EXPRESS YOUR INDIVIDUALITY - Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle

EXPRESS YOUR INDIVIDUALITY: Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle, Doreen Virtue

Daily Divination - Monday, March 22, 2021


Allow your true self to shine because you’re awesome!

Well there you go… do I really need to say more?

What are you afraid of… what are you gaining by trying to “fit in?”

The fairies want you to know that you are “delightful and perfect just as you are right now. Be yourself and stop trying to gain others’ approval.”

When you are your authentic self, you will radiate a frequency of love and joy that will attract the right people, opportunities and situations into your life.

Stop trying so hard… just BE. Love and accept yourself for all that you are.

*This week’s deck is the Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle by Doreen Virtue (affiliate link).

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