
Answering Life's Biggest Questions...

Will we ever know the answers to life’s biggest questions?

In my latest connection to my Soul’s Voice, I saw a woman standing on a beach with the vast ocean in front of her. 

I watched her as she contemplated life.

She questions her existence and wonders what the real purpose of life is. 

  • Why are we here? 

  • Why do we experience what we experience? 

  • Why do we want what we want?

  • Why do we learn the lessons we learn? 

  • Why do we have such a hard time being still, in the moment, and okay with what is?

  • Why do we always want more?

Are these not the deepest questions that we all have?

I see now that this woman recognizes that she has fewer answers than when she started with her line of inquiry.

And then suddenly, it occurs to her that maybe she's not meant to know the answers. 

Perhaps just wondering and contemplating about it is enough. 

Perhaps having a sense of wonder and being okay with not knowing is actually a gift. 

Perhaps having a sense of wonder and being okay with not knowing is actually a gift. 

Yes, a gift. 

Because it’s in this awareness of not knowing and being okay with it that we find peace. 

If we can accept that we don't know, then we can let go of the expectation to “have to know”.

If we can let go of having to know, then perhaps we can truly go with the flow. 

We can set our intentions and pray for the best.

Can’t that be enough?

And If we can accept that as enough, then we can experience peace. 

After all, isn’t peace the REAL goal? 

If that is so, then, acceptance is the key. 

When I feel at peace, it feels good. 

And perhaps in feeling good, and accepting life on life’s terms, I can be quiet enough to recognize that the answers will come in time and that all is well.

Be patient and wait for the answers to come from your Soul’s Voice because if we listen closely enough, they always do.

All is well in our world…

May I have the courage to be in the fire of what it takes to be who I really am.
— Sonia Choquette

AUTHOR:  Laurie-Elle is an OSYL Higher Self Messenger, Intuitive Energy Healer, Intuitive Guide, Akashic Records Channel & Reiki Master. Her main purpose in this lifetime is to help you hear the whispers, the cues, and yes, even the roar of the Universe. She shares the information that will lead you to more JOY, more ABUNDANCE and to experience a greater sense of PEACE in your life.

Find out more about Laurie and her services HERE.