Spirit Animal Oracle

Grasshopper Spirit - Take a leap of faith

GRASSHOPPER SPIRIT Friday, June 24, 2022

Take a leap of faith.

“Right now, you are poised to jump up into the next level of your life and move forward into something even better than you could have ever imagined. When Grasshopper Spirit appears, it is a fortuitous time to take a leap into the unknown, for Grasshopper Spirit represents the innovative spirit that says, “Why not?” and has faith in the powers of co-creation.”

What is that idea, relationship, or situation you have been wondering about? Trust your intuition, NOT YOUR FEAR, and move forward knowing you are supported. Abundance cannot flow without taking risks, taking the first step - luck is on your side now - there is “so much in store for you if you only take that leap.”

*This week’s deck is the Spirit Animal Oracle (affiliate link) by Colette Baron-Reid.

BROWN BEAR SPIRIT - Spirit Animal Oracle

Daily Divination - Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Take time out.

“There is a time to act and a time to focus your attention on patient strategizing. The arrival of Brown Bear Spirit signals that you are best served by foregoing hard work toward your goals at this moment and instead of taking the time out to meditate - or just take a nap so you can refresh yourself and begin planning what you want to co-create next.”

The possibilities are endless… and sleep allows for dreaming. You may want to pay attention to your dreams now as they may contain guidance and inspiration. Ponder the possibilities and contemplate if they are in alignment with your soul.

The winter does not have to be long… take advantage of this time to recharge.

This week’s deck is the Spirit Animal Oracle (affiliate link) by Colette Baron-Reid.

GRASSHOPPER SPIRIT - Spirit Animal Oracle

Daily Divination - Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Take a leap of faith.

“Right now, you are poised to jump up into the next level of your life and move forward into something even better than you could have ever imagined. When Grasshopper Spirit appears, it is a fortuitous time to take a leap into the unknown, for Grasshopper Spirit represents the innovative spirit that says, “Why not?” and has faith in the powers of co-creation.”

What is that idea, relationship, or situation you have been wondering about? Trust your intuition, NOT YOUR FEAR, and move forward knowing you are supported. Abundance cannot flow with out taking risk, taking the first step - luck is on your side now - there is “so much in store for you if you only take that leap.”

*This week’s deck is the Spirit Animal Oracle (affiliate link) by Colette Baron-Reid.

BROWN BEAR SPIRIT - Spirit Animal Oracle

Daily Divination - Monday, January 24, 2022

Take time out.

“There is a time act and a time to focus your attention on patient strategizing. The arrival of Brown Bear Spirit signals that you are best served by foregoing hard work toward your goals at this moment and instead taking the time out to meditate - or just take a nap so you can refresh yourself and begin planning what you want to co-create next.”

The possibilities are endless… and sleep allows for dreaming. You may want to pay attention to your dreams now as they may contain guidance and inspiration. Ponder the possibilities and contemplate if they are in alignment with your soul.

The winter does not have to be long… take advantage of this time to recharge.

This week’s deck is the Spirit Animal Oracle (affiliate link) by Colette Baron-Reid.

COW SPIRIT - Spirit Animal Oracle

Daily Divination - Sunday, January 23, 2022

The miracle are endless.

“You are at a beautiful point in your life today, for your needs are being met effortlessly and in so many ways. Fully embrace this truth by focusing on all you have right now, including the positive relationships that sustain you, the work you are proud to do to contribute to the world. Cow Spirit nudges you to pay attention because this is the perfect time to focus on the choices, actions, and behaviors that you know feed your soul and bring your heart contentment.”

*This week’s deck is the Spirit Animal Oracle (affiliate link) by Colette Baron-Reid.

Daily Divination - Friday, January 25, 2019

WHALE SPIRIT - Spirit Animal Oracle

Trust the great mystery.

WOW! Look at the power, yet gentle, quiet beauty. Feel it for a moment.

