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Learn about the Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra is the fifth chakra, and it is the first of the higher or spiritual chakras. The energetic center of the Throat Chakra lies in the region of the neck and shoulders, including the mouth and ears. Here, the throat is associated with ether and space - a place both empty and pregnant with possibility. According to traditional Yogic wisdom, the Universe was created by the sacred sound of “OM.” Naturally, what we create from this space directly impacts our path and creates our story. 

The Purpose: “The way of the Throat Chakra” is to remain in personal integrity and honor with yourself while seeking and sharing the truth.

The Gift: The Throat Chakra offers you the space you need to unapologetically step into who you are made to be. Using the power of your throat, you can speak your truth, and in turn, allow others to speak their truths. 

The Energy: This energetic center envisions a story and brings it to life. Creativity is a foundational point for the Throat as well. Together, these energies will help you seek out your Truth and gain knowledge beyond the constraints of time and space, cultural and ancestral lines. 

The Challenge: For this chakra, the challenge is self-doubt and fear. For when we doubt ourselves, we quiet our voice, and criticize, rather than share and celebrate the wonderful wisdom of divine connection to the Self and beyond. 

Balance & Imbalance in the Throat: Just like everything in life, one must seek to maintain balance in the body, mind, and spirit. The Challenge in this energetic center will be speaking from the Heart and not from an ungrounded position of fear. Gossiping, oversharing, and verbal aggression are all symptoms of an overactive Throat Chakra. Whereas, having no boundaries, holding things inwards, asthma, and lying are quite often symptoms of an unsupported, underactive Throat Chakra. When you are in balance, you find it exciting to share your perspectives; you can respond from a place of compassion, communicate with ease, while also listening to the stories of others, and practice holding space for them to speak their truth.

Are you ready to care for & nurture your Throat Chakra?

Like the other chakras, you can balance the throat chakra through meditation, crystals, food, essential oils, and affirmations. Here are some other suggestions to balance the throat chakra:​

  • ​Sing, sing, sing... did I say SING? Let the sound and energy move through your throat chakra. The best thing about it is that you do not have to be good. Sing in the car, sing in the shower...

  • Cleanse with WATER - drinking water is not only good for cleansing your body systems and restoring hydration, but it also cleanses the throat chakra to keep healthy energy flow.

  • Talk it out - be open and honest with friends and family

  • JOURNAL - if you are unable to talk some things out, it is an amazing thing to be able to WRITE... expressing yourself without editing or censoring yourself.

AUTHOR: Natasha Allain is an Igniter and Mirror of Truth, Modern Medium, Healer, Yogi & Intentional Artisan. Her main purpose is to truly see You. She is here to mirror your Gold and hold space for you to reclaim your Spirit! Together, you will journey inwards and foster a stronger communication line between your body, mind, and Spirit.