
Words are Energy

Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate, and to humble.
— Yehuda Berg

Words are Energy - both words spoken and those unspoken. You could say that - when there are words you wish you had spoken but didn’t or words you wish you’d said differently, or when you have spoken but felt unheard or unacknowledged, you find yourself spiraling - with the "words" going over and over on repeat in your head.

If you don’t make peace with these words, you won't find a way of releasing this energy and it becomes stuck in the body’s energetic system. And whilst over time you may think that you’ve dealt with the situation by putting it to the back of your mind, your energy body knows differently; the energy remains present as stagnated (lower vibrational) energy which over time begins to affect other areas of your life. This can manifest in many different ways, including physical disconnection and/or illness in your physical body, mental or emotional issues, or in the way you communicate and your relationships with others - as well as your relationship with yourself.


The good news is that with the right tools and guidance, it’s never too late to give full expression to the words inside of you that you’re holding onto. And in doing so, release the low vibration energy which is preventing you from stepping into a freer, happier, higher frequency version of yourself.

It’s not necessary to speak the words out to the physical person you wanted to say them to.

Whether that person is still in your life and close to you, somewhere far, far away, or has passed away long ago, it doesn’t matter.

Calling on the person’s energy, whilst being held in a healing, high-frequency energetic space, and finally giving those words an expression, can produce immensely powerful healing results.

  • If you want to do this process by yourself, be sure to start by cleansing the physical space around you, for example by smudging with sage or other herbs, using an appropriate essential oil in a burner or as a spray, or if you’re a Reiki practitioner, putting the appropriate Reiki symbols into the space.

  • Set the space, then call in assistance from the Angelic Realms / your Spirit Team to support in the process, being sure to state that you wish to receive assistance only from those of the Highest of Good and with pure intent of Luminous Love. Ask that this process is carried out for healing purposes only, with harm to none and that any energy that is not of the purest intent be transmuted back to the purest form of loving, creative energy.

  • Next, with eyes closed, start by taking a few deep, relaxing breaths. Then when you feel ready, call upon the energy of the person you wish to express your unspoken words to. Once you have a picture of that person in your third eye, start speaking out loud. And if you struggle to find words, simply start by saying exactly this. Whatever is in your mind as you see this person in front of you, even if it only comes out as the tiniest whisper or seems irrelevant to the situation, say it. By doing this the energy can start to shift. If in this process you feel a need to shout, scream, cry or anything else, give it space and allow it to come out.

Release yourself from any guilt about the words you let out. If you feel anger, pain or other strong emotions rising up in relation to this person, give yourself full permission to give this an expression. Keep going until you feel like there’s nothing left inside of you.

When you feel done, thank the person’s energy and release them to their Highest Self.

  • Once this is complete, return inwards to be present with your breath and with yourself in this moment here and now. Thank yourself. Then thank those whose assistance you called upon to support you in this process. Take a little time to sit in the stillness, to be present with how you feel. Pay particular attention to your breath and the sensations in your body.

  • Once you feel ready, slowly bring yourself back to your physical surroundings. Drink some water and be sure to take time to ground before you continue about your day. You may like to spend a little time journaling about your experience and any insights that may have arisen through doing this exercise.


If you have unspoken words needing to be released - even if you don’t know what those words are exactly - and you would like to receive powerful energy healing assistance to help take you to the next level of healing, then Francesca would love to support you with a Voice Healing session.

AUTHOR:  Francesca Littmann is an OSYL Voice Alchemist. She is a natural-born singer that has turned her gift into her most precious and revered healing tool! Early on, she began to see the parallels between the use of breath & visualization in singing and their use for balancing energy & accessing different realms of consciousness. With a new state of awareness, she was intrigued to discover how highly focused vocal sound could almost instantaneously impact mood & overall sense of well-being. She became particularly fascinated to discover that with focused intent, the breath, sound, visualization, and voicing out loud unspoken words can be used to relieve physical pain & release long-held emotions & traumas from the physical body & energetic field. Francesca offers a very special kind of healing that helps you reconnect at a deep level to your TRUE VOICE, which in turns allows you to feel more vibrant and in alignment with yourself and others.

If you are interested in working with Francesca, you can learn more about her HERE.