose has an individual message for you, but there is a clear story/message through all 3 cards for the collective.

Once you have chosen which card is calling to you, you can read your MESSAGE below๐Ÿ‘‡

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ: CREATING COOPERATION

โ€œMore gets accomplished when everyone has a role to playโ€

Why do you think you have to do it allโ€ฆ?

It's okay to ask for help. It's also okay to lean on others to help you accomplish what you came here to do. In fact, together, you can accomplish so much more. Another person's strengths and accomplishments DO NOT diminish yours.

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ: DISSOLVING JUDGMENTS

โ€œI don't have to like the actions of others in order to love my journeyโ€

When we remove judgment, which includes resentments, we become free to move forward with joy in our hearts, no matter what others choose.

I donโ€™t have to like what they choose,  but it also doesn't have to bother me...

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ‘: GROUNDING MY ENERGY

โ€œIt is safe to be in my bodyโ€

Sometimes we feel lost, scattered, and sideways.

This is our body telling us to get grounded.

Today is a perfect day to hug a tree, walk barefoot in the grass, roll around in the dirt...get close to nature and feel your balance resume.

Let us know if your message resonated with you. If it did not right now, your message may reveal itself later - through the image, a song, a feeling.

If you would like a more detailed personal reading, check out our 3-card email readings here: https://www.oursightyourlight.com/intuitive-guidance-tarot-oracle-card-readings

*This weekโ€™s deck is the Healing Mantra Deck by Matt Kahn (affiliate link).

#OracleMonday - January 10, 2022


The card you chose has an individual message for you, but there is a clear story/message through all 3 cards for the collective.

Once you have chosen which card is calling to you, you can read your MESSAGE below๐Ÿ‘‡

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ: WATER GUARDIAN - Connect with Your Emotions

How are you feeling? I mean how are you REALLY feeling?

Now is not the time to be stuffing your emotions down, being strong for everyone else. Yes, it is OK for you to be there for others, but it is critical that you are also there for yourself.

โ€œItโ€™s okay to feel the emotions that are surfacing in you at this time. It does not matter if they are joyous or sad (or anger or anxiety or fear), they are all powerful messengers that allow you to understand what you want and need. Taking time to breathe and acknowledge them lets them flow through you rather than crashing down on you as an overwhelming wave.โ€

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ: HERMIT - Retreat and Recharge

You have been doing so much work holding things together for others. Before that, many of us lived a regular existence of doing, doing, doingโ€ฆ pushing, pushing, pushingโ€ฆ climbing, climbing, climbing.

The Hermit is telling you to STOPโ€ฆ it is time for you to retreat and recharge. It is a time for self-care, a time to go within and listen to your heart.

Everything is different now, everything has changed. Rest, recharge and reevaluate what it is that you wantโ€ฆ how you want to live, what you want to do, who you want to be.

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ‘: SNAKE - Shed Old Skin

Are you feeling all itchy and restless? That is because you are changing and you no longer fit in your old skin.

You may feel like that old skin is protecting you, comfortable โ€ฆ but the new within you is ready! It is time to โ€œreveal your true colors, talents, and gifts to the world.โ€

Your light can be dimmed no longer. Let go of all the old stories, all the old doubts, the old limiting beliefs. Let go of all that is no longer serving you - yes, you know the things we are talking about.

โ€œThis is a time for renewal, abundance and connection. Let yourself be reborn and celebrated.โ€

Let us know if your message resonated with you. If it did not right now, your message may reveal itself later - through the image, a song, a feeling.

If you would like a more detailed personal reading, check out our 3-card email readings here: https://www.oursightyourlight.com/intuitive-guidance-tarot-oracle-card-readings

*This weekโ€™s deck is the Angels and Ancestors Oracle by Kyle Gray (affiliate link).

#OracleMonday - January 03, 2022


The card you chose has an individual message for you, but there is a clear story/message through all 3 cards for the collective.

Once you have chosen which card is calling to you, you can read your MESSAGE below๐Ÿ‘‡

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ: THE FAERY GODMOTHER

Sairie is this fairies name. She turns up to help change the mood and offer a little bit of her fairy dust.

