Sacred Rebels Oracle

Seeing the True You - Sacred Rebels Oracle

Daily Divination - Friday, January 07, 2022


Would you even recognize her? Have you ever even seen her?

Many of us spend too long believing what others say about us or becoming what others need us to be. Along the way, we can lose ourselves… or worse yet, realize we never even knew who we were in the first place.

There is no more time for that now. It is time to honor all that you are and all that you are becoming.

“You are to begin the art of direct perception. This is the ability to recognize yourself not only in the eyes of others, but from how you feel about yourself, how you experience yourself, and how you observe yourself (with compassion and kindness) from within.”

It is time for radical self-love and acceptance… BEGIN NOW!

*This week’s deck is the Sacred Rebels Oracle by Alana Fairchild (affiliate link).

Visions of Life Beyond Death - Sacred Rebels Oracle

Daily Divination - Thursday, January 06, 2022


“You are becoming blessed with the ability to truly see. To see what is real rather than what appears to be.”

During these unsettled times, you may have noticed that the things you once thought were important are no longer. Your perspective has shifted and will continue to.

The more you look within, the clearer you can see things around you. When all your focus is turned outward, you see a skewed view of the world. When you can look through the eyes of your heart, you can see beyond the false veils to see the truth.

*This week’s deck is the Sacred Rebels Oracle by Alana Fairchild (affiliate link).

In the World, Not of the World - Sacred Rebels Oracle

Daily Divination - Wednesday, January 05, 2022


It is time to be more exposed, let go of control.

There are ideas you have outgrown “about productivity, time, control, and money… abundance, trust, and living with the fundamental belief that everything is going to turn out okay.”

You see, you are of this world, but there is so much more of you, that you have forgotten, that is not of this world. Release your focus on doing doing doing… earning earning earning… for you are forgetting to LIVE. Balance is the key!

“When you live as you innately are, rather than how you have been conditioned to be, you will experience greater joy, freedom, and support.”

*This week’s deck is the Sacred Rebels Oracle by Alana Fairchild (affiliate link).

Free from Judgement, Free to Love - Sacred Rebels Oracle

Daily Divination - Tuesday, January 04, 2022


“Imagine a world so infused with bliss, love, and wonder that you naturally and always feel as safe as a nourished, cherished baby in the arms of the universal mother.”

You are a nurturing soul, though it may be time for you to be willing to accept nurturing. “Stop, relax, center, and settle into your body to feel your connection with life itself.”

Be conscious of releasing judgment of others, for as you do, you release judgment of yourself… and vice versa. With no judgment, there is only love… and LOVE is always the answer.

“Life mothers us, with kindness, and sometimes when we need it to grow, through challenges as well.” This may be one of those challenging times, so accept the lesson, accept the love.

*This week’s deck is the Sacred Rebels Oracle by Alana Fairchild (affiliate link).

Power of Attraction - Sacred Rebels Oracle

Daily Divination - Monday, January 03, 2022


What is it that you are attracting into your life?

It is so important that we understand how our words, our thoughts and our feelings can inadvertently create the things we do not want. When we keep watching the news, talking about how bad things are… we are creating more of that.

This is not to say that we can not and should not have and experience those feelings… it just means we need to process those feelings (not dwell in them) and work on getting our feeling back to the vibration we want to live in. Ask for help if you need it.

The more we can exist in the feelings of love, gratitude and compassion, the easier it is to create what it is we want to experience.

*This week’s deck is the Sacred Rebels Oracle by Alana Fairchild (affiliate link).

Focus on the Light - Sacred Rebels Oracle

Daily Divination - Sunday, January 02, 2022


We are starting the year 2022! This is a potent time for co-creation… a potent time to anchor in the light. Even amidst all the darkness, there is light flowing all around you - you need only focus your attention there to increase its strength and brightness.

Remember… where attention goes, energy flows. “It is best to stay focused on your pure heart and intentions. Just allow all else to happen of its own accord.”

Focus on the light… live in gratitude.
Focus on the light… live in love.
Focus on the light… live in compassion.
Focus on the light… live in peace.


*This week’s deck is the Sacred Rebels Oracle by Alana Fairchild (affiliate link).

Conscious Connections - Sacred Rebels Oracle

Daily Divination - Saturday, January 01, 2022


Today is the first day of the year! WOW. This is an important time for us all individually, and even more as a collective and for the Earth.

This card is asking you to make conscious connection today with yourself… your true self. In making conscious, loving connection with yourself, you can connect to the earth and the entire collective - sending much-needed love, light and healing to all.

Spend some quiet time today in nature if you can - even if it is just sitting under a tree in your backyard. Feel how we are all connected… feel how we are all whole… feel how we are all loved.

*This week’s deck is the Sacred Rebels Oracle by Alana Fairchild (affiliate link).

Seeing the True You - Sacred Rebels Oracle

SEEING THE TRUE YOU: Sacred Rebels Oracle by Alana Fairchild

Daily Divination - Friday, June 26, 2020


Would you even recognize her? Have you ever even seen her?

Many of us spend too long believing what others say about us or becoming what others need us to be. Along the way, we can lose ourselves… or worse yet, realize we never even knew who we were in the first place.

There is no more time for that now. It is time to honor all that you are and all that you are becoming.

