Trust Your Vibes Oracle

Feed Your Spirit - Trust Your Vibes Oracle

Daily Divination - Friday, October 22, 2021


“Just as you must feed your body, you must also feed your spirit. It makes you stronger, energized, and more powerful. Most people are unaware of what feeds their spirit, but even if they know, they neglect to follow through.

Don’t be guilty of this. Feeding your spirit comes from choosing experiences that empower you and help you feel more authentic, spontaneous, and joyfully alive.

Your spirit’s food is personal; only you know what your spirit hungers for…for example...going to the beach, cooking, singing...think about your spirit’s diet. The more you feed it, the stronger it becomes. And when your spirit is strong, your vibes are loud and clear. Don’t be a psychic anorexic. Feed your spirit every day.”

*This week’s deck is the Trust Your Vibes Oracle Cards by Sonia Choquette (affiliate link).

Make a Note of It - Trust Your Vibes Oracle

Daily Divination - Thursday, October 21, 2021


“You may be interpreting vibrations from your guides regularly, but having the confidence to trust your vibes fully may still be a challenge. Don’t worry, trusting your vibes takes time. With a little extra effort, however, you can accelerate the process and not miss a single golden nugget of guidance from your Higher Self.

The way to strengthen your confidence and better receive guidance is to carry a small notebook throughout the day and write down every vibe you get, no matter how subtle, including hunches, inspirations, bright ideas, wonderings, vague notions, etc.

The more you write down your vibes, the more tuned in to them you’ll become. You’ll also have a mass of concrete evidence that they’re real, accurate, and trustworthy. This does wonders for your confidence and increases your psychic awareness at the same time. Try this for a week and see for yourself.”

*This week’s deck is the Trust Your Vibes Oracle Cards by Sonia Choquette (affiliate link).

Fake It Til You Make It - Trust Your Vibes Oracle

Daily Divination - Wednesday, October 20, 2021


Sometimes negative thoughts become automatic, and you make them your persona. “I’m so ugly; I’m not worthy; I’m unlovable.” There’s a trick of the brain to reverse this thought process, faking it till you make it!

Essentially, you tell yourself in the mirror positive things, even if you don’t believe it. It’s hard, I know, but eventually, your brain will automatically think good thoughts. It’s how your brain chemistry works!

And guess what? Your body listens. You’ll become brighter, and even glow more when you tell yourself lovable things. It’s like talking to your plants. Plants flourish more when you speak kindly to them. You are sending yourself a loving vibration that becomes you. You grow and thrive. So repeat after me, “I am beautiful; I am worthy; I am lovable!” This, in turn, raises your vibration! Do this every day!

*This week’s deck is the Trust Your Vibes Oracle Cards by Sonia Choquette (affiliate link).

Sound Check - Trust Your Vibes Oracle

Daily Divination - Tuesday, October 19, 2021


Another six-sensory tip!
“The more you pay attention to the energy around you, the quicker you activate your clairaudience (the ability to tune in to your Higher Self, Angels, and Guides).

Everything is your guide. Every. Single. Thing. Mind-blowing right?

Everything is teaching you something, and this can be a sensory overload! Especially when you take on the more negative things around you.

What you need to pay attention to the most are the things that bring you happiness and into alignment. Learn what the negative things are teaching you, then either transmute it into something good or cut it out of your life! Be mindful to the news you hear, the music you listen to, and the people you surround yourself with! Learn what you need to learn and move forward! Don’t dwell on what no longer serves you and aim to raise your vibration!

*This week’s deck is the Trust Your Vibes Oracle Cards by Sonia Choquette (affiliate link).

Sleep On It - Trust Your Vibes Oracle

Daily Divination - Monday, October 18, 2021


“When your emotions get stirred up and work overtime, they block access to your higher awareness.”

Sometimes it’s good to step away from a problem or even better, to sleep on it! Invite your psychic support system to come in and help you find a solution while you sleep.

“Your Guides Love to work on your behalf and will offer better solutions than you could ever dream of…”

So it’s Nap time!

*This week’s deck is the Trust Your Vibes Oracle Cards by Sonia Choquette (affiliate link).

