
FLOW - Mystical Shaman Oracle

Daily Divination - Thursday, February 03, 2022


“The symbol of Flow represents the effortless and natural movement toward a certain destination. It signifies an ability to gracefully move around obstacles and reminds you of the sense of allowing.”

OH - that sense of ALLOWING!

This is sometimes the hardest part. We believe that in order to create we must act act act and push push push until what WE want happens. In reality, it is only important now that your intentions were clear. Now is the time to sit back and allow.

Your seeds have been planted… continue to nourish them, but rest assured that everything is in motion. Your motion should be effortless movement, flowing like a river, “knowing the fulfillment of destiny is assured.”

*This week’s deck is the Mystical Shaman Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid (affiliate link).

THE JOURNEY - Mystical Shaman Oracle

Daily Divination - Wednesday, February 02, 2022


“The Journey is an invitation to step outside the boundaries of your life as you know it.”

It is time for you to take a journey, but before you drop everything and venture out, the journey within is a crucial first step. There is no more time for you to lollygag in your safe port of habit and comfort. You have settled for ordinary and mediocre for too long.

The journey is not about rash decisions or even changes. It is about going within to discover your essence, your heart and your soul. The bravery is in the going with no map, no plan, no mile markers - you go only with your own innate guidance.

Learn to trust your gut, trust your intuition… it is time to begin your adventure.

*This week’s deck is the Mystical Shaman Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid (affiliate link).

THE RAINMAKER - Mystical Shaman Oracle

Daily Divination - Monday, January 31, 2022


“The Rainmaker is the master of manifestation, who can call on all the elements of nature to serve the greater good.”

As the rainmaker calls upon all the elements of nature, you are being called to “create something new from the elements that are already in your life.”

That means being present - you have already planted seeds of creation… whether you did it purposefully, or they have been germinating deep in your heart. They are there just waiting for nourishment… and spring is right around the corner.

So how will you make it rain? How will you foster and support the creation of your dreams?

You have everything you will ever need - right now - within you and all around you.

*This week’s deck is the Mystical Shaman Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid (affiliate link).

PACHAMAMA - Mystical Shaman Oracle

PACHAMAMA - Mystical Shaman Oracle, Colette Baron-Reid

Daily Divination - Friday, May 21st, 2021


“Pachamama represents the unconditional love that the Earth has for all her children, including the stones, the plants, the animals, and humans. She is the Goddess of Earth, also known as Gaia.”

That unconditional love the Earth and Gaia have for us, we must also have for us. “Now is the time to eat right, love right, and be joyous, regardless of the circumstances you may find yourself in.”

Look all around you and show gratitude for the beautiful Earth, your beautiful body and each beautiful breathe you take. The Universe and all its creations are magical… embrace the magic, dance in the joy of life and just BE.

*This week’s deck is the Mystical Shaman Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid (affiliate link).

THE HUMMINGBIRD - Mystical Shaman Oracle

THE HUMMINGBIRD - Mystical Shaman Oracle, Colette Baron-Reid

Daily Divination - Thursday, May 20th, 2021


“Hummingbird teaches us to be gentle to ourselves and protect our personal space.”

In the still ever-present energy, the Hummingbird reminds us to move forward, “head for the flowers, and learn to trust the calling you hear ever so softly.”

NEW BEGINNINGS, NEW ADVENTURES, NEW LIFE… it is time to say YES to it all. No more analyzing what went wrong, what if’s and why’s. Those are all in the past and you must now live in the present… trusting in your instincts and taking action.

Take time to enjoy the flowers of abundance all around you, but move forward bud by bud… like the hummingbird.

*This week’s deck is the Mystical Shaman Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid (affiliate link).

THE SORCERER - Mystical Shaman Oracle

THE SORCERER - Mystical Shaman Oracle, Colette Baron-Reid

Daily Divination - Wednesday, May 19th 2021


“The Sorcerer symbolizes the unconscious beliefs and ideas that foster separation, conflict, and scarcity.”

Though it can appear dark, and maybe scary, this is a call to really look at yourself and parts of your shadow side. Look at how your “beliefs around scarcity and self-centered fear manifest in your world.”

This is a challenge to change your thinking and on the perfect day - NEW BEGINNINGS! There is abundance all around you, but if you keep living in the feelings of scarcity, that is all you will see and that is all you will reap.

