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Daily Divination - Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Moving out into the world, Doubt, Fear

After the revelation yesterday - you’re seeing the patterns, listening to the messages in your dreams and in your own thoughts/knowing - it is normal to have some apprehension. BUT you got through Monday, and regardless of how it went, now is not the time to doubt yourself.

“It’s time to get going. There is nothing to fear. Take the first step - just do it - and you will find that all will work out for you.”

They say the first step is always the hardest, so Spirit is here to tell you to just step. Some of you may need to leap, while others just need to take the smallest step, but some action in the direction of their path. There is no wrong move, only non-movement. Take a breath and repeat the following affirmation:

“I surrender my fear and replace it with love
I surrender my doubt and replace it with confidence
I see myself moving out into the world with ease
I give thanks for all I learn and experience
Each new day is full of possibility”


*This week’s deck is the Gaia Oracle by Toni Carmine Salerno (affiliate link).