Good things may well be happening that we donโ€™t think we deserve or have asked for.

Keep an eye out for โ€œunexpected good fortune, especially when you thought you had bad luck coming your way.โ€ Also, remember to say thank you by passing a kindness on to another, spreading your own kind of fairy dust onto the world.

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ: IRIS OF THE RAINBOWS

The energy is building off of each other this week. Each card holds a theme relevant to the next. This is about wellness and recognizing the rainbow that has come after the storm.

Iris tells us that โ€œthe light is breaking through our present darkness today and hope is a powerful factor in speeding up the process. Not that it wonโ€™t ever storm again, but there is brightness and beauty here. A passage through a storm is a time of potential growth.โ€

Ask yourself what you may still need to release today. Continue on your journey, knowing all happens for a reason and never lose hope.

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ‘: NELYS THE ALCHEMIST

โ€œIn Faery - and sometimes our world - alchemy is the study and practice of transforming the soul from the lead of primitive conditioned reactions to the gold of spiritual and practical attainment.โ€

Nelys is mistress of the alchemical arts. When Nelys turns up, be ready for things to happen, inwardly and outwardly. The stuck becomes unstuck; the blocked begins to move. Expect the unexpected.

Some things may not have been in your plans, but it was just what you needed. โ€œFaeries hide what you want and reveal what you need.โ€

Let us know if your message resonated with you. If it did not right now, your message may reveal itself later - through the image, a song, a feeling.

If you would like a more detailed personal reading, check out our 3-card email readings here: https://www.oursightyourlight.com/intuitive-guidance-tarot-oracle-card-readings

*This weekโ€™s deck is the Faeries Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica Macbeth (affiliate link).

#OracleMonday - December 27, 2021


The card you chose has an individual message for you, but there is a clear story/message through all 3 cards for the collective.

Once you have chosen which card is calling to you, you can read your MESSAGE below๐Ÿ‘‡

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ: ๐“๐‘๐€๐•๐„๐‹

Are you moving, traveling, changing jobs, or have a vacation planned? If you do, this card indicates it will be a positive experience. It may also be the nudge you need to break out of your daily rut and travel!

However, for some, this is a call for inner change. A call to pack up all the old baggage - the hurt, the false and limiting beliefs, and kick them to the curb. It is time to MOVE ON. You must make a change and shift somewhere in your life to signal the universe and set the intention for positive change.

โ€œThis is the perfect time to make the energetic intention to move into a more joyous and optimistic mind-set. Let yourself travel through each day with happiness. Even if you cannot get out of town, you can always take a vacation from negativity.โ€

AFFIRMATION: โ€œWonderful adventures await. I open my life to joyous new experiences every day.โ€

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ: ๐…๐‘๐ˆ๐„๐๐ƒ๐’ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐‚๐Ž๐‹๐‹๐„๐€๐†๐”๐„๐’

The holidays will be filled with joyous feelings of togetherness. Enjoy the camaraderie, and look for potential opportunities to expand your social circle or maybe get more intimate or closer to someone you never thought to before.

โ€œWhether itโ€™s in your personal or work life, let yourself forge genuine new connections and fortify old ones.โ€

Enjoy your time with others. You may have forgotten what this feels like, so even if you feel like isolating yourself, take this as an opportunity to open your heart and your mind. You may learn something new about someoneโ€ฆ or about yourself.

AFFIRMATION: โ€œThe Universe is filled with caring people. I open my life to their wonderful support.โ€

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ‘: ๐…๐„๐€๐‘

What are you worried about? โ€œThis card indicates that a fearful attitude has overtaken you lately, and you canโ€™t seem to break away from the anxiety-filled view of things.โ€ The woman in the image need only turn around to see the beauty and calm in the other direction, yet she chooses to stand on the dark cliff in dismay.

