Seven of Cups (reversed) - Radiant Rider Waite Tarot

Daily Divination - Monday, November 29, 2021

Seven of Cups (reversed)

Have you totally lost sight of what is truly important today?

Is your head spinning with the illusion that - “Everything has to be perfect.”

Are you trying so hard to create the illusion of perfection in your life, that you yourself have lost touch with reality?

The energy of this card asks you to get back in touch with what really matters... and if you don’t know how to do that, may I loving suggest you start with a gratitude list.

“I am grateful that I am alive, that I am healthy, that I have a roof over my head, that my children are healthy and well adjusted, that my family has food on the table, and a vehicle to move us from place to place…

Start with the basics and move onward from there.

All is well in your world.

*This week’s deck is the Radiant Rider Waite Tarot (affiliate link).