Self Mastery, Daily Divination - Thursday, October 15, 2020

SELF-MASTERY - Chakra Reading Cards

Daily Divination - Thursday, October 15, 2020


Today is an important day - it’s one when we are called to recognize the personal power that emanates from within us; that touches the edge of the world. Everyone you come in contact with, and every event you experience will be the result of the vibration that stems from your solar plexus or from the energy you surround yourself with. How do you reflect your personal power out to the world? Are you fearless? Do you radiate the knowing that all is taken care of and you are safe in the hands of the universe? OR are you fearful, attracting more reasons to feel the fear?

Today Is THE day to manifest self-mastery. To take control of the messages you are sending outward...which in the end...always make their way back to you, in one form or the other.

Master your gifts
Master what you desire and let go of what you do not.

You are the master of your destiny….

*This week’s deck is the Chakra Reading Cards (affiliate link).