DOVE Serenity - Tuesday, January 26, 2021 - Power Animal Oracle Cards



Slow Down, pause, and breathe

So...are you feeling frantic? Are you in fear? Do you feel pressure to fight for something or find a solution to some “major” problem?

Your Angels, along with the beautiful Spirit of the Dove are here for you.
Everything is okay; all is well.

There is no solution in the midst of turmoil.
You will only find it in the midst of the energy of the receptivity of calm.

So center yourself. Breathe one time, then another, then another...until you start to feel your body chemistry and your brain chemistry shift.

Then, once you feel rooted, and grounded...
Be quiet and ask for an answer...listen quietly.
Your answer is in the peace.

Sending you love and light.

*This week’s deck is the Power Animal Oracle Cards (affiliate link).