Laugh - Trust Your Vibes Oracle

Daily Divination - Sunday, October 17, 2021


Don’t take life so seriously! My aunt once told me the story of how she was so depressed and asked for a sign. She then had an image of her higher self come to her as a child jumping up and down on the couch! This gave my aunt the notion to not take life so seriously and to lighten up!

“Laugh at your circumstances- no matter how upsetting or serious they may appear!”

According to Sonia, laughter opens your heart and connects you with a higher vibration. It can clear your aura and rebalance your chakras, clearing away anything that could intercept you from connecting to higher channels such as your Guides and angels. Laughter is also an excellent form of healing.

*This week’s deck is the Trust Your Vibes Oracle Cards by Sonia Choquette (affiliate link).

Instant Feedback - Trust Your Vibes Oracle

Daily Divination - Saturday, October 16, 2021


This week is all about learning about your six-sensory abilities!

“It’s time to expand your six-sensory tool kit and learn to use kinesiology, or muscle testing, as a means to get an instant vibe-check on matters at hand.”

That’s right! Sonia Choquette, a popular spiritual leader, mentions there is a method of asking your Guides a question utilizing a muscle test! Get a partner and start by asking a simple yes or no question. Lift one arm up and out to the side with the other down.

Focus on your question and ask your partner to put pressure down on your extended arm with two fingers. If the answer is yes, your arm will resist the pressure and remain strong and unmoved. If your answer is no, then your arm will simply lose energy and drop to your side. Try it out!

If you don’t feel like doing this, simply take in that this card is a sign to further expand on your sixth sense and opening your third eye and other senses. Your guides are waiting to speak to you!

If you regularly connect with your guides, they are telling you they have a message for you! Ask, “What is it that my Guides want me to know today?”

*This week’s deck is the Trust Your Vibes Oracle Cards by Sonia Choquette (affiliate link).

Feed Your Spirit - Trust Your Vibes Oracle

FEED YOUR SPIRIT: Trust Your Vibes Oracle by Sonia Choquette

Daily Divination - Friday, September 6, 2019


“Just as you must feed your body, you must also feed your spirit. It makes you stronger, energized, and more powerful. Most people are unaware of what feeds their spirit, but even if they know, they neglect to follow through. Don’t be guilty of this. Feeding your spirit comes from choosing experiences that empower you and help you feel more authentic, spontaneous, and joyfully alive. Your spirit’s food is personal; only you know what your spirit hungers for…for example...going to the beach, cooking, singing...think about your spirit’s diet. The more you feed it, the stronger it becomes. And when your spirit is strong, your vibes are loud and clear. Don’t be a psychic anorexic. Feed your spirit every day.”

*This week’s deck is the Trust Your Vibes Oracle Cards by Sonia Choquette (affiliate link).

Make a Note of It - Trust Your Vibes Oracle

MAKE A NOTE OF IT: Trust Your Vibes Oracle by Sonia Choquette

Daily Divination - Thursday, September 5, 2019


“You may be interpreting vibrations from your guides regularly, but having the confidence to trust your vibes fully may still be a challenge. Don’t worry, trusting your vibes takes time. With a little extra effort, however, you can accelerate the process and not miss a single golden nugget of guidance from your Higher Self. The way to strengthen your confidence and better receive guidance is to carry a small notebook throughout the day and write down every vibe you get, no matter how subtle, including hunches, inspirations, bright ideas, wonderings, vague notions, etc. The more you write down your vibes, the more tuned in to them you’ll become. You’ll also have a mass of concrete evidence that they’re real, accurate, and trustworthy. This does wonders for your confidence and increases your psychic awareness at the same time. Try this for a week and see for yourself.”

*This week’s deck is the Trust Your Vibes Oracle Cards by Sonia Choquette (affiliate link).

Fake It Til You Make It - Trust Your Vibes Oracle

FAKE IT TIL YOU MAKE IT: Trust Your Vibes Oracle by Sonia Choquette

Daily Divination - Wednesday, September 4, 2019


Sometimes negative thoughts become automatic, and you make them your persona. “I’m so ugly; I’m not worthy; I’m unlovable.” There’s a trick of the brain to reverse this thought process, faking it till you make it!