You are a powerful co-creator, but you must remember that thoughts and words carry vibrations into the world… vibrations that manifest. Turn around your thoughts, your words, and your feelings to support what you really want to manifest.

*This week’s deck is the Mystical Shaman Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid (affiliate link).

FLOW - Mystical Shaman Oracle

FLOW - Mystical Shaman Oracle, Colette Baron-Reid

Daily Divination - Tuesday, May 18th, 2021


“The symbol of Flow represents the effortless and natural movement toward a certain destination. It signifies an ability to gracefully move around obstacles and reminds you of the sense of allowing.”

OH - that sense of ALLOWING!

This is sometimes the hardest part. We believe that in order to create we must act act act and push push push until what WE want happens. In reality, it is only important now that your intentions were clear. Now is the time to sit back and allow.

Your seeds have been planted… continue to nourish them, but rest assured that everything is in motion. Your motion should be effortless movement, flowing like a river, “knowing the fulfillment of destiny is assured.”

*This week’s deck is the Mystical Shaman Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid (affiliate link).

THE RAINMAKER - Mystical Shaman Oracle

THE RAINMAKER - Mystical Shaman Oracle, Colette Baron-Reid

Daily Divination - Monday, May 17th, 2021


“The Rainmaker is the master of manifestation, who can call on all the elements of nature to serve the greater good.”

As the rainmaker calls upon all the elements of nature, you are being called to “create something new from the elements that are already in your life.”

That means being present - you have already planted seeds of creation… whether you did it purposefully, or they have been germinating deep in your heart. They are there just waiting for nourishment… and spring is right around the corner.

So how will you make it rain? How will you foster and support the creation of your dreams?

You have everything you will ever need - right now - within you and all around you.

*This week’s deck is the Mystical Shaman Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid (affiliate link).

THE JOURNEY - Mystical Shaman Oracle

THE JOURNEY - Mystical Shaman Oracle, Colette Baron-Reid

Daily Divination - Sunday, May 16th, 2021


“The Journey is an invitation to step outside the boundaries of your life as you know it.”

It is time for you to take a journey, but before you drop everything and venture out, the journey within is a crucial first step. There is no more time for you to lollygag in your safe port of habit and comfort. You have settled for ordinary and mediocre for too long.

The journey is not about rash decisions or even changes. It is about going within to discover your essence, your heart and your soul. The bravery is in the going with no map, no plan, no mile markers - you go only with your own innate guidance.

Learn to trust your gut, trust your intuition… it is time to begin your adventure.

*This week’s deck is the Mystical Shaman Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid (affiliate link).

THE GHOST DANCE - Mystical Shaman Oracle

THE GHOST DANCE - Mystical Shaman Oracle, Colette Baron-Reid

Daily Divination - Saturday, May 15th, 2021


“The Ghost Dance of the American Plains Indians united the spirits of the living with those of the ancestors to bring peace to the world.”

Take a moment today to be still, light a candle if you wish, and tune into the wisdom of our ancestors.

We are all connected - always have been and always will be. Those who go before us learn valuable lessons that hold great healing that can be bestowed upon us all. Tune into that healing for “you are done repeating their tragic stories. Step into the abundance that is offered to you, receive the gifts of those that have come before you, and write a new story for your life.”

WRITE A NEW STORY FOR YOUR LIFE, for you are the author, the narrator, the protagonist, the antagonist, and the hero.

*This week’s deck is the Mystical Shaman Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid (affiliate link).

Daily Divination - Friday, March 22, 2019

PACHAMAMA - Mystical Shaman Oracle, Colette Baron-Reid


“Pachamama represents the unconditional love that the Earth has for all her children, including the stones, the plants, the animals, and humans. She is the Goddess of Earth, also known as Gaia.”

That unconditional love the Earth and Gaia have for us, we must also have for us. “Now is the time to eat right, love right, and be joyous, regardless of the circumstances you may find yourself in.”

Look all around you and show gratitude for the beautiful Earth, your beautiful body and each beautiful breathe you take. The Universe and all its creations are magical… embrace the magic, dance in the joy of life and just BE.

*This week’s deck is the Mystical Shaman Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid (affiliate link).

Daily Divination - Thursday, March 21, 2019

THE HUMMINGBIRD - Mystical Shaman Oracle, Colette Baron-Reid


“Hummingbird teaches us to be gentle to ourselves and protect our personal space.”

In the still ever-present energy of the FULL MOON and Spring Equinox, the Hummingbird reminds us to move forward, “head for the flowers, and learn to trust the calling you hear ever so softly.”

