Our Sight Your Light

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Being a BRIDGE in uncertain times


I spent the last several months in isolation. I distanced myself from my spiritual community, from work related social media, and from most people in general. I went through a major transition, several of them actually, and I wasn’t really sure I wanted to talk about it.

Why? well, I wrote about it below…


I felt like a failure.

Why? For starters, the Our Sight Your Light collaborative community fell apart. I had such hopes and dreams for us! We were supposed to help change the world together, in a BIG WAY! Instead, I was like the dog chasing its tail… we all know how that ends; dizzy, dazed, confused and empty handed. My heart was broken. 5 years of hard work…down the drain.

As a result of my so-called “failure”, I also walked away from my entrepreneurial pursuits and went back full time to the corporate world. I have children in college who need my support, and It’s only fair that I use my professional skills and talents to be a co-provider for my family…I am grateful to have the job I have, but boy this wasn’t how I wanted it to be.


It wasn't just my business I closed down during the past year. I also shut down my “connection” to Spirit, or at least I avoided it as much as possible.

  • I stopped meditating.

  • I stopped listening to my inner guidance.

  • I stopped, for the most part, working with clients.

I was a little pissed off at God, Source, Creator…

I mean, why bother giving me the vision? The dream? The hope that I could live and work as a spiritual being, surrounded by other spiritual beings, and share spiritual guidance and healing to others if it was all going to fall apart? Stripped away? Flushed down the proverbial toilet?


And then, the day after the August 2022 Aquarius full moon. The clouds parted and I saw clearly for the first time in a long time.

I understood the contrast. I understood the reason for the polarities and "failures" I experienced.

I was clearly reminded that MOST people can’t hear their Soul’s Voice. They can’t see the light shining in the darkness. The national and local news fills our hearts with fear everyday. People are afraid and crying out for help in the most heartbreaking ways imaginable. I don’t need to recount the horrors of the world to you. We are inundated with unimaginable information at every turn…we are always plugged in…but to what source?… In my opinion, not likely the right Source.

Muck and Mire is the norm and most people will never be able to live in tandem with Spirit unless they learn how to listen to their Soul’s voice.

And that’s when I understood. I’ve seen, felt and experienced what it’s like to be surrounded by like minded, Spirit filled humans. I’ve experienced the joy and fulfillment of KNOWING that I am never alone and I've seen the cyclical nature of humanity. I understand that I am responsible for me, and my responses to life. I’ve seen glimpses of my lifetimes, and the opportunities I’ve had and WILL have to grow and evolve. I’ve felt the highest of Spiritual highs….

And I’ve also felt the sorrow, the sadness, and the utter despair of hopelessness in the dark.


Queue the light bulb moment music here…

I now understand that I can be the BRIDGE. I can work a very three dimensional job, and still hear my Soul’s Voice. I can meet the financial obligations I created for myself, AND do so with a loving and grateful heart. I can have a small percentage of what I thought I SHOULD HAVE by now in my life, and be beyond grateful for the very next breath I have, because truly, that is all any of us have.

I can get Closer to Joy right now. No matter what is happening around me. AND, I can also use what I’ve been given in this lifetime to show others how to build that BRIDGE for themselves.


In the coming months, I will be sharing my vision for how I can be that bridge to you and others. I will lay a foundation - free from illusion, BS, and gobbly gook. I will present a solid foundation to move forward. It will be practical and real, with practical Spiritual insight and tools to help you on your way.

I am grateful to those of you who are reading this. I hope it resonates and that you join me on the next leg of the journey.

I am planning a slow comeback. One moment, one breath, one vision at a time. I’ll keep you posted.

In the meantime, I have limited availability for Reflective Resonance Akashic Readings/Healings. Spirit has blessed me with the gift to sit wherever I am and connect with you wherever you are. Time and distance are meaningless when it comes to resonant energy. In these sessions, I simply listen, I write what I hear and see, and I deliver the message to you. That's it.

Your Higher Self, Guides, and Angels tell and show me what you can’t hear at the moment.


My personality and opinion are removed from this channeled reading, so you hear what is meant for you, and nothing more.

This is what I am good at. This is the spiritual gift I’ve been graced with and I will perform it to the best of my ability. I won't squander or ignore it, so if you need my help, I'm here.

Until the next newsletter, be well and thank you for reading.

Laurie Elle

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AUTHOR:  Laurie-Elle is an OSYL Higher Self Messenger, Intuitive Energy Healer, Intuitive Guide, Akashic Records Channel & Reiki Master. Her main purpose in this lifetime is to help you hear the whispers, the cues, and yes, even the roar of the Universe. She shares the information that will lead you to more JOY, more ABUNDANCE and to experience a greater sense of PEACE in your life.

Find out more about Laurie and her services HERE.