Our Sight Your Light

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Unconditional Love

How a simple, unexpected fish was a reminder of the importance & power of unconditional love.

A year ago, my son came home from a fair with a goldfish in a bag. My first response was "Oh, noooooo, you know you are not allowed to bring home carni-fish or stray animals.” But he did... and there began my relationship with Tony, our goldfish.

Tony, is more of a circus fish than a carni-fish. Every morning he swims around like "Flipper," dancing around his bowl until I feed him... right out of my hand.

Yes, this fish eats right out of my hand.

Everyone who enters my home, becomes mesmerized by Tony. No one has ever encountered a goldfish with personality, never mind the nature of a highly trained Orca from Sea World.

When he first came to us, he was battered and bruised; he looked like he had been in a street fight. He just sat at the bottom of his bowl looking like he was waiting for death.

Tony is a feeder goldfish, and let's be honest, waiting for death was his path in this life... until he came home with my son. I now understand, Tony was sent back with my son to remind me of the importance of unconditional love, and how one can transform when given unconditional love.

I have spent time with men who in the beginning "pretended" to love me unconditionally; until they felt my unconditional love for them.

Once they felt safe and loved unconditionally, they began to berate me and criticize me.

I have watched these men bloom and grow in incredible ways when receiving my unconditional love. At the same time, I've seen myself shrink and my light within... almost go out, when I was under the thumb of their passive aggressive love.

I have learned from these experiences, and have revisited them often enough to understand why. For that I’m grateful.

❤️I love that I snort when I laugh; he didn't.

❤️I love that by being myself, I inspire those around me to look at the world differently; he didn't.

I could go on, but my point is, never let someone love you less than you love yourself.

And friend, if you lack self-love, reach out to me - we will start working on that together.  

We got this.

😊 Heather

P.S. Cultivating self-love is what I do. Remember, we’re all in this together.

AUTHOR: Heather Tharpe is an OSYL Intuitive Life Guide and Energetic Healer. Through her Intuitive and Spiritual Alignment services as a Medium, Clarivoyant, Reiki practitioner and yogi, she offers you just what you need to know to move forward, heal, accept what is, and most importantly, to experience more joy.  

Find out more about Heather and her services HERE.