NEW BEGINNINGS, NEW ADVENTURES, NEW LIFE… it is time to say YES to it all. No more analyzing what went wrong, what if’s and why’s. Those are all in the past and you must now live in the present… trusting in your instincts and taking action.

Take time to enjoy the flowers of abundance all around you, but move forward bud by bud… like the hummingbird.

*This week’s deck is the Mystical Shaman Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid (affiliate link).

Daily Divination - Wednesday, March 20, 2019

THE SORCERER - Mystical Shaman Oracle, Colette Baron-Reid


“The Sorcerer symbolizes the unconscious beliefs and ideas that foster separation, conflict, and scarcity.”

Though it can appear dark, and maybe scary, this is a call to really look at yourself and parts of your shadow side. Look at how your “beliefs around scarcity and self-centered fear manifest in your world.”

This is a challenge to change your thinking and on the perfect day - FULL MOON and SPRING EQUINOX - NEW BEGINNINGS! There is abundance all around you, but if you keep living in the feelings of scarcity, that is all you will see and that is all you will reap.

You are a powerful co-creator, but you must remember that thoughts and words carry vibrations into the world… vibrations that manifest. Turn around your thoughts, your words, and your feelings to support what you really want to manifest.

*This week’s deck is the Mystical Shaman Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid (affiliate link).

Daily Divination - Tuesday, March 19, 2019

FLOW - Mystical Shaman Oracle, Colette Baron-Reid


“The symbol of Flow represents the effortless and natural movement toward a certain destination. It signifies an ability to gracefully move around obstacles and reminds you of the sense of allowing.”

OH - that sense of ALLOWING!

This is sometimes the hardest part. We believe that in order to create we must act act act and push push push until what WE want happens. In reality, it is only important now that your intentions were clear. Now is the time to sit back and allow.

Your seeds have been planted… continue to nourish them, but rest assured that everything is in motion. Your motion should be effortless movement, flowing like a river, “knowing the fulfillment of destiny is assured.”

*This week’s deck is the Mystical Shaman Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid (affiliate link).

Daily Divination - Monday, March 18, 2019

THE RAINMAKER - Mystical Shaman Oracle, Colette Baron-Reid


“The Rainmaker is the master of manifestation, who can call on all the elements of nature to serve the greater good.”

As the rainmaker calls upon all the elements of nature, you are being called to “create something new from the elements that are already in your life.”

That means being present - you have already planted seeds of creation… whether you did it purposefully, or they have been germinating deep in your heart. They are there just waiting for nourishment… and spring is right around the corner.

So how will you make it rain? How will you foster and support the creation of your dreams?

You have everything you will ever need - right now - within you and all around you.

*This week’s deck is the Mystical Shaman Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid (affiliate link).

Daily Divination - Sunday, March 17, 2019

THE JOURNEY - Mystical Shaman Oracle, Colette Baron-Reid


“The Journey is an invitation to step outside the boundaries of your life as you know it.”

It is time for you to take a journey, but before you drop everything and venture out, the journey within is a crucial first step. There is no more time for you to lollygag in your safe port of habit and comfort. You have settled for ordinary and mediocre for too long.

The journey is not about rash decisions or even changes. It is about going within to discover your essence, your heart and your soul. The bravery is in the going with no map, no plan, no mile markers - you go only with your own innate guidance.

Learn to trust your gut, trust your intuition… it is time to begin your adventure.

*This week’s deck is the Mystical Shaman Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid (affiliate link).

Daily Divination - Saturday, March 16, 2019

THE GHOST DANCE - Mystical Shaman Oracle, Colette Baron-Reid


“The Ghost Dance of the American Plains Indians united the spirits of the living with those of the ancestors to bring peace to the world.”

What a fitting card today after the terror attacks in New Zealand yesterday. Take a moment today to be still, light a candle if you wish, and tune into the wisdom of our ancestors.

We are all connected - always have been and always will be. Those who go before us learn valuable lessons that hold great healing that can be bestowed upon us all. Tune into that healing for “you are done repeating their tragic stories. Step into the abundance that is offered to you, receive the gifts of those that have come before you, and write a new story for your life.”

WRITE A NEW STORY FOR YOUR LIFE, for you are the author, the narrator, the protagonist, the antagonist, and the hero.

*This week’s deck is the Mystical Shaman Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid (affiliate link).