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Monthly Outlook - March 2018 Spiritsong Tarot Reading

The March 2018 Monthly Outlook is using the Spiritsong Tarot (affiliate link) by Paulina Cassidy.  They are so beautiful!

As you know, for the monthly spread I like to look at your GIFTS, your CHALLENGES and your FOCUS for the month.

Watch the video as I reveal the cards and meanings, then scroll below for a basic summary.




YOUR GIFT: 3 of Acorns Reversed

Your gift for March is that when faced with delays, impatient people or disappointment you will be able to take it in stride. You may be frustrated, wish it hadn’t happened, but you will be able to keep your cool so you can better find a solution.

Just breathe and let it be so.

YOUR CHALLENGE: 10 of Feathers Reversed

You will need to stop and take time to release what is not working for you (see gift) and refocus your efforts. Do not try just winging it. Take time for letting it go so you can move forward without the added weight.

YOUR FOCUS: 4 of Feathers Reversed

This is a big one.

Focus on the end result instead of worrying about what isn’t working (see challenge). That will only keep you up at night, and nobody has time for that. Rely on your gift because you have that this month if only you rely on it. There may be frustrations, and that is ok. 

This card is also about Awakening. You may be feeling a bit sluggish, crying for unexplained reasons, eating too much comfort food, feeling a bit down perhaps, but focus on that end result. It is a time of awakening; Of a spiritual leveling up. In order to move out of our comfort zone, or as a snake sheds its skin, there has to be some discomfort because we no longer fit into the old space. Instead of resisting, focus on the wonderful things that await you on the other side and make the leap.

In like a lion, out like a lamb. You’ve got this. 

HOW DOES THIS ALIGN WITH WHAT YOU ARE PLANNING FOR THE MONTH?  Does this resonate with you?  Let us know in the comments!

Join us here & on facebook for your Monthly Outlook and also for Weekly and sometimes DAILY card pulls.

AUTHOR:  Kim Galliher is an OSYL Spiritual Diva, Intuitive Medium, Energy Healer and Maker of Magic. Her purpose is to empower you, by helping you see the choices available to you and by creating strong magical tools that are available for you to manifest your intentions with passion.

Find out more about Kim and her services HERE.