The Wild Hunt - The Faery Forest Oracle

Daily Divination - Tuesday, September 28, 2021

The Wild Hunt
Excitement , Frenzy, Journey

This card is all about preparation - for excitement, for celebration, for adventure.

It’s not surprising that this faery appeared just days before Thanksgiving (USA), and days before the full moon. We are now in the Gibbous moon phase, which means “bulging” - lots of things are coming to a head this week...not just the holiday, but also everything we've been working towards in our personal and spiritual life.

So hang on…

“Dress up, show up, and prepare to be amazed! Take a deep breath, find your voice, and begin to cry out at the top of your lungs. You are alive my friend, and will feel so more than ever before when the wild hunt touches your life!”

*This week’s deck is the The Faery Forest Oracle (affiliate link).