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NINE OF WANDS - Radiant Rider Waite Tarot

Daily Divination - Friday, December 03, 2021


This is a card that says, “I made it. It wasn’t easy, I may be bruised, bandaged, and need some time to recover, but I survived.”

The energy of the Nine of Wands could be experienced merely as a sensation of relief from the Holiday week coming to a close, or it could be the end of some troubled situation you’ve been dealing with, and you made it through okay.

Many times when I see the Death card followed by the Nine of Wands, it signifies, whatever ended...a situation, a relationship, a perspective or understanding, there was some lesson learned in the process. The Nine of Wands then signifies that, although what we went through may not have been easy, we are still standing.

If your ending was more troubling than just the end of the holiday party, this card tells you that the Divine is assuring you... everything is okay. You Got this.

All is well in your World.

*This week’s deck is the Radiant Rider Waite Tarot (affiliate link).