Many of you do have problematic issues in your life, but you have allowed worry and fear to consume you, taking away your power to do anything about them. You have the power to turn things around and the โ€œinner strength to choose a more optimistic and self-directed approach.โ€

There are also some of you - and you know who you are - who suffer from self-imposed worry. It has become such a habit that you do not even know what to do with yourself if you were not toiling over something. This is just a negative pattern that you DO have the power to break. Like the woman in the image, JUST TURN AROUND! โ€œChoose the energy of trust instead of fear, and know that you have the power to handle anything that may come your way. Your self-trust honors your soulโ€™s strength.โ€

AFFIRMATION: โ€œI release worry and choose trust. My peaceful choices expand the peace and power in my life.โ€

Let us know if your message resonated with you. If it did not right now, your message may reveal itself later - through the image, a song, a feeling.

If you would like a more detailed personal reading, check out our 3-card email readings here: https://www.oursightyourlight.com/intuitive-guidance-tarot-oracle-card-readings

This week we are using The Quantum Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor. (affiliate link)

#OracleMonday - December 20, 2021


The card you chose has an individual message for you, but there is a clear story/message through all 3 cards for the collective.

Once you have chosen which card is calling to you, you can read your MESSAGE below๐Ÿ‘‡

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ: ๐‘๐ˆ๐’๐„ ๐€๐๐Ž๐•๐„

I see only beauty and grace.
โ€Just as the lotus rises up out of the mud into the light, so you are rising up to even greater heights. Sometimes this occurs naturally, and sometimes it is an act of will. This is the time to rise above any situation that is not empowering.โ€

That may mean leaving people, situations and limiting beliefs behindโ€ฆ but that may be necessary to allow your light to shine. Again, you are lovingly being reminded to LET GO of things that are no longer for your highest good. The longer you hold on, the longer you muck around in the mud instead of dancing in the sunlight. Your moveโ€ฆ What are you afraid of?

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ: ๐€๐–๐€๐Š๐„๐๐ˆ๐๐† ๐€๐๐‚๐ˆ๐„๐๐“ ๐–๐ˆ๐’๐ƒ๐Ž๐Œ

Deep inner knowing is emerging within me.
โ€Pay attention to the coincidences, signs, and synchronicities around you. Profound enlightenment is growing within you, even if you are not aware of it.โ€

Your proverbial chalice of knowledge is overflowing. Ancient wisdom is always within you; you need only tap into it and remember. This card is asking you to go within, be silent and listen. As this practice becomes more natural, you will begin to notice the messages swirling around you at all times. You will start to feel, believe and trust the subtle nudges. You will begin to understand the once undecipherable signs as giant neon billboards with messages as clear as day. TRUST, BELIEVE, SEE.

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ‘: ๐„๐—๐๐„๐‚๐“๐ˆ๐๐† ๐Œ๐ˆ๐‘๐€๐‚๐‹๐„๐’

Miracles are blossoming in my life.
โ€Majestic wonders are unfolding for you. What is expected tends to be realizedโ€ฆ so expect miracles in your life.โ€

It is important that you expect miracles, but not have expectations of the specifics and details of the miracles. Miracles can be small and unassumingโ€ฆ a smile, a whisper, a small change in a circumstance you never expected.

When you can be grateful for all the little miracles, you open the space for even more... AND MORE ARE ON THEIR WAY! Release fear and control. Focus on planting the seeds, nourishing them and opening yourself to the wonder and surprise of their growth. With a little love and ample freedom and space, they will grow to heights you never expected and in more wondrous colors than you could ever have imagined.

Let us know if your message resonated with you. If it did not right now, your message may reveal itself later - through the image, a song, a feeling.

If you would like a more detailed personal reading, check out our 3-card email readings here: https://www.oursightyourlight.com/intuitive-guidance-tarot-oracle-card-readings

This week we are using the Gateway Oracle by Denise Linn. (affiliate link)

#OracleMonday - December 13, 2021


The card you chose has an individual message for you, but there is a clear story/message through all 3 cards for the collective.

