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Deceit - Hidden Tactics, Manipulation

Hidden Tactics, Manipulation

This can be a scary looking card - who is this person, what are they hiding… WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR ME!?!? Before you get all freaky and paranoid that everyone in your life is lying to you… TAKE A BREATH.

Is this really you… lying to yourself about something, hiding something from yourself? His “bag of valuables may be holding things like self-esteem, happiness, and even leisure time. Whether it is about your life or yourself, remember that the Universe has a hard time sending you honoring experiences if your energy is shrouded in self-deceit.”

This year is about standing in your truth so now is the time to expose your truth - especially to yourself. Stop telling yourself false truths about yourself (negative self-talk), your situations and why you are where you are. Just BE and be TRUE to YOU.

*This week’s deck is the Energy Oracle Cards by Sandra Anne Taylor.

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