Essentially, you tell yourself in the mirror positive things, even if you don’t believe it. It’s hard, I know, but eventually, your brain will automatically think good thoughts. It’s how your brain chemistry works!

And guess what? Your body listens. You’ll become brighter, and even glow more when you tell yourself lovable things. It’s like talking to your plants. Plants flourish more when you speak kindly to them. You are sending yourself a loving vibration that becomes you. You grow and thrive. So repeat after me, “I am beautiful; I am worthy; I am lovable!” This, in turn, raises your vibration! Do this every day!

*This week’s deck is the Trust Your Vibes Oracle Cards by Sonia Choquette (affiliate link).

Sound Check - Trust Your Vibes Oracle

SOUND CHECK: Trust Your Vibes Oracle by Sonia Choquette

Daily Divination - Tuesday, September 3, 2019


Another six-sensory tip!
“The more you pay attention to the energy around you, the quicker you activate your clairaudience (the ability to tune in to your Higher Self, Angels, and Guides).

Everything is your guide. Every. Single. Thing. Mind-blowing right?

Everything is teaching you something, and this can be a sensory overload! Especially when you take on the more negative things around you.

What you need to pay attention to the most are the things that bring you happiness and into alignment. Learn what the negative things are teaching you, then either transmute it into something good or cut it out of your life! Be mindful to the news you hear, the music you listen to, and the people you surround yourself with! Learn what you need to learn and move forward! Don’t dwell on what no longer serves you and aim to raise your vibration!

*This week’s deck is the Trust Your Vibes Oracle Cards by Sonia Choquette (affiliate link).

Sleep On It - Trust Your Vibes Oracle

SLEEP ON IT: Trust Your Vibes Oracle by Sonia Choquette

Daily Divination - Monday, September 2, 2019


“When your emotions get stirred up and work overtime, they block access to your higher awareness.”

Sometimes it’s good to step away from a problem or even better, to sleep on it! Invite your psychic support system to come in and help you find a solution while you sleep.

“Your Guides Love to work on your behalf and will offer better solutions than you could ever dream of…”

So it’s Nap time!

*This week’s deck is the Trust Your Vibes Oracle Cards by Sonia Choquette (affiliate link).

Laugh - Trust Your Vibes Oracle

LAUGH: Trust Your Vibes Oracle by Sonia Choquette

Daily Divination - Sunday, September 1, 2019


Don’t take life so seriously! My aunt once told me the story of how she was so depressed and asked for a sign. She then had an image of her higher self come to her as a child jumping up and down on the couch! This gave my aunt the notion to not take life so seriously and to lighten up!

“Laugh at your circumstances- no matter how upsetting or serious they may appear!”

According to Sonia, laughter opens your heart and connects you with a higher vibration. It can clear your aura and rebalance your chakras, clearing away anything that could intercept you from connecting to higher channels such as your Guides and angels. Laughter is also an excellent form of healing.

*This week’s deck is the Trust Your Vibes Oracle Cards by Sonia Choquette (affiliate link).

Instant Feedback - Trust Your Vibes Oracle

INSTANT FEEDBACK: Trust Your Vibes Oracle by Sonia Choquette

Daily Divination - Saturday, August 31, 2019


This week is all about learning about your six-sensory abilities!

“It’s time to expand your six-sensory tool kit and learn to use kinesiology, or muscle testing, as a means to get an instant vibe-check on matters at hand.”

That’s right! Sonia Choquette, a popular spiritual leader, mentions there is a method of asking your Guides a question utilizing a muscle test! Get a partner and start by asking a simple yes or no question. Lift one arm up and out to the side with the other down. Focus on your question and ask your partner to put pressure down on your extended arm with two fingers. If the answer is yes, your arm will resist the pressure and remain strong and unmoved. If your answer is no, then your arm will simply lose energy and drop to your side. Try it out!

If you don’t feel like doing this, simply take in that this card is a sign to further expand on your sixth sense and opening your third eye and other senses. Your guides are waiting to speak to you!

If you regularly connect with your guides, they are telling you they have a message for you! Ask, “What is it that my Guides want me to know today?”

*This week’s deck is the Trust Your Vibes Oracle Cards by Sonia Choquette (affiliate link).