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The Universe is Calling - Are You Listening?

Everything I thought I knew about the world and my relationships changed.

How does the Universe talk to you?

One day, during a very somber time in my life, I came across a book that changed me forever. Once I read this book, everything I thought I knew about the world, and my relationships changed. In fact, the Universe knew I needed an adjustment, so to get my attention, it conveniently hit me over the head with the answers.

How you might ask did the Universe get my attention? Well, the book, Indigo Adults, by Kabir Jaffe and Ritma Davidson (affiliate link), conveniently fell from a shelf and hit me on the head. I suppose I somehow jostled the book from the shelf at the bookstore, right? I mean, books don’t just fall off a shelf and hit you on the head when you need to read them...or do they??

I missed the first call to pay attention.

I first heard about Indigos from a high school friend. He suddenly re-entered my world, 25+ years since the last time I saw him. I knew something weird was happening, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. I now understand that he was a messenger and had information to pass on to me…

You see, one day he met my son and after spending time with him, he exclaimed, “He is an Indigo and I highly encourage you to investigate more about Indigos. You are going to need to understand him.”

That comment stuck in mind, but I didn’t do much about it at that time.

Don’t Press the Ignore Button on the Universe

The next time I heard the word Indigo, I also Ignored it. A psychic healer told me that, not only was my son an Indigo but that I was too! Wow...what confirmation.

Do you know what I did with that information? Nothing. I thought, neat, I’m Indigo, however, I did not research it or take it any further. 

When the Universe really wants to get your attention, you will be FORCED to listen.

Fast Forward several years later, and I was now in crisis mode. I didn’t know why my life was falling apart, and I prayed for answers and guidance.

The Universe heard me, and to help get my attention, I was conveniently hit over the head by a book. This was no ordinary book. This was the book that seemingly had all the answers I needed. Thank goodness I finally paid attention! That book saved my life! 

In fact, I can truly say that reading that book was a "pivotal moment" in my life. Not only did it shift my energy in a new direction, but it helped me come to terms with major life questions I was struggling with. I finally understood why I am the way I am; a searcher, a seeker, an empath, super sensitive, intuitive, feisty as all hell, never content, always striving, tendencies toward addiction (food and relationships have been my poison of choice) curious, and deep beyond explanation. I began to understand the meaning and causes of my seemingly -  “existential dissatisfaction”, which deeply impacted my relationships.

Not only did that book help to change my life, but it also helped save my relationships. Understanding who I was, helped me shift in a way that allowed for massive healing to take place for me and my loved ones. I would say the unfolding since reading that book has been nothing short of miraculous...and It all started with the Universe hitting me over the head!

Are you Listening?

Are you missing any subtle signs or flashing lights from the Universe? Are there repeating themes happening in your life that don’t seem to make sense??

I believe that if we stay open, the Universe WILL find a way to move us forward on our life’s journey. If we ask to be shown the answers, and we are willing to receive them...all sorts of miracles become available to us.


If you are ready to listen to the Universe and start changing your LIFE today… Check out Laurie’s FREE Blueprint to Success, and move CLOSER TO JOY today!

AUTHOR:  Laurie-Elle is an OSYL Higher Self Messenger, Intuitive Energy Healer, Intuitive Guide, Akashic Records Channel & Reiki Master. Her main purpose in this lifetime is to help you hear the whispers, the cues, and yes, even the roar of the Universe. She shares the information that will lead you to more JOY, more ABUNDANCE and to experience a greater sense of PEACE in your life.

Find out more about Laurie and her services HERE.