“You are to begin the art of direct perception. This is the ability to recognize yourself not only in the eyes of others, but from how you feel about yourself, how you experience yourself, and how you observe yourself (with compassion and kindness) from within.”

It is time for radical self-love and acceptance… BEGIN NOW!

*This week’s deck is the Sacred Rebels Oracle by Alana Fairchild (affiliate link).

Visions of Life Beyond Death - Sacred Rebels Oracle

VISIONS OF LIFE BEYOND DEATH: Sacred Rebels Oracle by Alana Fairchild

Daily Divination - Thursday, June 25, 2020


“You are becoming blessed with the ability to truly see. To see what is real rather than what appears to be.”

During these unsettled times, you may have noticed that the things you once thought were important are no longer. Your perspective has shifted and will continue to.

The more you look within, the clearer you can see things around you. When all your focus is turned outward, you see a skewed view of the world. When you can look through the eyes of your heart, you can see beyond the false veils to see the truth.

*This week’s deck is the Sacred Rebels Oracle by Alana Fairchild (affiliate link).

In the World, Not of the World - Sacred Rebels Oracle

IN THE WORLD, NOT OF THE WORLD: Sacred Rebels Oracle by Alana Fairchild

Daily Divination - Wednesday, June 24, 2020


It is time to be more exposed, let go of control.

There are ideas you have outgrown “about productivity, time, control, and money… abundance, trust, and living with the fundamental belief that everything is going to turn out okay.”

You see, you are of this world, but there is so much more of you, that you have forgotten, that is not of this world. Release your focus on doing doing doing… earning earning earning… for you are forgetting to LIVE. Balance is the key!

“When you live as you innately are, rather than how you have been conditioned to be, you will experience greater joy, freedom, and support.”

*This week’s deck is the Sacred Rebels Oracle by Alana Fairchild (affiliate link).

Free from Judgement, Free to Love - Sacred Rebels Oracle

FREE FROM JUDGEMENT, FREE TO LOVE: Sacred Rebels Oracle by Alana Fairchild

Daily Divination - Tuesday, June 23, 2020


“Imagine a world so infused with bliss, love, and wonder that you naturally and always feel as safe as a nourished, cherished baby in the arms of the universal mother.”

You are a nurturing soul, though it may be time for you to be willing to accept nurturing. “Stop, relax, center, and settle into your body to feel your connection with life itself.”

Be conscious of releasing judgment of others, for as you do, you release judgment of yourself… and vice versa. With no judgment, there is only love… and LOVE is always the answer.

“Life mothers us, with kindness, and sometimes when we need it to grow, through challenges as well.” This may be one of those challenging times, so accept the lesson, accept the love.

*This week’s deck is the Sacred Rebels Oracle by Alana Fairchild (affiliate link).

Power of Attraction - Sacred Rebels Oracle

POWER OF ATTRACTION: Sacred Rebels Oracle by Alana Fairchild

Daily Divination - Monday, June 22, 2020


What is it that you are attracting into your life?

It is so important that we understand how our words, our thoughts and our feelings can inadvertently create the things we do not want. When we keep watching the news, talking about how bad things are… we are creating more of that.

This is not to say that we can not and should not have and experience those feelings… it just means we need to process those feelings (not dwell in them) and work on getting our feeling back to the vibration we want to live in. Ask for help if you need it.

The more we can exist in the feelings of love, gratitude and compassion, the easier it is to create what it is we want to experience.

*This week’s deck is the Sacred Rebels Oracle by Alana Fairchild (affiliate link).

Focus on the Light - Sacred Rebels Oracle

FOCUS ON THE LIGHT: Sacred Rebels Oracle by Alana Fairchild

Daily Divination - Sunday, June 21, 2020


What a beautiful image on this first full day of Summer (or Winter in the southern hemisphere) with the powerful energy of the New Moon Solar Eclipse still streaming through.

This is a potent time for co-creation… a potent time to anchor in the light. Even amidst all the darkness, there is light flowing all around you - you need only focus your attention there to increase its strength and brightness.

Remember… where attention goes, energy flows. “It is best to stay focused on your pure heart and intentions. Just allow all else to happen of its own accord.”

Focus on the light… live in gratitude.
Focus on the light… live in love.
Focus on the light… live in compassion.
Focus on the light… live in peace.


*This week’s deck is the Sacred Rebels Oracle by Alana Fairchild (affiliate link).

Conscious Connections - Sacred Rebels Oracle

CONSCIOUS CONNECTIONS: Sacred Rebels Oracle by Alana Fairchild

Daily Divination - Saturday, June 20, 2020


Today is the Summer Solstice (Northern Hemisphere) and the Winter Solstice (Southern Hemisphere)… we are also teaming with pre-New Moon Solar Eclipse energy as well.

This is an important time for us all individually, and even more as a collective and for the Earth.

This card is asking you to make conscious connection today with yourself… your true self. In making conscious, loving connection with your self, you can connect to the earth and the entire collective - sending much-needed love, light and healing to all.

Spend some quiet time today in nature - even if it is just sitting under a tree in your backyard. Feel how we are all connected… feel how we are all whole… feel how we are all loved.

*This week’s deck is the Sacred Rebels Oracle by Alana Fairchild (affiliate link).