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Daily Divination - Saturday, December 1, 2018


All that glitters is gold… or is it?

Whether it is that expensive item on holiday sale or that new holiday crush, you are being asked to really look at it. Not everything is as it appears to be right now.

As you get swept up in the holiday magic, take time to consider what is really important. Is the item, person, or situation something you really NEED right now or will it only be a temporary shiny thing to give comfort in the New Year, and not really be what you expected or wanted?

Do not settle for shiny bobbles when you deserve the diamond buried deep in a sometimes rough, hard rock. Enjoy the simple things and cherish the memories of the season.

(SIDE NOTE: astrologically you are also cautioned from purchases until Dec. 7th when Mercury goes direct.)

*This week’s deck is the Wisdom of the OracleCards (affiliate link).