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Freedom - Moving Beyond Addictive Behaviors


Do you ever wonder... Why?

Why am I going through this again? I thought I already experienced this situation, feeling, emotion, argument, life lesson.

Why can’t I be FREE from whatever cycle I am caught up in??

I recently had a moment of clarity about one of my own life cycles that has been “on repeat” for as long as I can remember. Without labeling myself or attaching to a story, I will simply say...I’m someone who has struggled with their relationship to food...like FOREVER!

After years of self-introspection and learning how to love myself from the inside out, I now see clearly how I used food as comfort, as punishment, as a way to hide from everything, including my true Divine Essence for most of my life.

I now see clearly how food has been my “addiction” of choice. It’s been my crutch, my nemesis, my warm hug on a gloomy day. It’s been the means through which I celebrated, the means through which I mourned, the means through which I rebelled, and the means through which I “hated” myself.

I’ve battled with this imaginary “force” since I was little. I experienced a gamut of emotion related to my weight and eating behaviors, ranging from pride and joy, to fear and absolute shame.

I’ve bounced between being skinny to very overweight countless times in my adult life.

It’s exhausting...

I participated in every diet, every exercise plan and weight loss notion known to man.

I’ve run half marathons, mini triathlons, and there have also been spells of times when walking a mile physically hurt my body.

My poor body. ‘Oh, how I have mistreated it.’

So yes, I have cycled through this story for as long as I can remember...


Why wasn’t there a magic bullet, or program, or pill that would just finally, for once, cut me some slack!? Why couldn’t I garner my willpower and JUST DO IT this time?

What is WRONG WITH ME? Why can’t I get off this Merry-Go-Round??

Well, I now have the answer.


I haven’t fully surrendered my stories yet. I haven’t fully come to understand and accept the ‘Whys.’ I haven’t fully embraced the lesson or accepted my Divine Beauty, my Imperfect Perfection, my True Essence. I haven’t been ready to see WHO I AM WITHOUT MY STORY...

I haven’t fully embraced that I AM LOVE; that I AM...period

I haven’t fully allowed myself to believe that, no matter what my outer shell looks like, I AM: PERFECT, FLAWLESS, DIVINE, ETERNAL, NOTHING AND EVERYTHING...all at once.


But here is the good news, I am AWARE. I am moving in the right direction. I am willing to open to surrender, to see this differently, to change my perspective, to BE LOVE.

I am willing.

So, as my physical body changes, as I follow the life and eating plan I am committed to, as I learn to be strong and choose to love myself every day, I will do my best to be patient.

I know that when surrender befalls me, the cycle will stop. The LESSON will be learned, and I WILL BE FREE.


So for now, I’ll continue to walk, run, and somedays crawl toward Freedom.


As I journey along this path, I’m inspired and held by a quote from a book and author that I love,Warrior of the Light’ by Paulo Coelho*. (*affiliate link)

In this scene, the exhausted and frustrated Warrior of Light says to his omnipotent Divine heart...

‘I’ve been through all this before,’ he says to his heart.

‘Yes, you have been through all this before,’ replies his heart. ‘But you have never been beyond it.’

And so it is...

MY Divine Heart has spoken...

I have not been BEYOND this...YET...and in my surrender...I KNOW I finally WILL.


I WILL BE FREE... Freedom is Inevitable

AUTHOR:  Laurie-Elle is an OSYL Higher Self Messenger, Intuitive Energy Healer, Intuitive Guide, Akashic Records Channel & Reiki Master. Her main purpose in this lifetime is to help you hear the whispers, the cues, and yes, even the roar of the Universe. She shares the information that will lead you to more JOY, more ABUNDANCE and to experience a greater sense of PEACE in your life.

Find out more about Laurie and her services HERE.