Our Sight Your Light

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JOAN OF ARC - Tuesday, December 15, 2020

The Warrior of the Light

"I have a steel-like faith in myself. The angels armor me with conviction."

Joan of Arc represents the power we have when we are in alignment with our calling.

You received this card today because you are being asked to get really clear with yourself…

About who you are and what you stand for.

Are you following your calling or are you just getting by?

Isn't it time that you get into the stream of life, and be clear about what is for your highest and best good?

Joan of Arc's legend is a testament to what is possible when we believe steadfastly in our own vision.

She is asking you today to move beyond your fear, to act on your truth, and to do it with confidence, knowing that you are surrounded by loving angels, every step of the way.

*This week’s deck is the Divine Feminine Oracle by Meggan Watterson (affiliate link).