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Clearing Crystals

Two common questions I am often asked are:

“How do I clear my crystals”

“what does clearing crystals actually mean”?

Clearing Crystals

Let’s start with what it means to clear a crystal.  Clearing a crystal is like giving a crystal piece an energetic bath, or in more everyday terminology, it’s like erasing the DVR to make room for new shows to be recorded.  

In general, crystals are made up of very organized, geometric structures. Those geometric structures are quite purposeful; they are what assign the specific roles crystals play (aka their “job”), and this geometric structure allows the crystals to “record” information - like a tape recorder.  For example: The job of a rose quartz crystal is to promote, heal, and increase the amount of love; all types of love, including self-love and confidence.

However, if you want a crystal to specifically support you for this purpose, then you have to “clear” any previous assignments the crystal had. Once you clear your piece, you can “ask” (program) the crystal to assist you in your work.  

The actual process of clearing crystals is pretty simple, but there are a lot of different ways to do it. Depending on preference, type of crystal, and situation, different techniques for clearing are warranted. A common, and admittedly my go-to, is using sage to clear a crystal.  This technique is also known as smudging. Clearing your crystals with sage is super easy. 

  • Light a sage stick, and quickly blow out the flame so that only a smoking ember is left.  

  • Next, move your crystal through the smoke. You can also wave the sage around your crystal – whatever works for you. 

The way this works is that the smoke is “carrying away” previous assignments, trauma, and negativity from the crystal. You will want to keep a window open so the smoke, and old energy, can escape outside. Burning sage has also been proven to clear and disinfect up to 94% of bacteria in the air around you! That sure can be helpful these days!

I’ve also experimented with other herbs for clearing crystals,  and I have found them to be just as effective!

Especially lavender, sweetgrass, mugwort, and rosemary. 

A bowl filled with fresh flower petals is also amazing for clearing crystals and I swear it gives them a little extra sparkle!

I also use Reiki to clear my crystals. This is particularly helpful when using crystals during healing or treatment sessions. When I am in person with a client, I use Reiki to clear the crystals because using sage would create too much smoke in the space for my client’s comfort. Reiki is super easy and quick for clearing, and if you are trained in Reiki II or above, you can use Reiki symbols to clear them a bit faster.

Crystals to Clear your Crystals!

There are also two types of crystals that are AWESOME at clearing other crystals. They are Amethyst and Selenite.  I have a large chunk of amethyst and a large slab of selenite that I keep my most used crystals on all the time!  Amethyst and selenite also “self-clean”, meaning they clean themselves.  However, from time to time, give them a sage bath as well.

Speaking of baths, crystals love earth elements like dirt and water.  Sometimes I return broken bits of crystals to the earth. Other times, I will dig a small hole and put in crystals that need some time in the earth. Oceans, rivers, and streams are also great for clearing your crystals, however, be mindful. There are certain crystals, such as selenite, that dissolve in water.

Some people also love to leave their crystals outside in the moonlight, especially full moonlight, to clear them. Again, whichever technique resonates most with you is always the perfect one. If your crystals feel good, then you’ll know your technique is working!

This about sums up what clearing is and how to go about it. Experiment. See what works and resonates with you, and have some fun with different techniques. You can’t do it wrong!  Have fun, “rock” stars!

AUTHOR:  Kristie is an OSYL Crystal Energy Healer, Licensed Massage Therapist, Reiki Master Teacher, and Health Coach. Her main purpose in this lifetime is to help you heal and balance your Dynamic Energy Flow (DEF). She will support you to feel more peaceful and aligned.

Find out more about Kristie Nathanson and her services HERE.