TRUST… that is a tall order, but one that is required today. “When Whale Spirit appears, it is a reminder that there is a Great Mystery that you must accept without intellectually trying to understand it.” OH BOY - ACCEPT without UNDERSTANDING!

“Some things cannot be known by the mind, only experienced through the heart, through intuition and through the peripheral senses that part the invisible veils… Now is the time to immerse yourself in the Great Mystery of Spirit and trust that within the Invisible, what you can’t see now are the seeds of your intentions being tended to by angels.”

Can you do that? Can you let go of control, stop trying to figure everything out, and TRUST? Today is the day to try…

*This week’s deck is the Spirit Animal Oracle (affiliate link) by Colette Baron-Reid.

Daily Divination - Thursday, January 24, 2019

WASP SPIRIT - Spirit Animal Oracle

Sometimes, life stings.

Garth Brooks says “sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers. Remember when you're talkin' to the man upstairs, that just because he doesn't answer doesn't mean he don't care. Some of god's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.”

And so is the Wasp Spirit… “we recognize that even though sometimes, life stings, there is a purpose for pain just as there is a purpose for wasps in the natural world. The sting of life may hurt and you may feel deeply disappointed or even resentful that Wasp Spirit has shown up, but you will soon come to see that Spirit has something wonderful in store for you.”

Have you ever been grateful for unanswered prayers? Know now that Spirit has a plan, and even though you may be stung, hurt, or detoured, there is a lesson of value and something better awaiting you.

*This week’s deck is the Spirit Animal Oracle (affiliate link) by Colette Baron-Reid.

Daily Divination - Wednesday, January 23, 2019

GRASSHOPPER SPIRIT - Spirit Animal Oracle

Take a leap of faith.

“Right now, you are poised to jump up into the next level of your life and move forward into something even better than you could have ever imagined. When Grasshopper Spirit appears, it is a fortuitous time to take a leap into the unknown, for Grasshopper Spirit represents the innovative spirit that says, “Why not?” and has faith in the powers of co-creation.”

What is that idea, relationship, or situation you have been wondering about? Trust your intuition, NOT YOUR FEAR, and move forward knowing you are supported. Abundance cannot flow with out taking risk, taking the first step - luck is on your side now - there is “so much in store for you if you only take that leap.”

*This week’s deck is the Spirit Animal Oracle (affiliate link) by Colette Baron-Reid.

Daily Divination - Monday, January 21, 2019

BROWN BEAR SPIRIT - Spirit Animal Oracle

Take time out.

“There is a time act and a time to focus your attention on patient strategizing. The arrival of Brown Bear Spirit signals that you are best served by foregoing hard work toward your goals at this moment and instead taking the time out to meditate - or just take a nap so you can refresh yourself and begin planning what you want to co-create next.”

The possibilities are endless… and sleep allows for dreaming. You may want to pay attention to your dreams now as they may contain guidance and inspiration. Ponder the possibilities and contemplate if they are in alignment with your soul.

The winter does not have to be long… take advantage of this time to recharge.

This week’s deck is the Spirit Animal Oracle (affiliate link) by Colette Baron-Reid.

COW SPIRIT - Spirit Animal Oracle

COW SPIRIT - Spirit Animal Oracle

Daily Divination - Sunday, January 20, 2019

The miracle are endless.

“You are at a beautiful point in your life today, for your needs are being met effortlessly and in so many ways. Fully embrace this truth by focusing on all you have right now, including the positive relationships that sustain you, the work you are proud to do to contribute to the world. Cow Spirit nudges you to pay attention because this is the perfect time to focus on the choices, actions, and behaviors that you know feed your soul and bring your heart contentment.”

What a perfect card as we go into the 🌕FULL MOON in ♌️Leo + Total LUNAR Eclipse tonight/tomorrow morning. Remember, 🌕Full Moons are about fruition and culmination. It’s bright light shines on all we do and are, are yet to be.

*This week’s deck is the Spirit Animal Oracle (affiliate link) by Colette Baron-Reid.