JUSTICE (reversed) - Radiant Rider Waite Tarot

Daily Divination - Sunday, November 28, 2021

JUSTICE (reversed)

What feels unfair today? What did not work out the way you expected it to?

If you feel victimized or that you have been treated unfairly today, then may I suggest that you STOP, DROP, and REFLECT. “Go inward and ask, why do I feel mistreated?” Or, ask yourself, “In which ways did I perhaps treat another unfairly?”

I suggest that finding ways to forgive anyone involved in any uncomfortable situations be your first course of action? Starting with self-forgiveness is always the best first step, and then, evaluate the circumstances with the fairness you feel you did not receive.

Do your best to let it go, move on, and accept that not everyone will behave as you would like, respond as you would like, and most certainly, not care about the same things in the same ways you do.

ALL is well in your world.

*This week’s deck is the Radiant Rider Waite Tarot (affiliate link).