Once you have chosen which card is calling to you, you can read your MESSAGE below๐Ÿ‘‡

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ: ๐๐”๐ˆ๐‹๐ƒ๐ˆ๐๐† ๐๐‹๐Ž๐‚๐Š๐’
๐˜š๐˜ต๐˜ณ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ๐˜จ ๐˜ง๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ๐˜ข๐˜ต๐˜ช๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ๐˜ด; ๐˜ข ๐˜ฃ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ถ๐˜ต๐˜ช๐˜ง๐˜ถ๐˜ญ ๐˜ธ๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ๐˜ฌ ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ ๐˜ฑ๐˜ณ๐˜ฐ๐˜จ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ๐˜ด๐˜ด

You have been building your foundation for a long time, AND although it may not feel like it, you DO have everything you need. Now is the time to build upon this foundation, and the first thing I noticed in the image was the COLORED building blocks - purple, blue and green. These represent the life you are co-creatingโ€ฆ manifestingโ€ฆ desiring. You see, she is focused internally, and the blocks are being created from within her.

BLUE is your truth - know your truth, speak your truth, live your truth
GREEN is your heart - identify your heartโ€™s desire - in love, in friendship, in career, in family, in life
PURPLE is your soul - feed your soul and in knowing your truth and your heart, create the life that supports your soulโ€™s purpose

What is your soulโ€™s purpose? Be still and listen to your truth and your heartโ€ฆ you will hear it, and you will know.

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ: ๐๐„๐€๐‚๐„
๐˜๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฅ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฎ ๐˜ง๐˜ณ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฎ ๐˜ข๐˜ต๐˜ต๐˜ข๐˜ค๐˜ฉ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ๐˜ต; ๐˜ณ๐˜ข๐˜ฅ๐˜ช๐˜ค๐˜ข๐˜ญ ๐˜ข๐˜ค๐˜ค๐˜ฆ๐˜ฑ๐˜ต๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ค๐˜ฆ

Take a breath and sit with that for just one moment. You are in a beautiful green field (or wherever you love), there is a slight breeze, the sun is shining, and the fluffy clouds are billowing overhead. In the silence, you hear a beautiful dove flying above you, quietly landing beside you with an olive branch in its mouthโ€ฆ but it is not an olive branch, what is it?

What is it that you need to let go of for peace in your life? What person, emotion, idea, false belief, past injustice, or ridiculous expectations do you keep hanging onto - holding you in lack and victimhood?

Imagine what peace feels like. Now hold onto that and let go of everything else. Peace can be yoursโ€ฆ PEACE IS YOURS.

โ€œYouโ€™re called by a Presence to step into your power. Just BEing is enoughโ€ฆโ€ Sit in the stillness with yourself and ALLOW. By releasing (yourself and others) from expectation and attachment, you can allow the energy of the universe to flow through you and for you.

๐‚๐€๐‘๐ƒ #๐Ÿ‘: ๐๐Ž ๐๐‹๐€๐‚๐„ ๐‹๐ˆ๐Š๐„ ๐‡๐Ž๐Œ๐„
๐˜ˆ๐˜ถ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ๐˜ต๐˜ช๐˜ค๐˜ช๐˜ต๐˜บ; ๐˜ค๐˜ฐ๐˜ฎ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ ๐˜ฉ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ต๐˜ฐ ๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ๐˜ณ๐˜ด๐˜ฆ๐˜ญ๐˜ง

What is it that Dorothy used to sayโ€ฆ thereโ€™s no place like home. BUT more importantly, what did Glinda say - โ€œYou donโ€™t need to be helped any longer. You've always had the power, my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself.โ€

When you accept your power, when you accept your truth, when you accept yourself just as you areโ€ฆ you are home. Home IS where your heart is, AND your heart is always within you. The discomfort you feel is from the walls you have placed around you to โ€œprotectโ€ the facade of comfort. When you can rise above, allowing the light in your heart to shine, you are comfortable wherever you are, and you can love yourself wherever you are.

You have the power to LOVE yourself, you have the power to HEAL yourself. You do not need to be helped any longerโ€ฆyou need only DECIDE and BELIEVE.

Let us know if your message resonated with you. If it did not right now, your message may reveal itself later - through the image, a song, a feeling.

If you would like a more detailed personal reading, check out our 3-card email readings here: https://www.oursightyourlight.com/intuitive-guidance-tarot-oracle-card-readings

This week we are using the Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid. (affiliate link)