

Perception is Powerful - Shifting it is Divine

Perception is Powerful - Shifting it is Divine

Have you ever been in a dilemma or crisis, and just as you were thinking there was no way out or around the problem, something shifted for you? An idea popped into your head, and you suddenly came up with a solution, or at the very least, a possible new direction you could move in? The shift you experienced was most likely in your perception. Suddenly you were able to see something or someone in a new light or a new way…

Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love

A year ago, my son came home from a fair with a goldfish in a bag. My first response was "Oh, noooooo, you know you are not allowed to bring home carni-fish or stray animals.” But he did... and there began my relationship with Tony, our goldfish - a reminder of the importance of unconditional love, and how one can transform when given unconditional love.

Love, Trust, and Transformation

Love, Trust, and Transformation

When you first meet someone, they trigger everything magical within you. That’s how the early stages of love begin. Should you be brave enough to reveal the real you, then this new love… if it’s real love, will trigger the bullshit within you that needs to resolve and heal. This is the time when lovers run. I know, I’ve run.

Magic: Manifestation with Props

Magic: Manifestation with Props

Magic (magick) has been around at least as long as written history and possibly longer. There was always that one guy (or gal) who had the power of mysticism. Helping the pharaohs, birthing babies and healing the sick. Though a shadow has been cast on it in the past, women are now reclaiming their intuition, their power of knowingness. They are looking to get back in touch with their wild side, that moved with the phases of the moon and created, or sought out those who created their own magic. Are you ready to start creating yours?

Is the Clutter in Your Home Holding You Back in Life?

Is the Clutter in Your Home Holding You Back in Life?

Have you ever found yourself frantically tidying up your home before company arrives? If so, you’re not alone. If you walk into nearly any house, chances are that you’ll find an abundance of clutter. BUT did you know that this physical clutter blocks proper energy flow throughout our homes and creates a block within our lives?  

"Elderly" Mom? - A Lesson in Gratitude

"Elderly" Mom? - A Lesson in Gratitude

I’ll never forget reading the header on my pregnancy blood work report - “Elderly Multigravida.” Elderly? That’s ludicrous. I laugh now as I recall this, but remember thinking to myself, “If I’m so elderly, how did I get pregnant?” What I did not know at the time, was how many gifts being an "elderly" mom would bring me...