exchanging gifts

Exchanging Gifts - Wisdom of the Oracle

Daily Divination - July 17, 2022


Now is a time to “engage in a dance of give and take, push and pull, doing and being. If you let fear guide your choices, you could deplete yourself or create an imbalance. It is not a time of just do, do do.”

Sometimes in order to be able to GIVE our best, we need to take time to just BE… and take time to RECEIVE. It is OK to receive nourishment by resting and taking time in nature. It is OK to ask for and receive help. However, “use your currency wisely and be mindful of the value others bring to your life.” Stop giving endlessly to those people and things that bring you no value.

We also must give the seeds we have planted, the ideas we have launched, and the plans we have implemented TIME to blossom, expand and perform. When we are forever chasing, pushing, and doing, we risk changing things before we even give them a chance to thrive.

*This week’s deck is the Wisdom of the Oracle Cards (affiliate link) by Collette Baron-Reid.

Exchanging Gifts - Wisdom of the Oracle

EXCHANGING GIFTS: Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

Daily Divination - Tuesday, March 3, 2020


Another repeat message from this summer that my guides say we need to hear again right now!

“You are entering into a productive and enriching time when all manner of opportunities are being offered to you. You have everything you need to seize them. Yet in order to honor them, you must put in time, exchange your experience and skills, and commit heart and soul to what you’re choosing to pursue.”

This is also another message to be sure to balance the doing with the allowing. Do not let fear guide your decisions.

We traditionally think committing fully to something means working our fingers to the bone and living only for this mission. BUT in actuality, full commitment heart and soul includes a large portion of faith. A big chunk of planting seeds of intention and allowing the Universe to deliver.

You have planted those seeds and you will see the “gifts” of your labor coming to fruition.

*This week’s deck is the Wisdom of the OracleCards (affiliate link).

Exchanging Gifts - Wisdom of the Oracle

EXCHANGING GIFTS: Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

Daily Divination - Sunday, October 6, 2019


Now is a time to “engage in a dance of give and take, push and pull, doing and being. If you let fear guide your choices, you could deplete yourself or create an imbalance. It is not a time of just do, do do.”

Sometimes in order to be able to GIVE our best, we need to take time to just BE… and take time to RECEIVE. It is OK to receive nourishment by resting and taking time in nature. It is OK to ask for and receive help. However, “use your currency wisely and be mindful of the value others bring to your life.” Stop giving endlessly to those people and things that bring you no value.

We also must give the seeds we have planted, the ideas we have launched, and the plans we have implemented TIME to blossom, expand and perform. When we are forever chasing, pushing, and doing, we risk changing things before we even give them a chance to thrive.

*This week’s deck is the Wisdom of the Oracle Cards (affiliate link) by Collette Baron-Reid.

Exhanging Gifts - Wisdom of the Oracle

EXCHANGING GIFTS: Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

Daily Divination - Saturday, July 27, 2019


“You are entering into a productive and enriching time when all manner of opportunities are being offered to you. You have everything you need to seize them. Yet in order to honor them, you must put in time, exchange your experience and skills , and commit heart and soul to what you’re choosing to pursue.”

Push/pull, give/take… and most importantly, this also means you must balance the doing with the allowing. Do not let fear guide your decisions.

We traditionally think committing fully to something means working our fingers to the bone and living only for this mission. BUT in actuality, full commitment heart and soul includes a large portion of faith. A big chunk of planting seeds of intention and allowing the Universe to deliver.

You have planted those seeds and you will see the “gifts” of your labor coming to fruition.

*This week’s deck is the Wisdom of the OracleCards (affiliate link).