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Bedroom Feng Shui Tips for Romance

You want your bedroom to be a sanctuary - a place of rest, relaxation and rejuvenation… and also a place for love and intimacy.

It does not matter whether you are married, coupled, or single, looking for a new relationship, spicing up a current one, or focusing on self-love, it is essential that your bedroom be conducive to those goals.

Feng Shui is all about the energy in your space, and boy, can the energy in your bedroom make or break your romantic intentions. You want the energy to be comfortable, nourishing, and sensual, as well as vibrant and harmonious, so your love life will flourish.

So whether it is Valentine’s Day, a special anniversary, or just a Wednesday and you want to spice things up, these Feng Shui tips for the bedroom will enhance your love life!

Feng Shui Tips for Romance in the Bedroom


The less stuff you have, the better the energy flow. Remove all items that don’t belong in the room meant for sleep, relaxation, and intimacy. Keep dirty laundry in a basket, preferably in a closet or away from the bed. Remove any items from or reminders of exes or past relationships. Do not bring work into the bedroom.

Make sure each person has equal space in the bed and closet. If you’re single, make room in your closet for another person by eliminating things you don’t wear anymore, and you can even empty out a drawer setting the intention for someone to come into your life.


It is said that having a solid headboard will bring a solid relationship, but before you go run out and buy a new bed, your bed placement in the room can also help facilitate more love. 

  • Be sure your bed headboard is not on the same wall as the door to the room.

  • Place your headboard against a solid wall, so you are supported, not under windows or at a diagonal.

  • Arrange your bed so that you can see the entrance but are not in direct alignment with the door (like you or your partner’s feet facing out the door).

  • You also don’t want one side of the bed against the wall. Equal space on either side is ideal for an equal, loving, romantic partnership


Keep TVs, computers, tablets, and cellphones out of the bedroom or at least on silent, unplugged, or out of sight.

All these devices take focus away from the primary purpose of the room - rest or intimacy.

They emit EMF’s (electromagnetic fields), which we all know can disturb sleep. They also carry YANG energy (not restful YIN energy), which creates additional noise, unnecessary clutter and can act as reflective surfaces or mirrors bouncing the energy around.

You can Netflix in the living room and move the chill to the bedroom!


Make sure there are matching nightstands or bedside tables and lamps on each side of the bed.

Use pairs for almost everything to create the energy of partnership and relationship.


Choose soft or silky linen/fabric for your sheets, pillowcases, and comforter. Make the bed a comfy. cozy, inviting spot.

Be careful to not fill it up with too many extra pillows or cushions (especially if you are looking to call in a new partner), as that does not leave room for your loved one.

Add the colors of love - red, pink, white - on pillows, candles, and curtains.

Some say to use red sparingly though, as it can bring in agitation/anger or too much fire and you will burn out quickly.


Hang pictures and artwork that evoke romance and love - always images of couples, never a single person, or hang pairs of artwork.

Hang a heart-shaped crystal in the window, and display photos that show you and your partner together.

Remove all photos of children, parents, and family (do you really want their energy watching!).

If you are single, create a vision board with images of couples and love. Display it where you see it every day! 


Your bedroom should always smell nice and clean (see dirty laundry note above). Cleansing with sage or palo santo on occasion can also be helpful to set the intention for the space.

Using scented candles (white, pink, red or green ones) or essential oils can also change the energy of the space in no time.

I recommend the essential oils or scents of orange, ylang ylang, and patchouli in a diffuser.


Place rose quartz, red agate, opal, or moonstone crystals on bedside tables or dressers to draw in the energy of love.


Our words carry energy…
and they leave energy behind.

When speaking in your bedroom, use only kind, loving words; never have an argument or criticize in the bedroom.

If it is unavoidable, once you have “cleared the air,” be sure to clear the air out and cleanse the room afterwards. Fill it back up with feelings of love and connection.

These tips will help to activate and change the energy in your bedroom, calling forth new love, improved and enhanced love, and self-love. 

Want personal FENG SHUI help with your home?
Check out Dottie’s Feng Shui Services HERE!

AUTHOR: Dottie Grant Cohen is a Feng Shui Sage and Intuitive Angel Messenger. In working with intentions and energy, Dottie strives to lift your energetic vibration using the practice of Feng Shui, setting intentions, intuitive angelic healing, Reiki, and creative soul-full coaching.

Find out more about Dottie and her services HERE.